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the cause of Masonry may go on prospering , as it has done , fol years in this place , ancl that the health which it now exhibits under the tutelage of W . B . Morris , may never exhibit aught of the sear and yellow leaf .
BOMBAY . —Are are glad to learn that the members of the Masonic Fraternity in Bombay were not behind their Brethren of Calcutta , or Madras , in celebrating the last Anniversary of St . John ' s Day . The Brethren to the number of about fifty , amongst whom it was gratifying to see some of the most influential members of society , assembled at the rooms of Lodge Perseverance , in Meadow-street , ancl partook of a suitable entertainment provided for the occasion ; and nothing , we are told , could exceed the feeling of Brotherly love and harmony , the distinguishing characteristic of the society , which prevailed throughout the evening .
AVe understand that Doctor Burnes , K . H . the Provincial Grand Master for Western India , has been installed Master of Loclge Perseverance for the present year . We congratulate its members on having selected one who is so zealous ancl able a supporter of their institution ; and who will , we doubt not , from what we have heard , direct his best exertions to the promotion of Masonry . AA e trust that ere long the Order which has of late years been on the decline on this side of India , will be in as flourishing a state as its warmest admirers can desire . — Bombay Times , Jan . 9 , 1839 .
On Saturday evening the Loclge Perseverance , with the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Dr . Burnes , in the chair , gave an elegant and sumptuous entertainment to the Chevalier General A entura , * which was attended by upwards of fifty of the Masonic Brethren resident in Bombay . The greatest hilarity prevailed during the evening ; and the distinguished stranger , to honour whom so many had congregated at the festive board , expressed himself highly gratified with the Brotherly feelings and kindness evinced towards him . —Bombay Times , Jan . 23 , 1839 .
AVe understand that on Thursday evening last , the Right AA ' orshipful Master , Dr . Burnes , and the members of Lodge Perseverance , gave a very elegant entertainment to their Brother Doctor Barra , f in the messroom of the town barracks , previous to his departure from India . Between fifty and sixty members of the Craft assembled on this occasion , and the feeling which animated all must liave been highly gratifying to their guest . —Bombay Times , April 13 , 1839-
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the cause of Masonry may go on prospering , as it has done , fol years in this place , ancl that the health which it now exhibits under the tutelage of W . B . Morris , may never exhibit aught of the sear and yellow leaf .
BOMBAY . —Are are glad to learn that the members of the Masonic Fraternity in Bombay were not behind their Brethren of Calcutta , or Madras , in celebrating the last Anniversary of St . John ' s Day . The Brethren to the number of about fifty , amongst whom it was gratifying to see some of the most influential members of society , assembled at the rooms of Lodge Perseverance , in Meadow-street , ancl partook of a suitable entertainment provided for the occasion ; and nothing , we are told , could exceed the feeling of Brotherly love and harmony , the distinguishing characteristic of the society , which prevailed throughout the evening .
AVe understand that Doctor Burnes , K . H . the Provincial Grand Master for Western India , has been installed Master of Loclge Perseverance for the present year . We congratulate its members on having selected one who is so zealous ancl able a supporter of their institution ; and who will , we doubt not , from what we have heard , direct his best exertions to the promotion of Masonry . AA e trust that ere long the Order which has of late years been on the decline on this side of India , will be in as flourishing a state as its warmest admirers can desire . — Bombay Times , Jan . 9 , 1839 .
On Saturday evening the Loclge Perseverance , with the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Dr . Burnes , in the chair , gave an elegant and sumptuous entertainment to the Chevalier General A entura , * which was attended by upwards of fifty of the Masonic Brethren resident in Bombay . The greatest hilarity prevailed during the evening ; and the distinguished stranger , to honour whom so many had congregated at the festive board , expressed himself highly gratified with the Brotherly feelings and kindness evinced towards him . —Bombay Times , Jan . 23 , 1839 .
AVe understand that on Thursday evening last , the Right AA ' orshipful Master , Dr . Burnes , and the members of Lodge Perseverance , gave a very elegant entertainment to their Brother Doctor Barra , f in the messroom of the town barracks , previous to his departure from India . Between fifty and sixty members of the Craft assembled on this occasion , and the feeling which animated all must liave been highly gratifying to their guest . —Bombay Times , April 13 , 1839-