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Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
Any ceremonies introduced by the Tyrian architects of King Solomon , must , of course , have previously existed in Tyre , a city in which the knowledge of the arts and sciences bad attained a hi gh degree of perfection , and which afterwards became one of the richest and most powerful cities in the world . The Jewish prophets , Isaiah and Ezekiel , at a subsequent period , bear abundant testimony to the magnificencewealthand greatness of the
, , cities of the Phenicians , Tyre , and Sidon , their extensive commerce , their luxury , and their pride . " Behold , " says the prophet Ezekiel , apostrophizing Tyre , " behold thou art wiser than Daniel , there is no secret that they can hide from thee . With th y wisdom and thine understanding , thou hast gotten these riches , and thine heart is lifted up because of th y riches . " And again , " thou sealest up the sum , full of wisdom and perfect in
beauty . " Isaiah also speaks of Tyre as the "joyous city , whose antiquity is of ancient days , " as the " crowning city whose merchants are princes , whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth . " So great and mighty was this renowned city , that at its destruction it was said , " the isles of the sea should shake , and their inhabitants be astonished , and their kings sore afraid , and troubled in their countenance . " The inhabitants of this powerful and populous citywerein common
, , with the people of a tract of sea-coast in their neighbourhood , styled Phenicians , and by this name were chiefly known to the Greeks . Herodotus says , " the Phenicians came from the Red Sea , " that is to say , from Erythrea , or Idumera ; and Dionysius Periegetes attributes to them the same origin , very clearly pointing out their characteristic marks of early civilization , and progress in the knowledge of the arts and sciences .
Oi o uXos eyyvs eovres araivviiiyjv $ > oiviKes Tav b' avSpav yeverjs 61 Epvdpaloi yeyaacriv . Thus versified b y old Bryant : — " Upon the Syrian sea the people live Who style themselves Phenicians . These are sprung From the true ancient Erythrean stock ; From that sage race who first essayed the deep
And wafted merchandize to realms unknown . These too digested first the starry choir Their motions marked , and called them by their names These Joppa , Gaza , Ela ' ts too possessed Ogygian Tyre , and Berout ' s lovely soil , Sea-bordering Byblus , and the flowing land Of blooming Sidon . "
Eusebius , Bishop of Ciesarea , gives a direct clue to the origin of this remarkable people—remarkable as having every where carried with them a spirit of enterprise and ingenuity , great proficiency in the arts of civilized life , and a peculiar system of religious ceremonials and mystic rites . Eusebius in his CJironicon says : — fyoivtl ^ Kadftos , arro G / jSaiii roiv ' AiyvirnidV e ^ eX & ovres eis rr } V Sopiau , Tvpov Kiu 2 i 6 Wos c ( iao-i \ cuon .
" Phcnnix and Cadmus going out of Thebes , in Egypt , into Syria , reigned over Tyre and Sidon . " Diodortis Siculus also speaks of Cadmus as an Egyptian , " KaBpoi , Qrjj 3 iov ovra rmv \ uyvnnoiv . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
Any ceremonies introduced by the Tyrian architects of King Solomon , must , of course , have previously existed in Tyre , a city in which the knowledge of the arts and sciences bad attained a hi gh degree of perfection , and which afterwards became one of the richest and most powerful cities in the world . The Jewish prophets , Isaiah and Ezekiel , at a subsequent period , bear abundant testimony to the magnificencewealthand greatness of the
, , cities of the Phenicians , Tyre , and Sidon , their extensive commerce , their luxury , and their pride . " Behold , " says the prophet Ezekiel , apostrophizing Tyre , " behold thou art wiser than Daniel , there is no secret that they can hide from thee . With th y wisdom and thine understanding , thou hast gotten these riches , and thine heart is lifted up because of th y riches . " And again , " thou sealest up the sum , full of wisdom and perfect in
beauty . " Isaiah also speaks of Tyre as the "joyous city , whose antiquity is of ancient days , " as the " crowning city whose merchants are princes , whose traffickers are the honourable of the earth . " So great and mighty was this renowned city , that at its destruction it was said , " the isles of the sea should shake , and their inhabitants be astonished , and their kings sore afraid , and troubled in their countenance . " The inhabitants of this powerful and populous citywerein common
, , with the people of a tract of sea-coast in their neighbourhood , styled Phenicians , and by this name were chiefly known to the Greeks . Herodotus says , " the Phenicians came from the Red Sea , " that is to say , from Erythrea , or Idumera ; and Dionysius Periegetes attributes to them the same origin , very clearly pointing out their characteristic marks of early civilization , and progress in the knowledge of the arts and sciences .
Oi o uXos eyyvs eovres araivviiiyjv $ > oiviKes Tav b' avSpav yeverjs 61 Epvdpaloi yeyaacriv . Thus versified b y old Bryant : — " Upon the Syrian sea the people live Who style themselves Phenicians . These are sprung From the true ancient Erythrean stock ; From that sage race who first essayed the deep
And wafted merchandize to realms unknown . These too digested first the starry choir Their motions marked , and called them by their names These Joppa , Gaza , Ela ' ts too possessed Ogygian Tyre , and Berout ' s lovely soil , Sea-bordering Byblus , and the flowing land Of blooming Sidon . "
Eusebius , Bishop of Ciesarea , gives a direct clue to the origin of this remarkable people—remarkable as having every where carried with them a spirit of enterprise and ingenuity , great proficiency in the arts of civilized life , and a peculiar system of religious ceremonials and mystic rites . Eusebius in his CJironicon says : — fyoivtl ^ Kadftos , arro G / jSaiii roiv ' AiyvirnidV e ^ eX & ovres eis rr } V Sopiau , Tvpov Kiu 2 i 6 Wos c ( iao-i \ cuon .
" Phcnnix and Cadmus going out of Thebes , in Egypt , into Syria , reigned over Tyre and Sidon . " Diodortis Siculus also speaks of Cadmus as an Egyptian , " KaBpoi , Qrjj 3 iov ovra rmv \ uyvnnoiv . "