Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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GRAND MASTERS' LODGE ( NO . 1 ) . — -A large gathering of the Brethren of this Lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 15 fch , when the business of the season Avas most ably brought to a close under tlie presidency of the W . M ., Bro . G . W . K . Potter . Tlie proceedings concluded by a very elegant dinner , to Avhich upwards of fifty Brethren sat down , including several visitors .
Amongst the company were Bro . B . B . Cabbell , M . P . ( Prov . G . M . for Norfolk ) ; Bro . B . Dobree , S . G . W . ; Bro . E . Baldwin , J . G . W . ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . Burlton ( P . Prov . G . M . for Bombay ) ; Bro . Aid . Finnis ; P . P . Collier , M . P . for Plymouth ; Capt . Pasco , R . N . ; Bros . G . Leach , C . Moon , Colquhoun , W . Chapman ( 126 , Calcutta ) , W . Jerdan , C . F . Oldfield , D . E . Walmsley , F . Ledger , E . T . Anson , Major J . L . Allen , & c . The vocal abilities of Bros . D . King , Lawler , and Jolly , materially added to the pleasures of a most delightful evening .
ENOCH LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —The members of this Lodge held an Emergency Meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday the 17 th , when the business consisted of six initiations , four passings , and nine raisings . Of the above , Bro . W . Young ( Immediate P . M . ) , initiated Messrs . Charles Sewell , E . S . Baily , and G . Reeves ; and raised Bros . Hay ward , Rawlins , Jones , Watson , Thompson , German , Chapman , Martin , and Henshaw . Bro . Young went through his
business most correctl y , and so arduous an afternoon ' s performance has seldom , if ever , been known in Masonry . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , nearly forty of the Brethren adjourned to the large hall , and dined with the company there assembled , to do honour to the Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School , thus appropriately initiating the new Brethren at once into a knoAvledge of the A'alue of this most excellent Masonic Charity .
MAY . ROYAL SOMERSET HOUSE LODGE ( No . 4 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was held on the 29 th , when the ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising , AA'ere A ery creditably performed by Bro . A . A . Le Veau , W . M ., P . G . S . B . The manner in which the work is performed in this highly respectable Lodge is the theme of universal praise by all , who have had the gratification of Avitnessing it .
ROBERT BuBirs ' s LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —At the last meeting for the season of this influential Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday the 1 st , the Chair was filled , in the absence of tbe W . M ., Bro . Paterson , by Bro . C . Fox , who , in a very efficient manner , raised two Brethren to the third degree . At the conclusion of the business nearly fifty of the Brethren adjourned to " refreshment , " over which Bro . Fox presided with great eclat . In the course of the
evening Bro . Fox called upon the Brethren to drink to the memory of their departed friend and brother , Bro . Evans , who Avas well knoAA-n not only in that Lodge , but throughout the Craft , and whose VOL . I . X
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GRAND MASTERS' LODGE ( NO . 1 ) . — -A large gathering of the Brethren of this Lodge took place at Freemasons' Tavern on Monday , the 15 fch , when the business of the season Avas most ably brought to a close under tlie presidency of the W . M ., Bro . G . W . K . Potter . Tlie proceedings concluded by a very elegant dinner , to Avhich upwards of fifty Brethren sat down , including several visitors .
Amongst the company were Bro . B . B . Cabbell , M . P . ( Prov . G . M . for Norfolk ) ; Bro . B . Dobree , S . G . W . ; Bro . E . Baldwin , J . G . W . ; Bro . Lieut .-Col . Burlton ( P . Prov . G . M . for Bombay ) ; Bro . Aid . Finnis ; P . P . Collier , M . P . for Plymouth ; Capt . Pasco , R . N . ; Bros . G . Leach , C . Moon , Colquhoun , W . Chapman ( 126 , Calcutta ) , W . Jerdan , C . F . Oldfield , D . E . Walmsley , F . Ledger , E . T . Anson , Major J . L . Allen , & c . The vocal abilities of Bros . D . King , Lawler , and Jolly , materially added to the pleasures of a most delightful evening .
ENOCH LODGE ( No . 11 ) . —The members of this Lodge held an Emergency Meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday the 17 th , when the business consisted of six initiations , four passings , and nine raisings . Of the above , Bro . W . Young ( Immediate P . M . ) , initiated Messrs . Charles Sewell , E . S . Baily , and G . Reeves ; and raised Bros . Hay ward , Rawlins , Jones , Watson , Thompson , German , Chapman , Martin , and Henshaw . Bro . Young went through his
business most correctl y , and so arduous an afternoon ' s performance has seldom , if ever , been known in Masonry . At the conclusion of the Masonic business , nearly forty of the Brethren adjourned to the large hall , and dined with the company there assembled , to do honour to the Anniversary Festival of the Girls' School , thus appropriately initiating the new Brethren at once into a knoAvledge of the A'alue of this most excellent Masonic Charity .
MAY . ROYAL SOMERSET HOUSE LODGE ( No . 4 ) . —A Lodge of emergency was held on the 29 th , when the ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising , AA'ere A ery creditably performed by Bro . A . A . Le Veau , W . M ., P . G . S . B . The manner in which the work is performed in this highly respectable Lodge is the theme of universal praise by all , who have had the gratification of Avitnessing it .
ROBERT BuBirs ' s LODGE ( No . 25 ) . —At the last meeting for the season of this influential Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday the 1 st , the Chair was filled , in the absence of tbe W . M ., Bro . Paterson , by Bro . C . Fox , who , in a very efficient manner , raised two Brethren to the third degree . At the conclusion of the business nearly fifty of the Brethren adjourned to " refreshment , " over which Bro . Fox presided with great eclat . In the course of the
evening Bro . Fox called upon the Brethren to drink to the memory of their departed friend and brother , Bro . Evans , who Avas well knoAA-n not only in that Lodge , but throughout the Craft , and whose VOL . I . X