Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 13 →
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To HERBERT WILLIAMS , ESQ ., P . M . P . S . G . AV . AVe , the Master , Past Masters , AVardens , and Brethren of the LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE , NO . 459 , of Sherborne , Dorsetshire , cannot suffer the present melancholy occasion to pass without condoling with you , and your family , on the decease of our late worthy Provincial Grand Master , AVilliam Williams , Esq . AVhilst under his direction the Province of Dovtet flourishedthey
, looked to him as their instructor and guide ; and they feel that they would not be doing justice to his memory , unless they expressed their high estimation of his Masonic virtues , their admiration of his diffusive benevolence and charity , and their unfeigned regret for his loss . Every Mason in the province feels that a worthy and distinguished Brother has fallen under the all-wise dispensations of the Almighty Architect of the Universeand they look to Him alone for one
compe-, tent to supply his place . The lustre of his name will descend to posterity ; and they offer this condolence and consolation to his family , that his Masonic and Christian virtues have evidenced the faitli on which he hoped to obtain an eternal mansion amongst the blessed , veiled from mortal eyes by the starry firmament , where the AVorld's Great Architect ever lives and rules , when time shall be no more .
Done in open Lodge , this 4 » th day of March , A . D . 1839 , A . L . 5839 , and signed and sealed by us the Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and Officers of the Lodge of Benevolence , for ourselves and the Brethren of our Lodge .
To THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , PAST MASTERS , WARDENS , AND BRETHREN OF THE LODGE OF B ENEVOLENCE . Brethren , —The active principles of Charity are amply displayed by that sympathy with the fatherless and widow , which is contained in your fraternal letter of condolence on the death of my dear and revered father . It is such sympathy as this that we have heard so frequently illustrated
by him whose loss we now deplore as a father—a brother—and a friend ; and it is by such conduct we best evince our regard for him , and our sincerity in those principles which , as Masons , we profess . It is some consolation to us to feel that his life has merited the applause of those with whom he spent with pleasure so much of his time ; but it is a greater consolation to have a sure foundation for hope that his faiththrough the merits of his Redeemerhath been found
, , sufficient to entitle him to an entrance into the mansions of everlasting charitv and peace . Thus , Brethren , may we be enabled so to- pass through things temporal , that when in our appointed time we are brought to the verge of things eternal , we , like him , may say , " O death , where is thy sting ? O grave , where is thy victory ?" May it please Him , in whose hands are the issues of life and death ,
to bless you in all your ways—is the earnest prayer of Your obliged and faithful Brother , HERBERT AVILLIAMS . To Brother E . T . Percy , The W . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence , Sherborne , Dorset . VOL . vi . 3 B
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To HERBERT WILLIAMS , ESQ ., P . M . P . S . G . AV . AVe , the Master , Past Masters , AVardens , and Brethren of the LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE , NO . 459 , of Sherborne , Dorsetshire , cannot suffer the present melancholy occasion to pass without condoling with you , and your family , on the decease of our late worthy Provincial Grand Master , AVilliam Williams , Esq . AVhilst under his direction the Province of Dovtet flourishedthey
, looked to him as their instructor and guide ; and they feel that they would not be doing justice to his memory , unless they expressed their high estimation of his Masonic virtues , their admiration of his diffusive benevolence and charity , and their unfeigned regret for his loss . Every Mason in the province feels that a worthy and distinguished Brother has fallen under the all-wise dispensations of the Almighty Architect of the Universeand they look to Him alone for one
compe-, tent to supply his place . The lustre of his name will descend to posterity ; and they offer this condolence and consolation to his family , that his Masonic and Christian virtues have evidenced the faitli on which he hoped to obtain an eternal mansion amongst the blessed , veiled from mortal eyes by the starry firmament , where the AVorld's Great Architect ever lives and rules , when time shall be no more .
Done in open Lodge , this 4 » th day of March , A . D . 1839 , A . L . 5839 , and signed and sealed by us the Worshipful Master , Past Masters , Wardens , and Officers of the Lodge of Benevolence , for ourselves and the Brethren of our Lodge .
To THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER , PAST MASTERS , WARDENS , AND BRETHREN OF THE LODGE OF B ENEVOLENCE . Brethren , —The active principles of Charity are amply displayed by that sympathy with the fatherless and widow , which is contained in your fraternal letter of condolence on the death of my dear and revered father . It is such sympathy as this that we have heard so frequently illustrated
by him whose loss we now deplore as a father—a brother—and a friend ; and it is by such conduct we best evince our regard for him , and our sincerity in those principles which , as Masons , we profess . It is some consolation to us to feel that his life has merited the applause of those with whom he spent with pleasure so much of his time ; but it is a greater consolation to have a sure foundation for hope that his faiththrough the merits of his Redeemerhath been found
, , sufficient to entitle him to an entrance into the mansions of everlasting charitv and peace . Thus , Brethren , may we be enabled so to- pass through things temporal , that when in our appointed time we are brought to the verge of things eternal , we , like him , may say , " O death , where is thy sting ? O grave , where is thy victory ?" May it please Him , in whose hands are the issues of life and death ,
to bless you in all your ways—is the earnest prayer of Your obliged and faithful Brother , HERBERT AVILLIAMS . To Brother E . T . Percy , The W . M . of the Lodge of Benevolence , Sherborne , Dorset . VOL . vi . 3 B