Article REVIEW OF LITERATURE. ← Page 6 of 6
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Review Of Literature.
amuse even those of the " profession" who have time to skip from subjects more worth y their attention . If the author intended to carry out any sound principle , he has evidentl y failed . Is he not aware that occasional instances of the want of high-mindedness , too evident among all c asses of men , should , in this case , have been screened as much as possible from the prurient eye of the public ? AVe object also to the tree ancl easy' tittle tattle . As a compiler the author is not fortunate tor practitioner of twen
any ty years' standing could have furnished more interesting sketches of the dead , ancl the living members of the healin « - art , \ l e have looked in vain for the "genealogical tree" from Galen to the present day , and have felt regret that scriptural medicine is scarcely adverted to , where it might have been so appositely introduced , lhere is , however , an abundance of amusing anecdotes , which as far as they go , will beguile an hour . Should the work be reprinted we advise the introduction of more useful information , and less , much less adulative praise to the living , which is not good practice . Moderata aurant .
A Treatise on Indigestion . B y a Member of the Medical Profession — lhis httle waistcoat pocket work contains the rationale , in which the author recommends the use of Babington ' s Elixir of Rhubarb It is popularly and tersely written , and , which may not lessen its value is distributed gratuitously . Not so the medicine , which , as it is confident
declared ( and we are not prepared to deny ) is palatable to the taste , ancl curative to the stomach ; of extreme service to the nervous , dyspeptic and sedentary , by soothing the system and improving digestion ; and is a gentle ancl safe restorative to those who have participated too freelv in social pleasure . J
_ A Treatise on the Law of Limitations . B y G . B . Mansel Esq Bar rister at Law . C . Sweet —A perusal of this concise , and we may venture to add , well-arranged condensation of law , has put us a little in good humour with ourselves . The study of the law we have always understood to be a dry affair , ancl we consequentl y have clipped but little into it . Albeit , the axiom , that the less we have to do with it the better bas often arrested a peep into Blackstone and other worthies but the word "limitation" induced us to examine Brother Mansel ' spretensions and we have gamed much information at a very small cost of time To us not of the long robe ( an avowal not very necessarv to CIHCWPV it ;<_
evident that no assiduity , however great , has been spared to condense a mass of precedents into an easy and even a popularform . Mr Mansel ' s practical knowledge has enlisted all the authorities which bear ' upon the subject , and the result has been a treatise on a most important branch of ms profession , easy in style , comprehensive in argument , and brief in verbage . The law student will thank him , and if we mistake not the profession will appreciate the effort as a successful one . '
_ Confessions of Harry Lorrequer . Dublin . Curry and Co —Pick wick and Nickleby have a stalwart rival in Harry Lorrequer , whose confessions , made in true Milesian spirit , have deservedl y found favour in UubJm Pat , or Harry rather , is free from superfluous cash , but he has wit in abundance , with frolic and fun sufficient to keep a marehinp- reei ment m a roar of laughter . There is no dare-devilry for which he is not read y , ^ nor any contingency for which he is unprepared . Every ' con fession is a perfect picture , in which the foreground and perspective is m most excellent keeping . Phis illustrates with perfect effect what Harry expresses with infinite humour , Boz , look to it'
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Review Of Literature.
amuse even those of the " profession" who have time to skip from subjects more worth y their attention . If the author intended to carry out any sound principle , he has evidentl y failed . Is he not aware that occasional instances of the want of high-mindedness , too evident among all c asses of men , should , in this case , have been screened as much as possible from the prurient eye of the public ? AVe object also to the tree ancl easy' tittle tattle . As a compiler the author is not fortunate tor practitioner of twen
any ty years' standing could have furnished more interesting sketches of the dead , ancl the living members of the healin « - art , \ l e have looked in vain for the "genealogical tree" from Galen to the present day , and have felt regret that scriptural medicine is scarcely adverted to , where it might have been so appositely introduced , lhere is , however , an abundance of amusing anecdotes , which as far as they go , will beguile an hour . Should the work be reprinted we advise the introduction of more useful information , and less , much less adulative praise to the living , which is not good practice . Moderata aurant .
A Treatise on Indigestion . B y a Member of the Medical Profession — lhis httle waistcoat pocket work contains the rationale , in which the author recommends the use of Babington ' s Elixir of Rhubarb It is popularly and tersely written , and , which may not lessen its value is distributed gratuitously . Not so the medicine , which , as it is confident
declared ( and we are not prepared to deny ) is palatable to the taste , ancl curative to the stomach ; of extreme service to the nervous , dyspeptic and sedentary , by soothing the system and improving digestion ; and is a gentle ancl safe restorative to those who have participated too freelv in social pleasure . J
_ A Treatise on the Law of Limitations . B y G . B . Mansel Esq Bar rister at Law . C . Sweet —A perusal of this concise , and we may venture to add , well-arranged condensation of law , has put us a little in good humour with ourselves . The study of the law we have always understood to be a dry affair , ancl we consequentl y have clipped but little into it . Albeit , the axiom , that the less we have to do with it the better bas often arrested a peep into Blackstone and other worthies but the word "limitation" induced us to examine Brother Mansel ' spretensions and we have gamed much information at a very small cost of time To us not of the long robe ( an avowal not very necessarv to CIHCWPV it ;<_
evident that no assiduity , however great , has been spared to condense a mass of precedents into an easy and even a popularform . Mr Mansel ' s practical knowledge has enlisted all the authorities which bear ' upon the subject , and the result has been a treatise on a most important branch of ms profession , easy in style , comprehensive in argument , and brief in verbage . The law student will thank him , and if we mistake not the profession will appreciate the effort as a successful one . '
_ Confessions of Harry Lorrequer . Dublin . Curry and Co —Pick wick and Nickleby have a stalwart rival in Harry Lorrequer , whose confessions , made in true Milesian spirit , have deservedl y found favour in UubJm Pat , or Harry rather , is free from superfluous cash , but he has wit in abundance , with frolic and fun sufficient to keep a marehinp- reei ment m a roar of laughter . There is no dare-devilry for which he is not read y , ^ nor any contingency for which he is unprepared . Every ' con fession is a perfect picture , in which the foreground and perspective is m most excellent keeping . Phis illustrates with perfect effect what Harry expresses with infinite humour , Boz , look to it'