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ST . NICHOLAS LODGE OP F REEMASONS . —AA e understand that , though this ancient Lodge some time ago ceased to exist as a Friendly Society , it is still in full operation in its proper Masonic character . AVhen visited the other night by Mr . Sheriff AVatson , as Provincial Grancl Master , the members were busily employed in the admission of candidates to the honours of the " mystic tie ; " and during the last fortnight they have
been similarly engaged almost every other night , in preparation , no doubt , for taking part in the proceedings connected with the laying of the foundation stone of the Marischal College new buildings . The following is the list of office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Right AVorshipful John Cruickshank , Master ; George Leys , Depute Master ; John Allan , Senior Al ^ rden ; James Gordon , Junior AVarden ; William Walker , Treasurer ; James Hossack , Secretary ; John Edmond , Grancl Steward ; Alexander Marshall , Senior Steward ; Robert M'Millan , Junior Steward ; James Cruickshank , Clerk ; AVhenton Rough , Tyler . —Aberdeen Herald , Sept . 17 .
Banff , Aug . 2 . —FOUNDATION C EREMONY OP WILSON ' INSTITUTION . —Gentlemen from the country , the guildry , the inhabitants of Banff and vicinity , not attending as Masons , or as connected with any other particular body , are requested to observe , that they will be received by the Trustees , on the 10 th current , at half-past twelve o ' clock , in the Council Chamber , preparatory to the jirocession . Members of Mason Lod will be received btheir Brethren at the
ges y same hour in St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Old Market Place ; Operative Brethren in St . John ' s Lodge , Seatown . The Trades will meet in their Hall at the same time . The Pupils attending the Schools will meet in their School-rooms . , The dinner will take place in the County Hall , at five o clock . 1 he Provost in the Chair—Baillie AVatt , Vice-Chairman .
[ S OME communications have reached us , which in themselves maybe proper as public evidence of the value of Freemasonry ; but as they touch upon political as well as religious matters , our readers ivill see the necessity of our declining , not only to insert , but even to allude to them very pointedly . Freemasonry and Satan do not exactly hold communionand even the unkind allusions that have been made by parties
, highly excited , may be overlooked , if not fully pardoned . ] MAIIKET- IIILL . —Lodges , Nos . 678 and 888 , have , through their Secretaries , Bros . Creevy and Hampton , forwarded a complimentary address to Lodge No . IS , Newry , expressive of their sense of the benefits conferred on the Order of Freemasonry by one of its members , tbe venerable the Archdeacon of DownP . G . M . who by his e oquent
in-, , structive , and , above all , truly Christian sermons , has recorded his high testimony of our principles of social amity , moral rectitude , and fraternal benevolence , thereby serving the general interest of our ancient Instivoi-. in . ' - "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ST . NICHOLAS LODGE OP F REEMASONS . —AA e understand that , though this ancient Lodge some time ago ceased to exist as a Friendly Society , it is still in full operation in its proper Masonic character . AVhen visited the other night by Mr . Sheriff AVatson , as Provincial Grancl Master , the members were busily employed in the admission of candidates to the honours of the " mystic tie ; " and during the last fortnight they have
been similarly engaged almost every other night , in preparation , no doubt , for taking part in the proceedings connected with the laying of the foundation stone of the Marischal College new buildings . The following is the list of office-bearers for the ensuing year : —Right AVorshipful John Cruickshank , Master ; George Leys , Depute Master ; John Allan , Senior Al ^ rden ; James Gordon , Junior AVarden ; William Walker , Treasurer ; James Hossack , Secretary ; John Edmond , Grancl Steward ; Alexander Marshall , Senior Steward ; Robert M'Millan , Junior Steward ; James Cruickshank , Clerk ; AVhenton Rough , Tyler . —Aberdeen Herald , Sept . 17 .
Banff , Aug . 2 . —FOUNDATION C EREMONY OP WILSON ' INSTITUTION . —Gentlemen from the country , the guildry , the inhabitants of Banff and vicinity , not attending as Masons , or as connected with any other particular body , are requested to observe , that they will be received by the Trustees , on the 10 th current , at half-past twelve o ' clock , in the Council Chamber , preparatory to the jirocession . Members of Mason Lod will be received btheir Brethren at the
ges y same hour in St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Old Market Place ; Operative Brethren in St . John ' s Lodge , Seatown . The Trades will meet in their Hall at the same time . The Pupils attending the Schools will meet in their School-rooms . , The dinner will take place in the County Hall , at five o clock . 1 he Provost in the Chair—Baillie AVatt , Vice-Chairman .
[ S OME communications have reached us , which in themselves maybe proper as public evidence of the value of Freemasonry ; but as they touch upon political as well as religious matters , our readers ivill see the necessity of our declining , not only to insert , but even to allude to them very pointedly . Freemasonry and Satan do not exactly hold communionand even the unkind allusions that have been made by parties
, highly excited , may be overlooked , if not fully pardoned . ] MAIIKET- IIILL . —Lodges , Nos . 678 and 888 , have , through their Secretaries , Bros . Creevy and Hampton , forwarded a complimentary address to Lodge No . IS , Newry , expressive of their sense of the benefits conferred on the Order of Freemasonry by one of its members , tbe venerable the Archdeacon of DownP . G . M . who by his e oquent
in-, , structive , and , above all , truly Christian sermons , has recorded his high testimony of our principles of social amity , moral rectitude , and fraternal benevolence , thereby serving the general interest of our ancient Instivoi-. in . ' - "