Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 10 of 13 →
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ing with evident advantage . The new Lodge will shortly he opened at Haverfordwest , under the Mastership of Colonel Scourfield , late M . P . for that town . The existing i . odges are in excellent working ; ancl the Brethren generally , but more especially Brother Thomas , ancl his pupil , Brother Edwards , with his friend . Brother Byers , give at each meeting their valuable assistance . BODMINSept . 3 . —The Brethren met at Bodminancl went from the
, , Lodge-room in procession to church ( the music playing the Dead March in Saul ) wearing white crape around their left arms , and their jewels being hung in black crape , on account of the decease of their late Prov . G . M ., Sir John St- Aubyn , Bart . The service in the desk was performed by the Rev . J . AVallis , and the sermon preached by the Rev . H . Grylls , A . M ., P . G . Chaplain , from Kings— "Alas ! my brother . " It \ vas a truly excellent discourse , which might well appear in print . The
organ pealed in solemn sounds , and the whole was deeply impressive . After returning from church , and transacting the business of the day , the Brethren proceeded in Masonic form to the hotel , where they partook of a repast prepared by Mr . Robert Gatty . On the cloth being removed , the ladies were introduced . The D . P . G . M ., P . V . Robinson , Esq ., the past D . P . G . M ., Mr . Ellis , and other gentlemen , addressed the assemblyand thanks were returned by Preston Wallis
, , Esq ., the steward . The most affecting allusions to the lamented death of Sir John St . Aubyn , seemed to pervade the meeting throughout the day , with a degree of gloom . It was proposed that a recommendation be forwarded to the Grand Master , that the very efficient services of their hig hly-talented D . P . G . M . Robinson , be crowned by his appointment to
be the P . G . M ., which he declined in the most respectful manner , preferring to be the Deputy in any appointment his R . H . the Duke of Sussex might be pleased to make . It was resolved to present the worthy Deputy with some mark of the strong feelings of approbation and respect the Brethren in general entertain for him , and a committee was appointed for that and other purposes . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE FOR DORSET . —POOLEAugust 1 . —The
, Guildhall , by the kind permission of the Mayor , was fitted up as the Lodge for this occasion , and was tastefully and appropriately decorated in a Masonic style . The Brethren of the various Lodges in the province , with a number of visiting Brethren , assembled at ten o ' clock . Previous to the arrival of the newly appointed P-G-M ., the chair was taken by Brother Sydenham , AV . M . of the Lodge of Amity , the Senior Lodge in the Province , who opened the P-G . Lodge in due form .
Brother Eliot shortly afterwards arrived at the Lodge , was admitted in due form , and received with all the honours . He advanced to the throne , ancl presented his patent of appointment to the W . M . presiding . The AV . M . then requested the R . W . P . G . M . Brother Eliot , to take his seat on the throne , at the same time addressing him in very eloquent terms on his appointment . The honours were again repeated , and the R . AV . P . G . M . having ascended the thronehe briefly ancl feelingl
, y thanked the Brethren for the very handsome and kind reception that had been given him ; and having intimated that their first duty was the attendance on Divine Service , staled that he should reserve addressing them at length on that occasion , until their return from church . The Brethren then immediately formed in the order of procession , and walked to the Church of St . James , the Lodges being arranged according to seniority , the youngest preceding .
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ing with evident advantage . The new Lodge will shortly he opened at Haverfordwest , under the Mastership of Colonel Scourfield , late M . P . for that town . The existing i . odges are in excellent working ; ancl the Brethren generally , but more especially Brother Thomas , ancl his pupil , Brother Edwards , with his friend . Brother Byers , give at each meeting their valuable assistance . BODMINSept . 3 . —The Brethren met at Bodminancl went from the
, , Lodge-room in procession to church ( the music playing the Dead March in Saul ) wearing white crape around their left arms , and their jewels being hung in black crape , on account of the decease of their late Prov . G . M ., Sir John St- Aubyn , Bart . The service in the desk was performed by the Rev . J . AVallis , and the sermon preached by the Rev . H . Grylls , A . M ., P . G . Chaplain , from Kings— "Alas ! my brother . " It \ vas a truly excellent discourse , which might well appear in print . The
organ pealed in solemn sounds , and the whole was deeply impressive . After returning from church , and transacting the business of the day , the Brethren proceeded in Masonic form to the hotel , where they partook of a repast prepared by Mr . Robert Gatty . On the cloth being removed , the ladies were introduced . The D . P . G . M ., P . V . Robinson , Esq ., the past D . P . G . M ., Mr . Ellis , and other gentlemen , addressed the assemblyand thanks were returned by Preston Wallis
, , Esq ., the steward . The most affecting allusions to the lamented death of Sir John St . Aubyn , seemed to pervade the meeting throughout the day , with a degree of gloom . It was proposed that a recommendation be forwarded to the Grand Master , that the very efficient services of their hig hly-talented D . P . G . M . Robinson , be crowned by his appointment to
be the P . G . M ., which he declined in the most respectful manner , preferring to be the Deputy in any appointment his R . H . the Duke of Sussex might be pleased to make . It was resolved to present the worthy Deputy with some mark of the strong feelings of approbation and respect the Brethren in general entertain for him , and a committee was appointed for that and other purposes . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE FOR DORSET . —POOLEAugust 1 . —The
, Guildhall , by the kind permission of the Mayor , was fitted up as the Lodge for this occasion , and was tastefully and appropriately decorated in a Masonic style . The Brethren of the various Lodges in the province , with a number of visiting Brethren , assembled at ten o ' clock . Previous to the arrival of the newly appointed P-G-M ., the chair was taken by Brother Sydenham , AV . M . of the Lodge of Amity , the Senior Lodge in the Province , who opened the P-G . Lodge in due form .
Brother Eliot shortly afterwards arrived at the Lodge , was admitted in due form , and received with all the honours . He advanced to the throne , ancl presented his patent of appointment to the W . M . presiding . The AV . M . then requested the R . W . P . G . M . Brother Eliot , to take his seat on the throne , at the same time addressing him in very eloquent terms on his appointment . The honours were again repeated , and the R . AV . P . G . M . having ascended the thronehe briefly ancl feelingl
, y thanked the Brethren for the very handsome and kind reception that had been given him ; and having intimated that their first duty was the attendance on Divine Service , staled that he should reserve addressing them at length on that occasion , until their return from church . The Brethren then immediately formed in the order of procession , and walked to the Church of St . James , the Lodges being arranged according to seniority , the youngest preceding .