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The Charities. Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Candidates bo advertised in the Times , Daily News , ancl Advertiser , Morning Papers ; Globe and Standard , Evening Papers ; and Fra , Sunday Paper . _ Eesolved—That the proceedings of this clay be printed , and circulated amongst the Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England . Eesolved—That the thanks of this meetiug be given to the W . Bro . John Savage , for the manner in which he has presided subsequentl y to the M . W . Grand Master leaving the Chair . By Order , W . FAEKTIEI / D , Secretary .
The members of the Lodge of Honour ancl Generosity , JS o . 194 , having at their last meeting unanimously voted a testimonial of their high esteem and regard to tho Treasurer of the Lodge , Bro . Eichard Lea Wilson , it was presented at a banquet held at the " Greyhound " hotel , at Eichmond , on Wednesday , June 15 th , Bro . E . C . Driver presiding , attended hy every member of tho Lodge .
ESSEX . EOTAL ARCH . —A warrant having been granted for the establishment of a new chapter , to be attached to the Lodge , No . 817 , under the title of the " North Essex Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , " the chapter was opened at the "White Hart Hotel , " in Bocldno- on Monday , May 1 G , by Companion Watson , P . Z ., No . 25 ; E . Lea Wilson 61
, P . Z ., No . G ; S . D . Forbc , P . Z ., No . 59 ; and J . How , P . Z ., No . 593 . The principals , Eev . S . Lea Wilson , M . E . Z ., S . J . Sumdge , IL , and F . Brown , J ., were installed by Comp . Watson . There were six candidates for exaltation , which ceremony was performed b y ^ the Eev . S . Lea Wilson , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comp . J . How , as Principal Sojourner , in the most efficient manner , calling forth tlie hi ghest encomiums from every Companion present ; indeed , the whole ceremony from the beginning of the installations to the end of the sublime ceremony , was conducted most ublv .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Charities. Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution
Candidates bo advertised in the Times , Daily News , ancl Advertiser , Morning Papers ; Globe and Standard , Evening Papers ; and Fra , Sunday Paper . _ Eesolved—That the proceedings of this clay be printed , and circulated amongst the Lodges under the Grand Lodge of England . Eesolved—That the thanks of this meetiug be given to the W . Bro . John Savage , for the manner in which he has presided subsequentl y to the M . W . Grand Master leaving the Chair . By Order , W . FAEKTIEI / D , Secretary .
The members of the Lodge of Honour ancl Generosity , JS o . 194 , having at their last meeting unanimously voted a testimonial of their high esteem and regard to tho Treasurer of the Lodge , Bro . Eichard Lea Wilson , it was presented at a banquet held at the " Greyhound " hotel , at Eichmond , on Wednesday , June 15 th , Bro . E . C . Driver presiding , attended hy every member of tho Lodge .
ESSEX . EOTAL ARCH . —A warrant having been granted for the establishment of a new chapter , to be attached to the Lodge , No . 817 , under the title of the " North Essex Chapter of Royal Arch Masons , " the chapter was opened at the "White Hart Hotel , " in Bocldno- on Monday , May 1 G , by Companion Watson , P . Z ., No . 25 ; E . Lea Wilson 61
, P . Z ., No . G ; S . D . Forbc , P . Z ., No . 59 ; and J . How , P . Z ., No . 593 . The principals , Eev . S . Lea Wilson , M . E . Z ., S . J . Sumdge , IL , and F . Brown , J ., were installed by Comp . Watson . There were six candidates for exaltation , which ceremony was performed b y ^ the Eev . S . Lea Wilson , M . E . Z ., assisted by Comp . J . How , as Principal Sojourner , in the most efficient manner , calling forth tlie hi ghest encomiums from every Companion present ; indeed , the whole ceremony from the beginning of the installations to the end of the sublime ceremony , was conducted most ublv .