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James D . Fraser , Esq . of AVindsor , a Past Junior Grand AVarden , ably returned thanks . A number of volunteer toasts were drank during the evening , ancl enlivened with a variety of songs ; and the party broke up about halfpast one . AA ' e are informed that , before the Grand Lodge separated , after the processiona vote of thanks was passed to the Rev . Dr . Twining , Grand
, Chaplain , for his eloquent address ; and a committee , consisting of the Honourable J . L . Starr , R . F . Hare antl James Forman , Esquires , appointed to request a copy of it for publication , which desire the learned Doctor has since kindly complied with , and we have been permitted to write a copy of the same for our columns . —Halifax Morning Post .
United States.
NEW YORK . —As there is now some prospect , by means of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of reciprocating intelligence , we shall commence our pleasing labours hy referring back to the year 1829 , ancl enter into a summary recital of some circumstances that may be interesting . The death of the Most AVorshipful , the Honourable DeAVitt Clinton , Past Grancl Master for the State of New York , which happened in the preceding year , caused much grief ; his private virtues as a man , and
his talents as a Mason had endeared his memory to every Brother . The Grand Lodge expressed their feelings in a becoming manner ; and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lower Canada expressed their sympathy and condolence on the lamentable event . A committee was appointed to transmit a letter of condolence to the family of the deceased , which they addressed in the most respectful and affectionate terms to Mrs . Clinton .
The decease of Brother Martin Hoffman , also a Past Grand Master , occurred about the same time ; his memory received similar marks of attention . Funeral orations were delivered in honour of both these worthies .
June 5 , 1828 . —The M . W . Stephen Van Renssullaer was unanimously re-elected Grancl Master . Some regulations as to the travelling allowance to proxies were arranged . Communications from most of the Grand Lodges of the United States were filed . Sept- 3 . —The Grancl Lodge went into mourning for the late Rev . PI . J . Feltus , P . G . Chaplain .
Dec . 31 . —The Deputy Grand Master reported , that certain clandestine Masons were holding a Lodge in the city of New York . A committee appointed thereon . June 30 , 1830 . —A Financial report presented to Grand Lodge , recommending various alterations . A visitor appointed in each county to call on all Lodges—examine into their situation—receive returns—surrendering warrants , & c . Such visitor to receive no compensation beyond his actual expenses , nor in any case more than fifty per cent , of the sum collected . The MAV . Morgan Lewis , elected ( one dissentient ) Grand Master .
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James D . Fraser , Esq . of AVindsor , a Past Junior Grand AVarden , ably returned thanks . A number of volunteer toasts were drank during the evening , ancl enlivened with a variety of songs ; and the party broke up about halfpast one . AA ' e are informed that , before the Grand Lodge separated , after the processiona vote of thanks was passed to the Rev . Dr . Twining , Grand
, Chaplain , for his eloquent address ; and a committee , consisting of the Honourable J . L . Starr , R . F . Hare antl James Forman , Esquires , appointed to request a copy of it for publication , which desire the learned Doctor has since kindly complied with , and we have been permitted to write a copy of the same for our columns . —Halifax Morning Post .
United States.
NEW YORK . —As there is now some prospect , by means of the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , of reciprocating intelligence , we shall commence our pleasing labours hy referring back to the year 1829 , ancl enter into a summary recital of some circumstances that may be interesting . The death of the Most AVorshipful , the Honourable DeAVitt Clinton , Past Grancl Master for the State of New York , which happened in the preceding year , caused much grief ; his private virtues as a man , and
his talents as a Mason had endeared his memory to every Brother . The Grand Lodge expressed their feelings in a becoming manner ; and the Provincial Grand Lodge of Lower Canada expressed their sympathy and condolence on the lamentable event . A committee was appointed to transmit a letter of condolence to the family of the deceased , which they addressed in the most respectful and affectionate terms to Mrs . Clinton .
The decease of Brother Martin Hoffman , also a Past Grand Master , occurred about the same time ; his memory received similar marks of attention . Funeral orations were delivered in honour of both these worthies .
June 5 , 1828 . —The M . W . Stephen Van Renssullaer was unanimously re-elected Grancl Master . Some regulations as to the travelling allowance to proxies were arranged . Communications from most of the Grand Lodges of the United States were filed . Sept- 3 . —The Grancl Lodge went into mourning for the late Rev . PI . J . Feltus , P . G . Chaplain .
Dec . 31 . —The Deputy Grand Master reported , that certain clandestine Masons were holding a Lodge in the city of New York . A committee appointed thereon . June 30 , 1830 . —A Financial report presented to Grand Lodge , recommending various alterations . A visitor appointed in each county to call on all Lodges—examine into their situation—receive returns—surrendering warrants , & c . Such visitor to receive no compensation beyond his actual expenses , nor in any case more than fifty per cent , of the sum collected . The MAV . Morgan Lewis , elected ( one dissentient ) Grand Master .