Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 13 of 13
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On Freemasonry.
parts of the world . The Brethren united theory with the most extensive practice . They constructed many noble cities and towns both in Greater and Lesser Asia ; sixteen of which were called Antioch , in honour of Antiochus , his father ; nine were called Seleucia , after his own name ; six Laodiceafrom Laodicehis mother ; three Assameaafter
, , , Assama , his first wife ; and one Stratonica , from Stratonice , his last wife ; in all of which he planted Jews , as we learn from Josephus , giving them equal privileges and immunities with the Greeks and Macedonians , especially at Antioch , in Syria , where they settled in great numbers . Freemasonry still continued to be cultivated with great
assiduity and success in Egypt ; and Euclid , the Tyrian geometrician , a faithful Brother , being invited by Ptolemy Soter , opened Lodges , and taught the science in its greatest purity , furnishing to the Brethren these wise and useful charges , as we learn from an ancient manuscript . First : " That they should be true to their kingand to the
, lord they serve , and to the fellowship whereof they are admitted ; and that they should be true to , and love one another ; and that they should call each other Fellow , or Brother , not servant , nor knave , nor any other foul name ; and that they should truly deserve their pay of their lord or the master of the work that they serve .
Secondly : " 1 hat they should ordain the wisest of them to be the Master of the work ; and neither for love nor lineage , riches or favour , to set another that hath but little cutming , to be master of the lord ' s work , whereby the lord should be evil served , and they ashamed ; and also that they should call the governor of the work Master , in the time that
they work with him . " " And many other charges he gave them that are too long to relate ; and to all these charges he made them swear a great oath that men used at that time . And he ordained for them a reasonable pay , whereby they might live honestly ; and also that they should come and assemble together
every year once , to consult how they might work best to serve the lord for his profit , and to their own credit ; and to correct within themselves him that hath trespassed against the Craft .
" And thus was the Craft grounded there ; and that worth y clerk Euclid , gave it the name of geometry , which now is called Masonry . " *
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On Freemasonry.
parts of the world . The Brethren united theory with the most extensive practice . They constructed many noble cities and towns both in Greater and Lesser Asia ; sixteen of which were called Antioch , in honour of Antiochus , his father ; nine were called Seleucia , after his own name ; six Laodiceafrom Laodicehis mother ; three Assameaafter
, , , Assama , his first wife ; and one Stratonica , from Stratonice , his last wife ; in all of which he planted Jews , as we learn from Josephus , giving them equal privileges and immunities with the Greeks and Macedonians , especially at Antioch , in Syria , where they settled in great numbers . Freemasonry still continued to be cultivated with great
assiduity and success in Egypt ; and Euclid , the Tyrian geometrician , a faithful Brother , being invited by Ptolemy Soter , opened Lodges , and taught the science in its greatest purity , furnishing to the Brethren these wise and useful charges , as we learn from an ancient manuscript . First : " That they should be true to their kingand to the
, lord they serve , and to the fellowship whereof they are admitted ; and that they should be true to , and love one another ; and that they should call each other Fellow , or Brother , not servant , nor knave , nor any other foul name ; and that they should truly deserve their pay of their lord or the master of the work that they serve .
Secondly : " 1 hat they should ordain the wisest of them to be the Master of the work ; and neither for love nor lineage , riches or favour , to set another that hath but little cutming , to be master of the lord ' s work , whereby the lord should be evil served , and they ashamed ; and also that they should call the governor of the work Master , in the time that
they work with him . " " And many other charges he gave them that are too long to relate ; and to all these charges he made them swear a great oath that men used at that time . And he ordained for them a reasonable pay , whereby they might live honestly ; and also that they should come and assemble together
every year once , to consult how they might work best to serve the lord for his profit , and to their own credit ; and to correct within themselves him that hath trespassed against the Craft .
" And thus was the Craft grounded there ; and that worth y clerk Euclid , gave it the name of geometry , which now is called Masonry . " *