Article THE MORT-CLOTH*. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Mort-Cloth*.
pm-e and undented ; and " time and the heart ' s affections" knit them still closer together , until they were in very deed '' bone of each other " bone , and flesh of each other ' s flesh , " inseparably cemented bythe to de hale saplings which sprung up around them amidst theheaU lap ? - ness and contentment of his obscure ancl humble dwelling ? For IJen n obscurity and poverty the heart of an honest , upright man , c . ° n rlise th 6 SP dimiSOTy f the gaud d ouml 1 imof
th _ fw ^ rlftl l T" ° y ™* « - s ' tv enti Vv , 1 % Ch hlS mterco r > as a matter of c ° wse or necesft ™ tf Tl ' eVer se P aratetl : hut the pure water which he drinks i om the lovel y fountain , and the brown bread which he eats by the h 11 side , and over which he raises his eyes to heaven in the grateful outpourings of a thankful ancl humble helrt , is a source of fe ™ ter and urer pleasure to him , than ah the luxuries of wealth ever af be to the depraved sensuality and the little greatness of boundless
opulence ° - * morning in the dull , cold month of December Andrew aiose , silentl y and slowly , from bed , at least an hour earlier than hi 3 v h tf '"' I f Ving th ^ shtfully stirred up the peat fire on the lowlyhearth , and placed a rudely formed I ™ ™ thi „ i , i Ati , ; l ' .,
, halt-decayed table before him , he began turning over the leaves of a CI ? ? - d femily Wble ' which he had used £ reading a Son of the sacred scriptures on the preceding evening ; whilst pi ^ f—ed PiShaTto ' " ' \ ° ly , dUty , n 6 VCT faiSd to P «™ - thft ? u sacredSIhKrT *^ ^ ^ ° a 11 0 tllers the most beautiful , sacied and sublime duty of a Christian parent . M ^ f ! , i i , , " - fineS f . wooden bed in which she then reposed d h iT at blS earldevotios and she
W * r ^ f y „ , inwardly bessed him m the fullness of heart . The first faint ray of the morruV d _™ i „ ™ dut ^ ^ r m r f ^ b 0 Ur ° Ss kbo ^ i ' wasfi :. approaching and that it was indeed time for him to be up and be dnino- and as he left the cottage Martha followed him w th a wisXl eye ancfa joy Sd b tm ^ P , T 8 t the I" 16 ' that in a few sh ° rt hours iejoy uould be turned into sorrow , and the fond hope of her soul into mourning , lamentation , and the cheerless bereavement rf l ^ dy ^ S dSJ "
cloud pas se t l , W ° ' /^ P' not as the shadow of a summer the X v of ° Z" \ \ / 10 letS ' leavhig no trace of its fleet career on mentri wih ^/ rfrl ^^^ Whicb it wi 11 darken onl y for a mo-^^ BF ' vF ^ ^^^''^
f ™_ 5-i ™ tet __^ S ^ ' * ' - T 1 T "' " , * , » " " « , ( . « ™ ""' i " - « " « - "" Sis szrAXsxy ^ Sra ^^^&^ miisnca this pan of her employment , she next attempted to spin , but it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Mort-Cloth*.
pm-e and undented ; and " time and the heart ' s affections" knit them still closer together , until they were in very deed '' bone of each other " bone , and flesh of each other ' s flesh , " inseparably cemented bythe to de hale saplings which sprung up around them amidst theheaU lap ? - ness and contentment of his obscure ancl humble dwelling ? For IJen n obscurity and poverty the heart of an honest , upright man , c . ° n rlise th 6 SP dimiSOTy f the gaud d ouml 1 imof
th _ fw ^ rlftl l T" ° y ™* « - s ' tv enti Vv , 1 % Ch hlS mterco r > as a matter of c ° wse or necesft ™ tf Tl ' eVer se P aratetl : hut the pure water which he drinks i om the lovel y fountain , and the brown bread which he eats by the h 11 side , and over which he raises his eyes to heaven in the grateful outpourings of a thankful ancl humble helrt , is a source of fe ™ ter and urer pleasure to him , than ah the luxuries of wealth ever af be to the depraved sensuality and the little greatness of boundless
opulence ° - * morning in the dull , cold month of December Andrew aiose , silentl y and slowly , from bed , at least an hour earlier than hi 3 v h tf '"' I f Ving th ^ shtfully stirred up the peat fire on the lowlyhearth , and placed a rudely formed I ™ ™ thi „ i , i Ati , ; l ' .,
, halt-decayed table before him , he began turning over the leaves of a CI ? ? - d femily Wble ' which he had used £ reading a Son of the sacred scriptures on the preceding evening ; whilst pi ^ f—ed PiShaTto ' " ' \ ° ly , dUty , n 6 VCT faiSd to P «™ - thft ? u sacredSIhKrT *^ ^ ^ ° a 11 0 tllers the most beautiful , sacied and sublime duty of a Christian parent . M ^ f ! , i i , , " - fineS f . wooden bed in which she then reposed d h iT at blS earldevotios and she
W * r ^ f y „ , inwardly bessed him m the fullness of heart . The first faint ray of the morruV d _™ i „ ™ dut ^ ^ r m r f ^ b 0 Ur ° Ss kbo ^ i ' wasfi :. approaching and that it was indeed time for him to be up and be dnino- and as he left the cottage Martha followed him w th a wisXl eye ancfa joy Sd b tm ^ P , T 8 t the I" 16 ' that in a few sh ° rt hours iejoy uould be turned into sorrow , and the fond hope of her soul into mourning , lamentation , and the cheerless bereavement rf l ^ dy ^ S dSJ "
cloud pas se t l , W ° ' /^ P' not as the shadow of a summer the X v of ° Z" \ \ / 10 letS ' leavhig no trace of its fleet career on mentri wih ^/ rfrl ^^^ Whicb it wi 11 darken onl y for a mo-^^ BF ' vF ^ ^^^''^
f ™_ 5-i ™ tet __^ S ^ ' * ' - T 1 T "' " , * , » " " « , ( . « ™ ""' i " - « " « - "" Sis szrAXsxy ^ Sra ^^^&^ miisnca this pan of her employment , she next attempted to spin , but it