Article FREEMASONRY IN LIMERICK. ← Page 5 of 5
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Freemasonry In Limerick.
afterwards passed to the second degree '" " by the AV . M . Capt . Laurence . Several other Brethren were ballotted for . The Lodge has long been in a languishing condition , but from the various applications that have been made for admission from persons of the highest respectability , it is premised that before long a numerous and respectable Brotherhood ivill be enrolled under the banner of 340 . The Warrant is a very old one , bearing date 1759 , and signed by the Earl of Drogheda , the then Grand Master .
LONGFORD . — The Longford Lodge , 76 , have elected Major Edgeworth , of Kilshruly , a gentleman very much respected and looked up to in his neighourhood . This Lodge is in a flourishing condition , and numbers fifty-six members . At a meeting held on the 27 th , the Hon . S . F . Carew , Sth Hussars , was duly initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Capt . Laurence , Grand Inspector General , at the desire of the AVorshipful Master .
CORK . —23 rd April . —The annual grand fancy and dress ball and supper , for the benefit of the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum , under the auspices of the Members of the First Lodge of Ireland , took place as usual in the Imperial Clarence Rooms , which were fitted up with the richest and most tasteful decorations for the occasion , and when filled with the gay votaries of fashion in all the variety of ladies' costumes , naval and military uniforms , and the rich decorations of the " Brotherhood" presented a most brilliant and imposing coup d ' ceil . The
patron-, age was more numerous and distinguished than on any previous occasion . At half-past ten o ' clock the Masonic Brethren , decorated with the gorgeous insignia of their respective orders , formed and proceeded in procession into the room , where the chair being taken by the Right Worshipful Master , Robert Atkins , Esq ., of AVaterpark , the Masonic salute was given , when dancing commenced , and polkas , gallopes , quadrilles and waltzes were kept up in unceasing succession . The company
consisted of about five hundred , including all the beauty and fashion of the neighbourhood . The orchestra was filled by the excellent band of her Majesty ' s ship Vanguard , whose services were tendered b y Captain AVilles , R . N . There was also an efficient quadrille band . At one
o ' clock the company adjourned to the great room of the Commercial Buildings , where supper was laid in a style of elegance and profusion . The Worshipful Master of Lodge No . 1 presided with dignity and tact , and the High Sheriff of the County ably filled the vice-chair . After supper the usual loyal toasts were given , and received with cordial enthusiasm . The only other toasts were " Prosperity to the Masonic Orphan Asylum" ancl "the Ladies" to which latter toast Dr . Lloyd
, , responded in a humorous speech , declaring in the most emphatic manner that he was tired of single blessedness , and wished some of those lovely creatures around him would take his case into their favourable consideration . The party then returned to the ball-room , and dancing having been resumed was kept up with remarkable vigour till daybreak .
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Freemasonry In Limerick.
afterwards passed to the second degree '" " by the AV . M . Capt . Laurence . Several other Brethren were ballotted for . The Lodge has long been in a languishing condition , but from the various applications that have been made for admission from persons of the highest respectability , it is premised that before long a numerous and respectable Brotherhood ivill be enrolled under the banner of 340 . The Warrant is a very old one , bearing date 1759 , and signed by the Earl of Drogheda , the then Grand Master .
LONGFORD . — The Longford Lodge , 76 , have elected Major Edgeworth , of Kilshruly , a gentleman very much respected and looked up to in his neighourhood . This Lodge is in a flourishing condition , and numbers fifty-six members . At a meeting held on the 27 th , the Hon . S . F . Carew , Sth Hussars , was duly initiated into Freemasonry by Bro . Capt . Laurence , Grand Inspector General , at the desire of the AVorshipful Master .
CORK . —23 rd April . —The annual grand fancy and dress ball and supper , for the benefit of the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum , under the auspices of the Members of the First Lodge of Ireland , took place as usual in the Imperial Clarence Rooms , which were fitted up with the richest and most tasteful decorations for the occasion , and when filled with the gay votaries of fashion in all the variety of ladies' costumes , naval and military uniforms , and the rich decorations of the " Brotherhood" presented a most brilliant and imposing coup d ' ceil . The
patron-, age was more numerous and distinguished than on any previous occasion . At half-past ten o ' clock the Masonic Brethren , decorated with the gorgeous insignia of their respective orders , formed and proceeded in procession into the room , where the chair being taken by the Right Worshipful Master , Robert Atkins , Esq ., of AVaterpark , the Masonic salute was given , when dancing commenced , and polkas , gallopes , quadrilles and waltzes were kept up in unceasing succession . The company
consisted of about five hundred , including all the beauty and fashion of the neighbourhood . The orchestra was filled by the excellent band of her Majesty ' s ship Vanguard , whose services were tendered b y Captain AVilles , R . N . There was also an efficient quadrille band . At one
o ' clock the company adjourned to the great room of the Commercial Buildings , where supper was laid in a style of elegance and profusion . The Worshipful Master of Lodge No . 1 presided with dignity and tact , and the High Sheriff of the County ably filled the vice-chair . After supper the usual loyal toasts were given , and received with cordial enthusiasm . The only other toasts were " Prosperity to the Masonic Orphan Asylum" ancl "the Ladies" to which latter toast Dr . Lloyd
, , responded in a humorous speech , declaring in the most emphatic manner that he was tired of single blessedness , and wished some of those lovely creatures around him would take his case into their favourable consideration . The party then returned to the ball-room , and dancing having been resumed was kept up with remarkable vigour till daybreak .