Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. Page 1 of 2 →
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To The Editor.
[ "A Templar " will excuse our having omitted some part of his letter for " reasons of State , " and iA e publish the remainder Avithout giving any direct reply ; because we are not clear as to the precise destination of these Fees , nor of the charges for neiv Avarrants . In an early number Ave shall enter upon some matters of stirring moment to this department of Masonry , AA'hich may indeed bring much to " light , " which has for many years revelled in darkness . ]—EDITOR .
To The Editor.
SIR AND BROTHER , —Being desirous of establishing a Knight Templars' encampment , in conjunction with several members of the order , will you alloAV me to enquire of you in regard to the following particulars : By what authority , in England , is a Avarrant granted ? To Avhom must application be made ? To whom are the necessary fees paid 1 What fund do these fees tend to support ?
I am induced to ask for information , as I have understood that there is no controlling power vested in any person under the sanction of the Templars of London . Anxiousl y looking for your next number , I remain , Sir , and Brother , Your ' s obediently , Sept . 1 , 1835 . A TEMPLAR . [ Having received several letters couched in similar terms , Ave cannot
refrain from giving insertion to the above . H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex is the Grand Master of the Order of Templars , but no Grand Conclave has been held for several years . The Members of the Order haA'e never , in our remembrance , exercised any executive power as a body ; and therefore Avhatever fees have been received , have not been publicl y stated . It is , howeA-er , in contemplation among the Members to examine into the concerns of the Order ; and to endeavour to place it upon such a system , as to bring the Provincial and Foreign Members within the means of co-operation . At present , we cannot reply more definitively to our Correspondent . —ED . ]
Masonic Intelligence.
1 VOYAL EUEEMASOHs' CHARITY "FOR TEMAEE CHILDREN . July Wi . —The appointment of Dr . Joseph Moore , as Physician to the Institution ( in the room of Dr . Pinckard , deceased ) which ivas recommended b y the general Committee in May , Avas this day confirmedthere will m consequence be a A'acancy in the House Committee . The charges against the Matron , Mrs . Crook , AA'hich Avere brought by Jane Leslielatela Scholar in the charithaving been declared to be
, y y , groundless and malicious—the general Court confirmed the same opinion . August Wlh . —Mr . Franks resigned the appointment of Honorary Apothecary—but retains his seat in the House Committee . Some Contracts for Painting , & c . were entered into ; and the Institution now presents a verv substantial ancl elegant structure .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
[ "A Templar " will excuse our having omitted some part of his letter for " reasons of State , " and iA e publish the remainder Avithout giving any direct reply ; because we are not clear as to the precise destination of these Fees , nor of the charges for neiv Avarrants . In an early number Ave shall enter upon some matters of stirring moment to this department of Masonry , AA'hich may indeed bring much to " light , " which has for many years revelled in darkness . ]—EDITOR .
To The Editor.
SIR AND BROTHER , —Being desirous of establishing a Knight Templars' encampment , in conjunction with several members of the order , will you alloAV me to enquire of you in regard to the following particulars : By what authority , in England , is a Avarrant granted ? To Avhom must application be made ? To whom are the necessary fees paid 1 What fund do these fees tend to support ?
I am induced to ask for information , as I have understood that there is no controlling power vested in any person under the sanction of the Templars of London . Anxiousl y looking for your next number , I remain , Sir , and Brother , Your ' s obediently , Sept . 1 , 1835 . A TEMPLAR . [ Having received several letters couched in similar terms , Ave cannot
refrain from giving insertion to the above . H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex is the Grand Master of the Order of Templars , but no Grand Conclave has been held for several years . The Members of the Order haA'e never , in our remembrance , exercised any executive power as a body ; and therefore Avhatever fees have been received , have not been publicl y stated . It is , howeA-er , in contemplation among the Members to examine into the concerns of the Order ; and to endeavour to place it upon such a system , as to bring the Provincial and Foreign Members within the means of co-operation . At present , we cannot reply more definitively to our Correspondent . —ED . ]
Masonic Intelligence.
1 VOYAL EUEEMASOHs' CHARITY "FOR TEMAEE CHILDREN . July Wi . —The appointment of Dr . Joseph Moore , as Physician to the Institution ( in the room of Dr . Pinckard , deceased ) which ivas recommended b y the general Committee in May , Avas this day confirmedthere will m consequence be a A'acancy in the House Committee . The charges against the Matron , Mrs . Crook , AA'hich Avere brought by Jane Leslielatela Scholar in the charithaving been declared to be
, y y , groundless and malicious—the general Court confirmed the same opinion . August Wlh . —Mr . Franks resigned the appointment of Honorary Apothecary—but retains his seat in the House Committee . Some Contracts for Painting , & c . were entered into ; and the Institution now presents a verv substantial ancl elegant structure .