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Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
BY BROTHER D , W . NASH , OP THE ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE OP HOSPITALITY , NO . 221 . { Concluded from page 145 . ) THAT the Mysteries of the Pagan world had all one common origin , and were sprung from a common " source , has been very satisfactorily provedbthe concurrent testimony of all those historians bwhom they
, y y have been noticed . Their ceremonials were similar , almost identical , and the lessons they were intended to convey , were , allowing for national costume and local circumstances , in every respect one and the same . Of these Mysteries , the most widely spread , and apparently the most ancient name , was that of Cabiric , an appellation derived from their founders , the Cabiri . It is therefore desirable , that we should endeavour to ascertain who these Cabiri were . Dr . Oliver on the authority of
says , Sanchoniatho , the Phoenician , that the patriarch Shem , the son of Noah , married into the family of the idolatrous Ham , an union which produced those three extraordinary men , —Axieros , Axiokersa , and Axiokersos , or the " three mighty ones , " in other words , the Cabiri , the originators of the Mysteries , and whom Dr . Oliver charges with having sedulously endeavoured to extend the influence of idolatory , or " Spurious
Freemasonry , as opposed to the true Masonry , and the pure worship of the Deity . * I must say , however , that I do not find any such statement in Sanchoniatho , for what that author says , is this : t " The sons of Sydyc , were the Dioscuri or Cabiri , or Corybantes , or lastly , Samothracians . They are said to have been the first builders of ships . "Sydyc , in Hebrew , pTHJJ signifies just , Cabiri ; THO signifies " Dii potentes—the mihty gods . " Bishop Cumberland conceived Sdto
g yyc be the same as Shem , in whom also he sees Melchizedeck , a supposition for which there can be no foundation , the more especially as in Eliun , one of the descendants of the Cabiri , and therefore of Sydyc , he recognises the patriarch Noah , the father of Shem . It appears to me that Sydyc , or "the just man" of Sanchoniatho , is the patriarch Noah , and that the Cabiri , therefore , represent Shem , Ham , and Japhethis childrenand for these reasonsthe Cabiri were in
, , , number seven persons , which , with their father Sydyc , make precisely the number of those who came out of the ark—a number constantly referred to in the ancient Mysteries ; or , if we admit Esculapius as one of the Cabiri , who is said by Sanchoniatho to have been a son of Sydyc , at a later period by one of the Titanid » , the mystic : number still remains complete ; and the Chaldcean name of this personage is i ^ Dty Esmuui ,
" the eighth ( of the Cabin ) . The Cabiri were the first builders of large ships , they especially presided over navigation , and those who had been admitted to the Cabiric Mysteries , were supposed to possess a peculiar impunity from the dangers of storms and shipwreck . It is also stated by Sanchoniatho , that the seven Cabiri , together with Esmuni or Esculapius , first of all men collected the records and traditions ( of the antediluvian world ?) by the command of Taaut himself . This Taaut , or Thoth , was the same as the first Hermes , the Mercury of the Greeks ;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original And Supplementary Freemasonry.
BY BROTHER D , W . NASH , OP THE ROYAL SUSSEX LODGE OP HOSPITALITY , NO . 221 . { Concluded from page 145 . ) THAT the Mysteries of the Pagan world had all one common origin , and were sprung from a common " source , has been very satisfactorily provedbthe concurrent testimony of all those historians bwhom they
, y y have been noticed . Their ceremonials were similar , almost identical , and the lessons they were intended to convey , were , allowing for national costume and local circumstances , in every respect one and the same . Of these Mysteries , the most widely spread , and apparently the most ancient name , was that of Cabiric , an appellation derived from their founders , the Cabiri . It is therefore desirable , that we should endeavour to ascertain who these Cabiri were . Dr . Oliver on the authority of
says , Sanchoniatho , the Phoenician , that the patriarch Shem , the son of Noah , married into the family of the idolatrous Ham , an union which produced those three extraordinary men , —Axieros , Axiokersa , and Axiokersos , or the " three mighty ones , " in other words , the Cabiri , the originators of the Mysteries , and whom Dr . Oliver charges with having sedulously endeavoured to extend the influence of idolatory , or " Spurious
Freemasonry , as opposed to the true Masonry , and the pure worship of the Deity . * I must say , however , that I do not find any such statement in Sanchoniatho , for what that author says , is this : t " The sons of Sydyc , were the Dioscuri or Cabiri , or Corybantes , or lastly , Samothracians . They are said to have been the first builders of ships . "Sydyc , in Hebrew , pTHJJ signifies just , Cabiri ; THO signifies " Dii potentes—the mihty gods . " Bishop Cumberland conceived Sdto
g yyc be the same as Shem , in whom also he sees Melchizedeck , a supposition for which there can be no foundation , the more especially as in Eliun , one of the descendants of the Cabiri , and therefore of Sydyc , he recognises the patriarch Noah , the father of Shem . It appears to me that Sydyc , or "the just man" of Sanchoniatho , is the patriarch Noah , and that the Cabiri , therefore , represent Shem , Ham , and Japhethis childrenand for these reasonsthe Cabiri were in
, , , number seven persons , which , with their father Sydyc , make precisely the number of those who came out of the ark—a number constantly referred to in the ancient Mysteries ; or , if we admit Esculapius as one of the Cabiri , who is said by Sanchoniatho to have been a son of Sydyc , at a later period by one of the Titanid » , the mystic : number still remains complete ; and the Chaldcean name of this personage is i ^ Dty Esmuui ,
" the eighth ( of the Cabin ) . The Cabiri were the first builders of large ships , they especially presided over navigation , and those who had been admitted to the Cabiric Mysteries , were supposed to possess a peculiar impunity from the dangers of storms and shipwreck . It is also stated by Sanchoniatho , that the seven Cabiri , together with Esmuni or Esculapius , first of all men collected the records and traditions ( of the antediluvian world ?) by the command of Taaut himself . This Taaut , or Thoth , was the same as the first Hermes , the Mercury of the Greeks ;