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The Chairman then called for bumpers , with which , after the toast hacl been prefaced in terms of much affection and infinite justice , " the health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , the M . W . Grand Master , was drunk and responded to with loud and repeated cheers . " The Earl of Durham , Pro-Grand Master , " having been given , with a well-merited compliment , by the Chairman , was then very warmly
received ; and similar marks of respect preceded ancl followed that of "The Earl of Zetland , Deputy Grand Master ; " to which was added , " The Members of the Grand Lodge , and particularly our visiting Brother , Dr . Crucefix . " The latter was acknowledged by Dr . Crucefix , who dwelt with apparent gratification on the manner in which the merits of the Deputy
¦ Grand Master had been introduced to the meeting . He then more particularly referred to the mention of his own name , and alluded to the pleasing coincidence that he had himself , about four years before , installed the AV . M . of the Romford Lodge , on the occasion of its resuscitation ; since when , thanks to the efforts of the Prov . Grand Master , a new spirit had been infused throughout the county . ( Cheers . )
Having then obtained permission from the chairman to propose a toast , Bro . Dr . Crucefix called for bumpers to the health of the R . AV . the Prov . Grand Master for Essex . ( Cheers . ) AVithout claiming a
knowledge of his merits from the advantage of intimate acquaintance , 'he knew still enough of him , privately and publicly , to say that his virtues as a man and a Mason might be looked to as an example for others . His value as a Mason was , indeed , best evinced by the rapid progress Freemasonry had made in the province since his elevation to the Prov . Grand Chair ( cheers)—and by his conduct throughout that day—the
justice of his remarks , the propriety of his conduct , and the admirable inculcations he hacl uttered . In the name of all then , as most sincerely for himself , would he propose the health of their R . AV . Grand Master . ( Loud cheers . ) Rowland Alston , Esq . M . P ., returned thanks with every demonstration of gratified feeling . To speak of himself was a barren subjectand
; he would therefore only venture to say that he had endeavoured truly to perform the duties of an office voluntaril y conferred upon him , but which he was proud to use his utmost efforts to sustain . ( Cheers . ) " The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . " Brother Lawrence Thompson returned thanks for the honor then conferred upon him , and especially to the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Masterfor the
distin-, guished notice that had been taken of himself , in naming him Senior Grand Warden for Essex . ( Cheers . ) Brother Bowers , the Junior Grand AVarden , acknowledged the compliment bestowed upon him . Brother Rowe , AV . M . of the Chigwell Lodge , by permission of the
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The Chairman then called for bumpers , with which , after the toast hacl been prefaced in terms of much affection and infinite justice , " the health of H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , the M . W . Grand Master , was drunk and responded to with loud and repeated cheers . " The Earl of Durham , Pro-Grand Master , " having been given , with a well-merited compliment , by the Chairman , was then very warmly
received ; and similar marks of respect preceded ancl followed that of "The Earl of Zetland , Deputy Grand Master ; " to which was added , " The Members of the Grand Lodge , and particularly our visiting Brother , Dr . Crucefix . " The latter was acknowledged by Dr . Crucefix , who dwelt with apparent gratification on the manner in which the merits of the Deputy
¦ Grand Master had been introduced to the meeting . He then more particularly referred to the mention of his own name , and alluded to the pleasing coincidence that he had himself , about four years before , installed the AV . M . of the Romford Lodge , on the occasion of its resuscitation ; since when , thanks to the efforts of the Prov . Grand Master , a new spirit had been infused throughout the county . ( Cheers . )
Having then obtained permission from the chairman to propose a toast , Bro . Dr . Crucefix called for bumpers to the health of the R . AV . the Prov . Grand Master for Essex . ( Cheers . ) AVithout claiming a
knowledge of his merits from the advantage of intimate acquaintance , 'he knew still enough of him , privately and publicly , to say that his virtues as a man and a Mason might be looked to as an example for others . His value as a Mason was , indeed , best evinced by the rapid progress Freemasonry had made in the province since his elevation to the Prov . Grand Chair ( cheers)—and by his conduct throughout that day—the
justice of his remarks , the propriety of his conduct , and the admirable inculcations he hacl uttered . In the name of all then , as most sincerely for himself , would he propose the health of their R . AV . Grand Master . ( Loud cheers . ) Rowland Alston , Esq . M . P ., returned thanks with every demonstration of gratified feeling . To speak of himself was a barren subjectand
; he would therefore only venture to say that he had endeavoured truly to perform the duties of an office voluntaril y conferred upon him , but which he was proud to use his utmost efforts to sustain . ( Cheers . ) " The Senior and Junior Grand Wardens . " Brother Lawrence Thompson returned thanks for the honor then conferred upon him , and especially to the R . AV . the Provincial Grand Masterfor the
distin-, guished notice that had been taken of himself , in naming him Senior Grand Warden for Essex . ( Cheers . ) Brother Bowers , the Junior Grand AVarden , acknowledged the compliment bestowed upon him . Brother Rowe , AV . M . of the Chigwell Lodge , by permission of the