Article THE REVELATIONS OF A SQUARE. ← Page 14 of 20 →
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The Revelations Of A Square.
castle , at Houghton Hall , in Norfolk , the seat of Sir Robert Walpole . This was in 1731 . A few years later , viz ., on the 15 th November , 1737 , an occasional Lodge was opened at Kew , Dr . Desaguliers being the Master , and Bros . Gofton and King the Wardens , where his Royal Highness FrederickPrince of Walesreceived the two first degrees
, , , and in due time was raised to the degree of a Master Mason in the same place , and by the same Officers , although it AA-as not usual to raise a Brother in a private Lodge , nor in Grand Lodge , till he AA'as elected to the Chair . The Grand Master , however , had the poAver of dispensing Avith this rule , and also of making Masons when and where he
pleased . " According to an apocryphal legend of Masonry , which it is as well to know , although impracticable in later times , the ancient Masons were enjoined to initiate their candidates at the third , sixth , and ninth hours only ; for which custom they assigned these reasons ; that it Avas at the third
hour of the day that the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles at Pentecost ; at the sixth hour Peter went up to the house-top to offer up his prayers to God , \ A hen he A"as favoured with a celestial vision ; and at the ninth hour Peter and John went to the Temple for the same purpose , and then and there healed a man who had been lame from
his mother's Avomb . " Dr . Desaguliers having now been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society , the energies of his mind Avere directed to other pursuits , and he resigned his Chair as Master of the Lodge ; in consequence of which your humble servant , being a moveable jeAA'elfell into other hands . The Doctor
, made many important improvements in mechanics , and communicated some curious papers , which are printed in the Philosophical Transactions , tie published a valuable course of Experimental Philosophy in " 2 . volumes 4 to , and contributed greatly to the scientific knoAvledge of the age in Avhich he lived .
" The career of this worthy Brother was marked by many essential benefits to Masonry . He established several new Lodges , and based them on such sound principles , that one of them at least is in existence at this very day . The Strong Man Lodge was numbered 68 in the lists of 1738 , 1764 ,
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The Revelations Of A Square.
castle , at Houghton Hall , in Norfolk , the seat of Sir Robert Walpole . This was in 1731 . A few years later , viz ., on the 15 th November , 1737 , an occasional Lodge was opened at Kew , Dr . Desaguliers being the Master , and Bros . Gofton and King the Wardens , where his Royal Highness FrederickPrince of Walesreceived the two first degrees
, , , and in due time was raised to the degree of a Master Mason in the same place , and by the same Officers , although it AA-as not usual to raise a Brother in a private Lodge , nor in Grand Lodge , till he AA'as elected to the Chair . The Grand Master , however , had the poAver of dispensing Avith this rule , and also of making Masons when and where he
pleased . " According to an apocryphal legend of Masonry , which it is as well to know , although impracticable in later times , the ancient Masons were enjoined to initiate their candidates at the third , sixth , and ninth hours only ; for which custom they assigned these reasons ; that it Avas at the third
hour of the day that the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles at Pentecost ; at the sixth hour Peter went up to the house-top to offer up his prayers to God , \ A hen he A"as favoured with a celestial vision ; and at the ninth hour Peter and John went to the Temple for the same purpose , and then and there healed a man who had been lame from
his mother's Avomb . " Dr . Desaguliers having now been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society , the energies of his mind Avere directed to other pursuits , and he resigned his Chair as Master of the Lodge ; in consequence of which your humble servant , being a moveable jeAA'elfell into other hands . The Doctor
, made many important improvements in mechanics , and communicated some curious papers , which are printed in the Philosophical Transactions , tie published a valuable course of Experimental Philosophy in " 2 . volumes 4 to , and contributed greatly to the scientific knoAvledge of the age in Avhich he lived .
" The career of this worthy Brother was marked by many essential benefits to Masonry . He established several new Lodges , and based them on such sound principles , that one of them at least is in existence at this very day . The Strong Man Lodge was numbered 68 in the lists of 1738 , 1764 ,