Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. ← Page 2 of 2
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To Correspondents.
BRO , PLOWMAN . —Welcome back again . Be more careful ; we will not lead you astray . THE BAKER is respectfully declined . Ex PEDE HERCULEM . —The quaker goose and his toadies , are not understood . We are dull of comprehension . A STEWARD reproaches us for not giving a full report of the Boy's Festival . We retort , why not have sent our reporter a ticket ? AXTIQUITAS . —In the case of Mr . Halliwell . Having returned the papers for some very important corrections , we have anxiously awaited their return ; why they are delayed is
unaccountable . We are most desirous to enter our own protest against the intolerance to which that gentleman has been subjected ; and , therefore , the more regret the untoward delay of our correspondent . BRO . BRICE—The letter came too late ( 25 th June ) . A SUMATRAN , is suspected to be a hoax on his Provincial Grand Master . A PROVINCIAL BROTHER . —We are obliged by the promised details of some very interesting proceedings , and anxiously look for them . AN ATHOL MASON . —Many thanks for the loan of the papers , which shall be returned when
examined . SIT LUX , and other friends , will please to peruse some remarks in our leader . A FRIEND . —The epigram is too severe as well as true , but , if published , would stick to the poor wight for his lifetime . GOLGOTHA . —The party has not a bad memory ; he intends to win the purple by nominating the Grand Master until—begets it . ONE OF THE FEASTED . —Silence would be more becoming ; to eat , drink , and carouse at the expense of another , and ihen to laugh at him , is mean ,
BRO . JOHN PURDY . —We are requested by Dr . Crucefix to state that his valuable MS . has met due consideration . KNAPSACK , June 9 . —The report from head quarters , Royal Artillery Company , is hardly of sufficient interest to Masons , albeit that so many Brethren are in rank and file . Knapsack very properly reprobates the conduct of those who hissed at the adjutant , who , however supercilious , vain , and not unoften rude , is an excellent drill-officer . Some curious particulars abide time and circumstance . A SUBSCRIBER TO MRS . CROOK ' S PORTRAIT . —In reply to several letters , the portrait is finished ; it only remains to collect the money and pay the artist . As to grumbling about the indifference of the G . S ., no good will come of that . ' Habits of fifty years' standing , are not easily thrown aside , nor should it now be expected .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . BRO . H . —Provincial and district Grand Ledges can make no by-laws that interfere with the Book of Constitutions . INQUISITOR . —The Masonic law does not prevent a member of the Board of General Purposes from turning " informer . '' Such conduct is , however , not simply ungraceful , but dishonourable . The party alluded to is , in many respects , disqualified , being silly and vain . Some are of opinion that the initials only of * ' ArtiumSocietatisSoeius / ' might be assumed by him iviihout the slightest doubt of their propriety . A PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICER—Wants name and address .
ARCH MATTERS . THE MASONIC OMNIBUS is not bad . There must have been some fun when , on the 6 th of May , it was licenced to carry thirteen inside , and seven out ; but the characters are too broadly and coarsely sketched . The concluding stanza , where the G . O . ' s are made to club with the cad to bring themselves in , can hardly be founded cn fact . A SOJOURNER must Le in error ; but having mislaid our list of the new Graud Officers , we cannot set him right at present .
TEMPLARS , & c . SIR KNIGHT BLAKE . —The costume for Knight of Malta is , we hear , not yet definitively settled . Templars' clothing is altcgether inadmissible in Craft or Arch Masonry . For other replies , vide section 2 ( if the Articles of Union . Sir Knights should not wear blue gauntlets . A DUBLIN KNIGHT is misinformed ; the statements in the " Mail" are neither of them correct . Again , the Grand Conclave of England is HHVIVUD . A Supreme Grand Council of the thirty-third degree for England and Wales is ORGANIZED . SIR J . GIBLET . —On a former occasion we declined to notice a periodical during its limited existence , and on its decease were si ' tent . We adopt the same course with regard to another abortive attempt ; but we condole with the "Pet of thc Fancy " on the loss of his organ . Sir ! the title of Sir Kni is insufficient for himbut he lias
Poor J ght , a prototype magnifico who is equally grand , and who insists in rejoicing as Sir II . - SIR KNIGHT PUIIDY . —We are directed to observe that the suggestions forwarded to the party have been perused with much interest . A K NIOHT . —The erroiof the offending party has been atoned for , and the apology accepted .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
BRO , PLOWMAN . —Welcome back again . Be more careful ; we will not lead you astray . THE BAKER is respectfully declined . Ex PEDE HERCULEM . —The quaker goose and his toadies , are not understood . We are dull of comprehension . A STEWARD reproaches us for not giving a full report of the Boy's Festival . We retort , why not have sent our reporter a ticket ? AXTIQUITAS . —In the case of Mr . Halliwell . Having returned the papers for some very important corrections , we have anxiously awaited their return ; why they are delayed is
unaccountable . We are most desirous to enter our own protest against the intolerance to which that gentleman has been subjected ; and , therefore , the more regret the untoward delay of our correspondent . BRO . BRICE—The letter came too late ( 25 th June ) . A SUMATRAN , is suspected to be a hoax on his Provincial Grand Master . A PROVINCIAL BROTHER . —We are obliged by the promised details of some very interesting proceedings , and anxiously look for them . AN ATHOL MASON . —Many thanks for the loan of the papers , which shall be returned when
examined . SIT LUX , and other friends , will please to peruse some remarks in our leader . A FRIEND . —The epigram is too severe as well as true , but , if published , would stick to the poor wight for his lifetime . GOLGOTHA . —The party has not a bad memory ; he intends to win the purple by nominating the Grand Master until—begets it . ONE OF THE FEASTED . —Silence would be more becoming ; to eat , drink , and carouse at the expense of another , and ihen to laugh at him , is mean ,
BRO . JOHN PURDY . —We are requested by Dr . Crucefix to state that his valuable MS . has met due consideration . KNAPSACK , June 9 . —The report from head quarters , Royal Artillery Company , is hardly of sufficient interest to Masons , albeit that so many Brethren are in rank and file . Knapsack very properly reprobates the conduct of those who hissed at the adjutant , who , however supercilious , vain , and not unoften rude , is an excellent drill-officer . Some curious particulars abide time and circumstance . A SUBSCRIBER TO MRS . CROOK ' S PORTRAIT . —In reply to several letters , the portrait is finished ; it only remains to collect the money and pay the artist . As to grumbling about the indifference of the G . S ., no good will come of that . ' Habits of fifty years' standing , are not easily thrown aside , nor should it now be expected .
DISCIPLINE AND PRACTICE . BRO . H . —Provincial and district Grand Ledges can make no by-laws that interfere with the Book of Constitutions . INQUISITOR . —The Masonic law does not prevent a member of the Board of General Purposes from turning " informer . '' Such conduct is , however , not simply ungraceful , but dishonourable . The party alluded to is , in many respects , disqualified , being silly and vain . Some are of opinion that the initials only of * ' ArtiumSocietatisSoeius / ' might be assumed by him iviihout the slightest doubt of their propriety . A PROVINCIAL GRAND OFFICER—Wants name and address .
ARCH MATTERS . THE MASONIC OMNIBUS is not bad . There must have been some fun when , on the 6 th of May , it was licenced to carry thirteen inside , and seven out ; but the characters are too broadly and coarsely sketched . The concluding stanza , where the G . O . ' s are made to club with the cad to bring themselves in , can hardly be founded cn fact . A SOJOURNER must Le in error ; but having mislaid our list of the new Graud Officers , we cannot set him right at present .
TEMPLARS , & c . SIR KNIGHT BLAKE . —The costume for Knight of Malta is , we hear , not yet definitively settled . Templars' clothing is altcgether inadmissible in Craft or Arch Masonry . For other replies , vide section 2 ( if the Articles of Union . Sir Knights should not wear blue gauntlets . A DUBLIN KNIGHT is misinformed ; the statements in the " Mail" are neither of them correct . Again , the Grand Conclave of England is HHVIVUD . A Supreme Grand Council of the thirty-third degree for England and Wales is ORGANIZED . SIR J . GIBLET . —On a former occasion we declined to notice a periodical during its limited existence , and on its decease were si ' tent . We adopt the same course with regard to another abortive attempt ; but we condole with the "Pet of thc Fancy " on the loss of his organ . Sir ! the title of Sir Kni is insufficient for himbut he lias
Poor J ght , a prototype magnifico who is equally grand , and who insists in rejoicing as Sir II . - SIR KNIGHT PUIIDY . —We are directed to observe that the suggestions forwarded to the party have been perused with much interest . A K NIOHT . —The erroiof the offending party has been atoned for , and the apology accepted .