Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 9 of 13 →
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an excellent dinner . The following were among the toasts delivered b y the Worshiful Master ( Brother Chas . Hamilton ) in the absence of tlie W . M . of the Lodge , Thos . Finchett Maddock , Esq ., who was prevented attending in consequence of the late family bereavement : — " Her gracious Majesty the Queen , "—( with Masonic fire ) . " The M . AV . G . M , of England , his R . H . the Duke of Sussex "—( grand honours ) . " The Pro-G . M . the Earl of Zetland "—( honours ) " The RWProvGM
. .. . .. of this province , the Viscount Combermere "—( honours ) . " The R . AV . D . P . G . M . of Cheshire , John Finchett Maddock , Esq . " The AV . M . observing that every Brother present deeply regretted the cause of his absence on that occasion —( honours ) . The S . W . then proposed " the W . M . ofthe day , Brother C . Hamilton "—( honours ) . The W . M . returned thanks at some length . " Brother Lord Hill and the Army ;" " Brother Lord Minto and the Navy" "His AVorshiful the of
. p Mayor Chester , Brother Uniacke "—( honours ) . " Brother the Earl of Hillsborough "—( honours ) . " P . M . AVilbraham "—( honours ) . Brother L . Wilbraham delivered a Masonic oration at some length , which called forth the applause of every Brother present . " The AVardens "—( honours ) . "Our Visiting Brethren "—( honours ) . Many other toasts were given and acknowledged . " All absent Brethren , " concluded the list . Hih time having now arrivedthe Brethren were called from
g , refreshment by the Junior AVarden , when the Loclge was finally closed in clue form , each one departing delighted with the proceedings of the day . —AVe understand great preparations are making at the respective Lodges where the provincial meetings are intended to take place in the months of August and November in the present year .
DEWSBURY , June 28 . —The Loclge of the Three Grand Princi ples celebrated St . John ' s Day with unusual splendour , in gladsome commemoration of the coronation of Queen Victoria . The Rev . Worshipful Master , Dr . Senior , was very energetic ancl felicitous in his addresses , and alluded very eloquently to the various subjects—the presence of Bro . Lee , the D . P . G . M . for the AVest Riding , offered excellent scope , of which he availed himself very forcibly . About fifty Brethren were The
present . appearance of the Lodge room was very elegant ancl chaste . A portrait of the Queen , with a number of Masonic worthies , gave a classic effect to this very interesting meeting . BEVERLEY , Aug . 14 . —The Members of the Constitutional Loclge entertained their W . M . Henry Burton , Esq ., of Hotham Hall , at a sumptuous dinner , in the Lodge-room , Tiger Inn . The Chair was taken by T . B . Philips , Esq ., and the Vice-Chair b y Mr . Thos . Stephen-After the
son . cloth was removed , the Chairman directed the Lodge to be opened , which was clone by the Past Master . After the usual Masonic toasts , the Chairman , in a neat ancl eloquent speech , proposed the health of Henry Burton , Esq ., P . G . J . AV . of the North and East Riding , and W . M . of the Lodge ; which was drank with all Masonic honours . The Worshipful Master responded in a very eloquent and appropriate speech , in which he ablelucidated the princiles of Masonryancl strongl
y p , y recommended their practice on all the Brethren . Many other toasts were afterwards given ; the company comprised several visitors from the Humber and Minerva Lodges , Hull . ROMFORD . —Sept . 24 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for Essex was held this day at the White Hart . The particulars having reached us too late for the present number , must be reserved until our next . PEMBROKESHIRE . —The fresh impetus given to Masonry is progress-
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an excellent dinner . The following were among the toasts delivered b y the Worshiful Master ( Brother Chas . Hamilton ) in the absence of tlie W . M . of the Lodge , Thos . Finchett Maddock , Esq ., who was prevented attending in consequence of the late family bereavement : — " Her gracious Majesty the Queen , "—( with Masonic fire ) . " The M . AV . G . M , of England , his R . H . the Duke of Sussex "—( grand honours ) . " The Pro-G . M . the Earl of Zetland "—( honours ) " The RWProvGM
. .. . .. of this province , the Viscount Combermere "—( honours ) . " The R . AV . D . P . G . M . of Cheshire , John Finchett Maddock , Esq . " The AV . M . observing that every Brother present deeply regretted the cause of his absence on that occasion —( honours ) . The S . W . then proposed " the W . M . ofthe day , Brother C . Hamilton "—( honours ) . The W . M . returned thanks at some length . " Brother Lord Hill and the Army ;" " Brother Lord Minto and the Navy" "His AVorshiful the of
. p Mayor Chester , Brother Uniacke "—( honours ) . " Brother the Earl of Hillsborough "—( honours ) . " P . M . AVilbraham "—( honours ) . Brother L . Wilbraham delivered a Masonic oration at some length , which called forth the applause of every Brother present . " The AVardens "—( honours ) . "Our Visiting Brethren "—( honours ) . Many other toasts were given and acknowledged . " All absent Brethren , " concluded the list . Hih time having now arrivedthe Brethren were called from
g , refreshment by the Junior AVarden , when the Loclge was finally closed in clue form , each one departing delighted with the proceedings of the day . —AVe understand great preparations are making at the respective Lodges where the provincial meetings are intended to take place in the months of August and November in the present year .
DEWSBURY , June 28 . —The Loclge of the Three Grand Princi ples celebrated St . John ' s Day with unusual splendour , in gladsome commemoration of the coronation of Queen Victoria . The Rev . Worshipful Master , Dr . Senior , was very energetic ancl felicitous in his addresses , and alluded very eloquently to the various subjects—the presence of Bro . Lee , the D . P . G . M . for the AVest Riding , offered excellent scope , of which he availed himself very forcibly . About fifty Brethren were The
present . appearance of the Lodge room was very elegant ancl chaste . A portrait of the Queen , with a number of Masonic worthies , gave a classic effect to this very interesting meeting . BEVERLEY , Aug . 14 . —The Members of the Constitutional Loclge entertained their W . M . Henry Burton , Esq ., of Hotham Hall , at a sumptuous dinner , in the Lodge-room , Tiger Inn . The Chair was taken by T . B . Philips , Esq ., and the Vice-Chair b y Mr . Thos . Stephen-After the
son . cloth was removed , the Chairman directed the Lodge to be opened , which was clone by the Past Master . After the usual Masonic toasts , the Chairman , in a neat ancl eloquent speech , proposed the health of Henry Burton , Esq ., P . G . J . AV . of the North and East Riding , and W . M . of the Lodge ; which was drank with all Masonic honours . The Worshipful Master responded in a very eloquent and appropriate speech , in which he ablelucidated the princiles of Masonryancl strongl
y p , y recommended their practice on all the Brethren . Many other toasts were afterwards given ; the company comprised several visitors from the Humber and Minerva Lodges , Hull . ROMFORD . —Sept . 24 . —A Provincial Grand Lodge for Essex was held this day at the White Hart . The particulars having reached us too late for the present number , must be reserved until our next . PEMBROKESHIRE . —The fresh impetus given to Masonry is progress-