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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
other equally cogent reasons , must not do so ; suppose , then , that he should luckily happen to remove one door nearer to the office , such is a clear case of removal , and would make it a good and valid cause for resignation ! But the climax is to come : The Constitutions provide that Jive
shall be a quorum for general business , and seven for especial matters , consequently ( observed another opponent ) one resignation can make no difference ; and so long as a quorum is formed , public business does not suffer . Capital
tins ! The Constitutions provide that a specified number shall be the Board of Management , composed of numbers equally nominated by the Grand Master , and elected b y the Craft ; but the vacancy caused by the resignation of a member shall not be filled up until the next general period
of election ! We are not prepared to say , that had the vacancy been caused b y the resignation of a member nominated by the Grand Master , it would have been filled up ; we think his stern sense of justice would probably have inclined to such a course , had not the recent declaration of
opinions by those in whom he places much confidence been made . In this expression we cannot be said to have given any misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the illustrious Brother ' s views , but merely to express what we believe
might have occurred had the circumstances at the very time called upon him to exercise the power . We pass over the imputed motives that were ascribed , as totally unworthy of observation . The objections we have quoted were all made b y let / al Brethren ; and being well
put , were successful ; and , as we have stated , by a good majority . Lawyers differ , as we have since satisfied ourselves ; and we seriousl y believe , that in any other conventional assembly such objections would not have been made . The phrase used in some other societies is , that a
member has either resigned , disqualified , or accepted the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds . We have many Stewardships in Masonry ; it may not be unreasonable to create another to serve the purposes of resignation ! We hope the Committee of Constitutions will bear in
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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
other equally cogent reasons , must not do so ; suppose , then , that he should luckily happen to remove one door nearer to the office , such is a clear case of removal , and would make it a good and valid cause for resignation ! But the climax is to come : The Constitutions provide that Jive
shall be a quorum for general business , and seven for especial matters , consequently ( observed another opponent ) one resignation can make no difference ; and so long as a quorum is formed , public business does not suffer . Capital
tins ! The Constitutions provide that a specified number shall be the Board of Management , composed of numbers equally nominated by the Grand Master , and elected b y the Craft ; but the vacancy caused by the resignation of a member shall not be filled up until the next general period
of election ! We are not prepared to say , that had the vacancy been caused b y the resignation of a member nominated by the Grand Master , it would have been filled up ; we think his stern sense of justice would probably have inclined to such a course , had not the recent declaration of
opinions by those in whom he places much confidence been made . In this expression we cannot be said to have given any misinterpretation or misrepresentation of the illustrious Brother ' s views , but merely to express what we believe
might have occurred had the circumstances at the very time called upon him to exercise the power . We pass over the imputed motives that were ascribed , as totally unworthy of observation . The objections we have quoted were all made b y let / al Brethren ; and being well
put , were successful ; and , as we have stated , by a good majority . Lawyers differ , as we have since satisfied ourselves ; and we seriousl y believe , that in any other conventional assembly such objections would not have been made . The phrase used in some other societies is , that a
member has either resigned , disqualified , or accepted the Stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds . We have many Stewardships in Masonry ; it may not be unreasonable to create another to serve the purposes of resignation ! We hope the Committee of Constitutions will bear in