Article THE LUCKY INHERITANCE. Page 1 of 19 →
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The Lucky Inheritance.
BY DUDLEY COSTELLO . " rTach Golde driingt , Am Golde hiingt Doch alles . Ach wir Aviuen !" Faust .
I . A STEAM-BOAT ACQUAINTANCE . WANDERING in the Avest of France in the summer of 1850 , circumstances induced me , when I Avas at Nantes , to extend my peregrinations into that corner of Brittany Avhich lies betAveen
the estuaries of the Loire and the Vilaine , and Avhich , offering no attraction to the ordinary traveller , is very rarely visited . I , howeA r er , had a motive , and a sufficient one ; it Avas to see the singular old town of Guerande , and the no less singular tract of country by which it is surrounded . If I Avished to behold a perfect relic of media 3 val timesthere was no such
, specimen , I had been assured , as Guerande ; and being so near , I resolved not to neglect the opportunity . After inquiring about the readiest mode of reaching the place , I found that it Avas most accessible by Avater , as at that season the service between Nantes and St . Nazaire , which may be called the port of Guerandethough distant from it some
, leagues , Avas daily performed by steamboats , Avhich started at a very early hour . The morning was wet , dull , and dreary , and the churchclocks were chiming "four , " Avhen the Armoricain , which was the name of the boat I Avent by , got clear of the city ; nor Avas it until we had passed the island of Indret that the weather began
to improve , and the sun shone out . Up to this point I had not ventured to leave the deck;—for I hold that it is better to be rained upon than stifled , and suffocation seemed a probable fate if I had gone beloAv Avith the numbers who croAvded into the cabin ; but when the first ray of sunshine brought back the refugees , when the cabin-Avindows had been throAvn open , when the odour of neAvly-made coffee , hot cutlets , fried potatoes , and other comestibles , began to pervade the air , a most voracious
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Lucky Inheritance.
BY DUDLEY COSTELLO . " rTach Golde driingt , Am Golde hiingt Doch alles . Ach wir Aviuen !" Faust .
I . A STEAM-BOAT ACQUAINTANCE . WANDERING in the Avest of France in the summer of 1850 , circumstances induced me , when I Avas at Nantes , to extend my peregrinations into that corner of Brittany Avhich lies betAveen
the estuaries of the Loire and the Vilaine , and Avhich , offering no attraction to the ordinary traveller , is very rarely visited . I , howeA r er , had a motive , and a sufficient one ; it Avas to see the singular old town of Guerande , and the no less singular tract of country by which it is surrounded . If I Avished to behold a perfect relic of media 3 val timesthere was no such
, specimen , I had been assured , as Guerande ; and being so near , I resolved not to neglect the opportunity . After inquiring about the readiest mode of reaching the place , I found that it Avas most accessible by Avater , as at that season the service between Nantes and St . Nazaire , which may be called the port of Guerandethough distant from it some
, leagues , Avas daily performed by steamboats , Avhich started at a very early hour . The morning was wet , dull , and dreary , and the churchclocks were chiming "four , " Avhen the Armoricain , which was the name of the boat I Avent by , got clear of the city ; nor Avas it until we had passed the island of Indret that the weather began
to improve , and the sun shone out . Up to this point I had not ventured to leave the deck;—for I hold that it is better to be rained upon than stifled , and suffocation seemed a probable fate if I had gone beloAv Avith the numbers who croAvded into the cabin ; but when the first ray of sunshine brought back the refugees , when the cabin-Avindows had been throAvn open , when the odour of neAvly-made coffee , hot cutlets , fried potatoes , and other comestibles , began to pervade the air , a most voracious