Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 18 of 25 →
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6 . The business of tho meeting shall commence at half-past seven o ' clock and terminate at half-past nine o ' clock ; in each caso precisely at tho timo specified . 7 . On the conclusion of business , refreshments shali ' be served ; to be limited to wine , negus , and spirituous liquors and water ; and the Brethren shall dopart at half-past ten o ' clock precisely . 8 . A Brother absent at half-past seven o ' clock shall bo fined sixpence ; and if he be absent the whole evening , he shall be fined one shilling . If tho three
principal officers ancl the Secretary be thus absent , they shall in each caso pay double fines . S . On the close of the Session the fines shall be applied to such purpose as may be thought desirable , on the votes of a majority of the Brethren . 10 . The host of the evening shall act as W . M ., and shall nominate his officers at the preceding meeting ; but if he be then absent , his officers shall be nominated by the members present . 11 . The mode of opening and closing a Lodge , and of working tho ceremoniesshall be according to the practice of the United Grand Lod
, ge . 12 . The especial attention of the Brethren shall be directed to the opening ancl closing of a Lodge in , and to the working of the ceremonies of , the three degrees in Craft Masonry , until the Brethren are fully qualified therein . 13 . The host of the evening , as the W . M . for the time being , shall be allowed to invite to the meeting at his house , any non-resident BretM-en , or military Brethren temporarily stationed in the town . 14 . That a Treasurer to the Society be appointed each Session .
MONMOUTH . —NBAVPORT . —The members of the ancient " Free and Accepted" Fraternity of Masons held a grand meeting on Wednesday , 21 st April , at NeAvport . The meeting Avas convened b y command of Col . C . Kemeys Tynte , M . P ., the Pro . G . M . of Monmouthshire ; and Avas presided over by R . W . Bro . T . E . W . Rolls , D . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . C . W . De Bernardy , P . Dep . Pr . G . M ., Avho arrived early in the day from London for the purpose . It Avas
attended by a very numerous body of Brethren from the surrounding districts , and Avas , Avithout excejstion , the most spirited ancl successful gathering ever Avitnessed in South Wales . The business of the Grand Lodge Avas conducted at the Westgate Hotel ; ancl tho other members met at the Freemasons' Lodge . At about tAvo o ' clock a procession AA'as formed , and the Brethren , headed by an excellent band playing a Masonic tunemarched to St . Woollo ' s church . The
, picturesque appearance of the Masonic dress , the banners , & c , together Avith the curiosity naturally attached to the mysterious Order , attracted a most numerous body of spectators , —the streets throughout the Avhole course of the procession being literally lined . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . G . Roberts , the P . G . Chaplain of Monmouthshire . The Rev . gentleman took his text from 1 st Corinthians xii . 26 : — "And Avhether one member suffer ,
all the members suffer Avith it ; or one member be honoured , all the members rejoice Avith it . " The sermon made a great impression , and Avill long be remembered as a specimen of commanding eloquence . The procession returned from church through the grounds of King's Hill , the residence of T . Hughes , Esq ., to the Westgate Hotelwhere Bro . Hallen had made extensive preparations for
, The Banquet . —The large room Avas most elegantly decorated , and when the Brethren Avere all assembled , the effect Avas most pleasing . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . J . E . W . ROLLS , D . Pr . G . M ., proposed the folloAving toasts in succession : — VOL . III . 2 L
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6 . The business of tho meeting shall commence at half-past seven o ' clock and terminate at half-past nine o ' clock ; in each caso precisely at tho timo specified . 7 . On the conclusion of business , refreshments shali ' be served ; to be limited to wine , negus , and spirituous liquors and water ; and the Brethren shall dopart at half-past ten o ' clock precisely . 8 . A Brother absent at half-past seven o ' clock shall bo fined sixpence ; and if he be absent the whole evening , he shall be fined one shilling . If tho three
principal officers ancl the Secretary be thus absent , they shall in each caso pay double fines . S . On the close of the Session the fines shall be applied to such purpose as may be thought desirable , on the votes of a majority of the Brethren . 10 . The host of the evening shall act as W . M ., and shall nominate his officers at the preceding meeting ; but if he be then absent , his officers shall be nominated by the members present . 11 . The mode of opening and closing a Lodge , and of working tho ceremoniesshall be according to the practice of the United Grand Lod
, ge . 12 . The especial attention of the Brethren shall be directed to the opening ancl closing of a Lodge in , and to the working of the ceremonies of , the three degrees in Craft Masonry , until the Brethren are fully qualified therein . 13 . The host of the evening , as the W . M . for the time being , shall be allowed to invite to the meeting at his house , any non-resident BretM-en , or military Brethren temporarily stationed in the town . 14 . That a Treasurer to the Society be appointed each Session .
MONMOUTH . —NBAVPORT . —The members of the ancient " Free and Accepted" Fraternity of Masons held a grand meeting on Wednesday , 21 st April , at NeAvport . The meeting Avas convened b y command of Col . C . Kemeys Tynte , M . P ., the Pro . G . M . of Monmouthshire ; and Avas presided over by R . W . Bro . T . E . W . Rolls , D . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . C . W . De Bernardy , P . Dep . Pr . G . M ., Avho arrived early in the day from London for the purpose . It Avas
attended by a very numerous body of Brethren from the surrounding districts , and Avas , Avithout excejstion , the most spirited ancl successful gathering ever Avitnessed in South Wales . The business of the Grand Lodge Avas conducted at the Westgate Hotel ; ancl tho other members met at the Freemasons' Lodge . At about tAvo o ' clock a procession AA'as formed , and the Brethren , headed by an excellent band playing a Masonic tunemarched to St . Woollo ' s church . The
, picturesque appearance of the Masonic dress , the banners , & c , together Avith the curiosity naturally attached to the mysterious Order , attracted a most numerous body of spectators , —the streets throughout the Avhole course of the procession being literally lined . The sermon was preached by Bro . the Rev . G . Roberts , the P . G . Chaplain of Monmouthshire . The Rev . gentleman took his text from 1 st Corinthians xii . 26 : — "And Avhether one member suffer ,
all the members suffer Avith it ; or one member be honoured , all the members rejoice Avith it . " The sermon made a great impression , and Avill long be remembered as a specimen of commanding eloquence . The procession returned from church through the grounds of King's Hill , the residence of T . Hughes , Esq ., to the Westgate Hotelwhere Bro . Hallen had made extensive preparations for
, The Banquet . —The large room Avas most elegantly decorated , and when the Brethren Avere all assembled , the effect Avas most pleasing . On the removal of the cloth , Bro . J . E . W . ROLLS , D . Pr . G . M ., proposed the folloAving toasts in succession : — VOL . III . 2 L