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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
The CHAIEMAN , having g iven the healths of the Ladies in the Gallery , he and the Brethren then retired , and those who had the privilege immediately joined the ladies in the Glee Room . Bro . RANSEOBD , tlie Grand Organist , presided over the musical department , Avhich Avas conducted to the satisfaction of the Brethren .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
A CONVOCATION of the members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite Avho had attained the rank of Kts . K . H . of the 30 th Degree Avas held on the 28 th of April , A . D . 1854 , at Freemasons ' Hall , London , under the sanetionof the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand
Inspectors-General of the Order for England and Wales , and the Dependencies of the British Crown . The Convocation was very fully attended by members of that rank , and by
others of hi g her rank in the Order . A Council of Kts . K . H . Avas opened , and several influential Brethren had the rank of the 30 th Degree conferred on them . After the Council had been closed the members banqueted together in the High Grades Union , the 111 . Sov . Inspector-General Henry Udall presiding . After the health of Her Majesty the Queen had been proposed , and the National Anthem sung , the President proposed the Army and Navy , and particularly
alluded to those Brethren of the Order in both services who were fighting her battles in the East and in the North . Captains DEBTNG- and MALKIN severally returned thanks . The PEESIDENT then proposed the health of their Sov . Commander Dr . Leeson , which w ~ as Avelcomed with the highest Masonic honours . The next toast was the healths of Dukes of Leinster and Athole , and the members of the Supreme Councils of Ireland and Scotland .
The PEESIDENT then gave the healths of the members of the t / wo American Councils , and especially called attention to the Masonic ability of the 111 . Brethren Raymond , Gates , Dr . Mackay and Moore ; and last , although ever first in their thoughts in connection Avith the Transatlantic Councils , their Mend the Illustrious Gourgas . The 111 . Sov . Inspector-General WILLIAM TXICJXEE proposed the health of the President in the Chair .
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Royal Freemasons' Girls' School.
The CHAIEMAN , having g iven the healths of the Ladies in the Gallery , he and the Brethren then retired , and those who had the privilege immediately joined the ladies in the Glee Room . Bro . RANSEOBD , tlie Grand Organist , presided over the musical department , Avhich Avas conducted to the satisfaction of the Brethren .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite.
A CONVOCATION of the members of the Ancient and Accepted Rite Avho had attained the rank of Kts . K . H . of the 30 th Degree Avas held on the 28 th of April , A . D . 1854 , at Freemasons ' Hall , London , under the sanetionof the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand
Inspectors-General of the Order for England and Wales , and the Dependencies of the British Crown . The Convocation was very fully attended by members of that rank , and by
others of hi g her rank in the Order . A Council of Kts . K . H . Avas opened , and several influential Brethren had the rank of the 30 th Degree conferred on them . After the Council had been closed the members banqueted together in the High Grades Union , the 111 . Sov . Inspector-General Henry Udall presiding . After the health of Her Majesty the Queen had been proposed , and the National Anthem sung , the President proposed the Army and Navy , and particularly
alluded to those Brethren of the Order in both services who were fighting her battles in the East and in the North . Captains DEBTNG- and MALKIN severally returned thanks . The PEESIDENT then proposed the health of their Sov . Commander Dr . Leeson , which w ~ as Avelcomed with the highest Masonic honours . The next toast was the healths of Dukes of Leinster and Athole , and the members of the Supreme Councils of Ireland and Scotland .
The PEESIDENT then gave the healths of the members of the t / wo American Councils , and especially called attention to the Masonic ability of the 111 . Brethren Raymond , Gates , Dr . Mackay and Moore ; and last , although ever first in their thoughts in connection Avith the Transatlantic Councils , their Mend the Illustrious Gourgas . The 111 . Sov . Inspector-General WILLIAM TXICJXEE proposed the health of the President in the Chair .