Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 19 of 23 →
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was lowered slowly to its place amidst soft music . His Lordshi p then AVent through the form of giving the stone three knocks with a mallet ( which he did with such hearty good will that he broke the head of the mallet off ) , saying , " I declare this stone to be true and well finished ; " immediately upon which the band struck up " Rule Britannia . "
The folloAvmg prayer was afterwards offered up by the Prov . Grand Chaplain : — " May the Almighty Architect of the Universe , who has disposed all things in order according to His will , grant that this building , of which we have laid the foundation stone , may be a place for worthy men to meet together to do good . May the work done here prosper—may the workmen be comforted—may no strife or unseemly word be heard within its walls . 0 Lord , prosper this our work ; yea , prosper this our handiwork , and teach us at all times and in all
places to build up in the beauty of holiness that temple of our souls which Thou hast given us to adorn with all good works , until we arrive at that glorious mansion in the heavens where all things are perfect , and there is no more labour , but peace and happiness for ever and ever . Amen . "
The Prov . G . M . then strewed corn , and poured wine and oil upon the stone , saying , " May the bountiful hand of Heaven supply us with abundance of corn , wine , and oil , and all necessaries and comforts of life . " After one or two more formal proceedings , the choir again burst forth with the beautiful anthem taken from the 133 rd Psalm , — " Behold , how good and pleasant a thing it is , Brethren ,-to dwell together in unity . " Turning himself towards the assembled multitude , his Lordshi p then addressed them as follows : —
I believe it is my duty ( said his Lordship ) , in execution of the office which I have the hononr to perform this day , to address a few words to those who are assembled , in explanation of the purposes for which these buildings are ahout to be erected . I must in the first instance call your attention to the great liberality of the Great Western Railway Company , who have always been foremost in promoting the comforts and welfare of those under their immediate employ ; and it must be a matter of satisfaction to every man , to whichever class he may belong , to find that there are , in these large companies , members possessed of such good
feeling towards their fellow men , that while they themselves are reaping a rich harvest from their own enterprise , they do not neglect the interests of those beneath them ( hear , hear ) . It appears to be the intention to build on this site , in the first instance , a market , so that the products of the earth and the necessaries of life may be procured by those who reside in the immediate locality , at the least possible outlay . That such a market will present great advantages to the large community which has gathered around the Great Western Company ' s depotno one will doubt ; and I hailthereforethis day with the greatest
, , , satisfaction , because I am sure that the work which has now been commenced will promote not only the interests of the employed , but the interests of tho employers also ( hear , hear ) . Liberality is always appreciated by Englishmen ; aud the liberality which has been shown by the Directors on this occasion , will be sure to bring its reward ( cheers ) . I have but few more wOTds to say , and they are to beg of those who may be placed in authority over the community , who * will assemble for intellectual improvement within the walls of the building , which is about to be erected here , so carefully to watch over their interests as not to
allow the admission of any publication which may tend to detract from their loyalty , or weaken their attachment to the country in which they live ; but rather to endeavour to implant firmly in their breasts , a love of Old England , and of the good and gracious Queen who reigns over us ( loud cheers ) . For , rest assured of
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was lowered slowly to its place amidst soft music . His Lordshi p then AVent through the form of giving the stone three knocks with a mallet ( which he did with such hearty good will that he broke the head of the mallet off ) , saying , " I declare this stone to be true and well finished ; " immediately upon which the band struck up " Rule Britannia . "
The folloAvmg prayer was afterwards offered up by the Prov . Grand Chaplain : — " May the Almighty Architect of the Universe , who has disposed all things in order according to His will , grant that this building , of which we have laid the foundation stone , may be a place for worthy men to meet together to do good . May the work done here prosper—may the workmen be comforted—may no strife or unseemly word be heard within its walls . 0 Lord , prosper this our work ; yea , prosper this our handiwork , and teach us at all times and in all
places to build up in the beauty of holiness that temple of our souls which Thou hast given us to adorn with all good works , until we arrive at that glorious mansion in the heavens where all things are perfect , and there is no more labour , but peace and happiness for ever and ever . Amen . "
The Prov . G . M . then strewed corn , and poured wine and oil upon the stone , saying , " May the bountiful hand of Heaven supply us with abundance of corn , wine , and oil , and all necessaries and comforts of life . " After one or two more formal proceedings , the choir again burst forth with the beautiful anthem taken from the 133 rd Psalm , — " Behold , how good and pleasant a thing it is , Brethren ,-to dwell together in unity . " Turning himself towards the assembled multitude , his Lordshi p then addressed them as follows : —
I believe it is my duty ( said his Lordship ) , in execution of the office which I have the hononr to perform this day , to address a few words to those who are assembled , in explanation of the purposes for which these buildings are ahout to be erected . I must in the first instance call your attention to the great liberality of the Great Western Railway Company , who have always been foremost in promoting the comforts and welfare of those under their immediate employ ; and it must be a matter of satisfaction to every man , to whichever class he may belong , to find that there are , in these large companies , members possessed of such good
feeling towards their fellow men , that while they themselves are reaping a rich harvest from their own enterprise , they do not neglect the interests of those beneath them ( hear , hear ) . It appears to be the intention to build on this site , in the first instance , a market , so that the products of the earth and the necessaries of life may be procured by those who reside in the immediate locality , at the least possible outlay . That such a market will present great advantages to the large community which has gathered around the Great Western Company ' s depotno one will doubt ; and I hailthereforethis day with the greatest
, , , satisfaction , because I am sure that the work which has now been commenced will promote not only the interests of the employed , but the interests of tho employers also ( hear , hear ) . Liberality is always appreciated by Englishmen ; aud the liberality which has been shown by the Directors on this occasion , will be sure to bring its reward ( cheers ) . I have but few more wOTds to say , and they are to beg of those who may be placed in authority over the community , who * will assemble for intellectual improvement within the walls of the building , which is about to be erected here , so carefully to watch over their interests as not to
allow the admission of any publication which may tend to detract from their loyalty , or weaken their attachment to the country in which they live ; but rather to endeavour to implant firmly in their breasts , a love of Old England , and of the good and gracious Queen who reigns over us ( loud cheers ) . For , rest assured of