Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 23 →
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many as 600 Masons were said to be assembled on the occasion , comprising the leading members of Lodges in all parts of the country . At tAvo o ' clock a procession was formed from " The Methuen Lodge" ( which had been just consecrated ) , and proceeded to St . Mark ' s Church in the following order : —
OBDEB OF PBOOESSION : — Tylers with Drawn Swords . Band . Two Provincial Grand Stewards . Visiting Brethren , two and two , not Members of Lodges in the Province , the juniors in rank first . Lodge of Concord , No . 915 . Methuen Lod No . 914 .
ge , Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , No . 909 . Elias De Derham Lodge , No . 856 . Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 453 . Lodge of Rectitude , No . 420 . Visiting Brethren , two and two , being Prov . Grand Officers of other Provinces ,
juniors in rank first . Builder , with trowel . Architect , with plans . Cornucopia with Corn , borne by a Master of a Lodge . Ewer with Wine , Ewer with Oil , each borne by the Master of a Lodge . Prov . Grand Pursuivant . Prov . Grand Organist . Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . Prov . G . Dir . of Ceremonies .
Prov . Grand Superintendent of Works , with inscription plate . Prov . Grand Secretary , bearing Book of Constitutions on a cushion . Prov . Grand Registrar . Prov . Grand Treasurer , with coins .
Grand Officers , two and two , juniors in rank first . Corinthian Light , borne by a P . M . Column of Prov- Junior Grand Warden , borne by a Master Mason . Prov . Jun . Grand Warden , with plumb rule . Doric Light , borne by a P . M . Column of Prov . Senior Grand Warden , borne by a Master Mason . Prov . Senior Grand Warden , with level . Prov . Junior Grand Deacon .
( Volume of Sacred Law , on a cushion , 1 Prov . G . Steward . I borne by the Sons of Masons . > Prov . G . Steward . ( Prov . Grand Chaplain . ) Deputy Prov . Grand Master , with square . The Ionic Light , borne by a P . M . The Mallet , borne by an Officer of Grand Lodge . Prov . Grand Sword Bearer . Prov . Grand Master .. Prov . Seu . Grand Deacon .
Prov . Grand Tyler . & c . & c . On arriving at the entrance to the churchyard , the Brethren halted and opened right and left , so that tbe Prov . G . M ., preceded by his S . B ., might pass up the middle , when they followed him into the church in inverted order . Divine service was performed by the Rev . Bro . Huish , and a sermon admirably adapted to the occasion preached by the Prov . G . C . for Wilts , the Rev . G . Campbell , from the 127 th Psalm , —
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many as 600 Masons were said to be assembled on the occasion , comprising the leading members of Lodges in all parts of the country . At tAvo o ' clock a procession was formed from " The Methuen Lodge" ( which had been just consecrated ) , and proceeded to St . Mark ' s Church in the following order : —
OBDEB OF PBOOESSION : — Tylers with Drawn Swords . Band . Two Provincial Grand Stewards . Visiting Brethren , two and two , not Members of Lodges in the Province , the juniors in rank first . Lodge of Concord , No . 915 . Methuen Lod No . 914 .
ge , Lansdowne Lodge of Unity , No . 909 . Elias De Derham Lodge , No . 856 . Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 453 . Lodge of Rectitude , No . 420 . Visiting Brethren , two and two , being Prov . Grand Officers of other Provinces ,
juniors in rank first . Builder , with trowel . Architect , with plans . Cornucopia with Corn , borne by a Master of a Lodge . Ewer with Wine , Ewer with Oil , each borne by the Master of a Lodge . Prov . Grand Pursuivant . Prov . Grand Organist . Assist . Prov . G . Dir . of Ceremonies . Prov . G . Dir . of Ceremonies .
Prov . Grand Superintendent of Works , with inscription plate . Prov . Grand Secretary , bearing Book of Constitutions on a cushion . Prov . Grand Registrar . Prov . Grand Treasurer , with coins .
Grand Officers , two and two , juniors in rank first . Corinthian Light , borne by a P . M . Column of Prov- Junior Grand Warden , borne by a Master Mason . Prov . Jun . Grand Warden , with plumb rule . Doric Light , borne by a P . M . Column of Prov . Senior Grand Warden , borne by a Master Mason . Prov . Senior Grand Warden , with level . Prov . Junior Grand Deacon .
( Volume of Sacred Law , on a cushion , 1 Prov . G . Steward . I borne by the Sons of Masons . > Prov . G . Steward . ( Prov . Grand Chaplain . ) Deputy Prov . Grand Master , with square . The Ionic Light , borne by a P . M . The Mallet , borne by an Officer of Grand Lodge . Prov . Grand Sword Bearer . Prov . Grand Master .. Prov . Seu . Grand Deacon .
Prov . Grand Tyler . & c . & c . On arriving at the entrance to the churchyard , the Brethren halted and opened right and left , so that tbe Prov . G . M ., preceded by his S . B ., might pass up the middle , when they followed him into the church in inverted order . Divine service was performed by the Rev . Bro . Huish , and a sermon admirably adapted to the occasion preached by the Prov . G . C . for Wilts , the Rev . G . Campbell , from the 127 th Psalm , —