Article ERNEST AND FALK. ← Page 3 of 16 →
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Ernest And Falk.
E . Could you , then , have been initiated without knoAving what you know ? F . Yes , indeed . E . How so ? F . Because many AVIIO initiate know it not , because the few Avho knoAv it cannot speak it .
E . And could you knoAv it Avithout having been initiated ? F . Why not ? Freemasonry is not voluntary , not to be escaped , but a thing which is necessary , and founded in the Being of man and of society . Therefore it is as easy to arrive at it by reflection as by the assistance of others . E . Freemasonry not voluntary ? Has it not words and signs
and customs Avhich might be quite different , and are therefore quite arbitrary ? F . True . But these words , and these signs , and these customs are not Freemasonry . E . Freemasonry a thing not to be escaped ? HOAV did men go on before Masonry existed ? F . It has always existed .
E . In that case , Avhat is this fatalistic and certain Freemasonry ? F . That Avhich I have already expressed to you—something Avhich even those who knoAv it cannot express in audible language . E . A monstrous creation , therefore .
F . Be not hasty . E . Whatever I am able to comprehend I can define in audible language . F . Not always , and often , at least , not in such a way as to convey by words to another the exact definition impressed upon your OAvn mind .
E . But if not one altogether similar , one , under any circumstances , having an analogous nature . F . A definition bearing such an analogy would be either unnecessary or hurtful . Unnecessary , useless , if embracing too little ; hurtful if conveying too much . E . Singular ! If , then , the Freemasons Avho know the secret of their order cannot impart it by audible teaching , how do they spread abroad and uphold the Order ?
F . By actions . They permit good men and youths , Avhom they honour with a more intimate association , to conjecture and guess at their deeds , —even behold them as far as they may be beheld ; these find pleasure in the pursuit , and do similar good deeds ? E . Deeds ? Masonic deeds ? I IUIOAV of none but their B , 2
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Ernest And Falk.
E . Could you , then , have been initiated without knoAving what you know ? F . Yes , indeed . E . How so ? F . Because many AVIIO initiate know it not , because the few Avho knoAv it cannot speak it .
E . And could you knoAv it Avithout having been initiated ? F . Why not ? Freemasonry is not voluntary , not to be escaped , but a thing which is necessary , and founded in the Being of man and of society . Therefore it is as easy to arrive at it by reflection as by the assistance of others . E . Freemasonry not voluntary ? Has it not words and signs
and customs Avhich might be quite different , and are therefore quite arbitrary ? F . True . But these words , and these signs , and these customs are not Freemasonry . E . Freemasonry a thing not to be escaped ? HOAV did men go on before Masonry existed ? F . It has always existed .
E . In that case , Avhat is this fatalistic and certain Freemasonry ? F . That Avhich I have already expressed to you—something Avhich even those who knoAv it cannot express in audible language . E . A monstrous creation , therefore .
F . Be not hasty . E . Whatever I am able to comprehend I can define in audible language . F . Not always , and often , at least , not in such a way as to convey by words to another the exact definition impressed upon your OAvn mind .
E . But if not one altogether similar , one , under any circumstances , having an analogous nature . F . A definition bearing such an analogy would be either unnecessary or hurtful . Unnecessary , useless , if embracing too little ; hurtful if conveying too much . E . Singular ! If , then , the Freemasons Avho know the secret of their order cannot impart it by audible teaching , how do they spread abroad and uphold the Order ?
F . By actions . They permit good men and youths , Avhom they honour with a more intimate association , to conjecture and guess at their deeds , —even behold them as far as they may be beheld ; these find pleasure in the pursuit , and do similar good deeds ? E . Deeds ? Masonic deeds ? I IUIOAV of none but their B , 2