Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 4 of 13 →
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On Freemasonry.
name has become celebrated throughout all the world as a munificent patron of the arts ; and Plato affirms that he taught , not only geometry , astronomy , architecture , and music , but also chemistry , medicine , and the use of hieroglyphics . So early were Masonry and philosophy united , and cultivated in Egypt .
In this country we find pyramids which have set at defiance the dilapidating finger of time;—here originated the gigantic sphynx ;—here stand in their primitive glory , the magnificent obelisk , the colossal statue , and all those admirable productions of an by which our ancient Brethren sought to inspire veneration through the medium of
magnitude and bulk ; for the prevailing style of Egypt was that of massive grandeur . " The buildings , " says Fosbroke , " are especially characterized by forests of columns , avenues of sphynxes , lions , or rams ; all colossal ; large moles , with immense colossal statues in front of them ; obelisks , gateways preceded by avenues , and detached from the moles , which flanked them . "
Here , as in India , cavern temples were amongst the first architectural attempts ; the rudest , and probably the earliest specimen , being at Derri , and the latest and most perfect at Ypsambul . Amongst the numerous specimens of taste for the magnificent which animated our Egyptian Brethren ,-I may be allowed to mention two colossal statues , which still
exist in the plain leading to tbe tomb of Osymandyas at Thebes . They are described as being placed in a sitting posture ; their height fifty feet , and the pedestal on which they are seated six feet high , eighteen feet long , and fourteen broad . A most wonderful instance of the execution of a gigantic design ; each being formed out of a single block of stone .
Before the time when temples were furnished with roofs , architecture had effected a considerable degree of refinement , which was displayed in the altars , pavements , and appendages to places of public assembly . Recent researches in Egypt have produced a series of interesting facts , which prove the antiquity of Operative Masonry amongst its earliest
inhabitants . From Wilkinson's Materia Hieroglyphica we learn , that before the building of King Solomon's Temple , the structure called the Temple of Ammon was erected , and embellished by a succession of Egyptian princes . Its original founder is unknown ; but Thotmos III ., 1369 , A . A . C , added sculptures , colonnades , and obelisks . Amon-me-
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On Freemasonry.
name has become celebrated throughout all the world as a munificent patron of the arts ; and Plato affirms that he taught , not only geometry , astronomy , architecture , and music , but also chemistry , medicine , and the use of hieroglyphics . So early were Masonry and philosophy united , and cultivated in Egypt .
In this country we find pyramids which have set at defiance the dilapidating finger of time;—here originated the gigantic sphynx ;—here stand in their primitive glory , the magnificent obelisk , the colossal statue , and all those admirable productions of an by which our ancient Brethren sought to inspire veneration through the medium of
magnitude and bulk ; for the prevailing style of Egypt was that of massive grandeur . " The buildings , " says Fosbroke , " are especially characterized by forests of columns , avenues of sphynxes , lions , or rams ; all colossal ; large moles , with immense colossal statues in front of them ; obelisks , gateways preceded by avenues , and detached from the moles , which flanked them . "
Here , as in India , cavern temples were amongst the first architectural attempts ; the rudest , and probably the earliest specimen , being at Derri , and the latest and most perfect at Ypsambul . Amongst the numerous specimens of taste for the magnificent which animated our Egyptian Brethren ,-I may be allowed to mention two colossal statues , which still
exist in the plain leading to tbe tomb of Osymandyas at Thebes . They are described as being placed in a sitting posture ; their height fifty feet , and the pedestal on which they are seated six feet high , eighteen feet long , and fourteen broad . A most wonderful instance of the execution of a gigantic design ; each being formed out of a single block of stone .
Before the time when temples were furnished with roofs , architecture had effected a considerable degree of refinement , which was displayed in the altars , pavements , and appendages to places of public assembly . Recent researches in Egypt have produced a series of interesting facts , which prove the antiquity of Operative Masonry amongst its earliest
inhabitants . From Wilkinson's Materia Hieroglyphica we learn , that before the building of King Solomon's Temple , the structure called the Temple of Ammon was erected , and embellished by a succession of Egyptian princes . Its original founder is unknown ; but Thotmos III ., 1369 , A . A . C , added sculptures , colonnades , and obelisks . Amon-me-