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TO CORRESPONDENTS . A . v Ol _ n BUT A Peon BROTHER—There is some tallc in Grand Lodge about a Benevolent Fund 1 but we fear our poor old Brother will have to wait long for the practical proof of itexistence . A AVAO , or A WIG ( the words are doubtful , ) inquires , " Where is the Vocltct Freemasons ' School ? " Echo answers , " Where , indeed . " AN UNCANWIE wishes us to state the advantages of the Freemasons' Assurance . Wc refer him to those who profit hy it . Dit . GAVI . V—Many thanks .
EDINBURGH . —Picture of the Grand Election of thc Order of the Temple . —Fra . Stewart AVatson , who has so distinguished himself by the painting of the Masonic Inauguration of the Bard of Scotland , has been engaged in preparing a pictorial representation of the last election of the Grand Conclave , the point of time chosen being the moment oE the installation of tbe Grand Master , Lord Glenlyon . The Grand Chapter was , we believe , most numerously attended ; the picture will consequently require a considerable extent of canvass . The characters
represented will be veritable portraits , and a great many excellent likenesses have already been taken . Such historic illustrations will live when mere written records shall have mouldered and been forgotten ; and we think the Order chivalric , as a body , have shown an example to the Order Masonic ( which professes peculiarly to cherish the fine arts , ) by thus enlisting the aid of genius in illustrating their acts or assemblies . The picture of Burns was a conception of the artist .
Grand Chapter . —March 23 rd . —A banquet was held this day at whicli the Earl of Strathmore presided , supported by the Hon . Captain Jocelyn and Captain Donaldson Boswell , which passed off very pleasantly .. The Grand Chapter is making a collection of rare manuscripts . The following are the Grand Officers : —Earl of Strathmore , Z . ; J . AA " . Melville , H . ; Hon . Captain Jocelyn , J . ; Lord Glenlyon , P . Z . ; Dr . Arnott , Depute Z . ; Morris Leon , E . ; A . Douglas , N . ; IT . GavinTreasurer ; T . BoogRecorder ; T . E .
MacintyreChan-, , , cellor ; C . F . Shand , S . Somervil'e , M . D ., and Dr . M'Ritchie , Sojourners ; A , Murray , Sword-Bearer ; J . Bell and J . Dick , Standard - Bearers ; J . M'Pherson , Architect ; J . Law , Jeweller ; W . Donaldson , Clothier ; J . M'Lean and AV . Brice , Janitors . Standing Committee , J . Hendrey , J . Gellatly , W . Donaldson , T . Bogg , A . Murray ; H . Gavin , Convener . Finance . —Received 207 / . 11 * . id ., expended 152 / . 2 s . lid ., balance in hand , 55 / . Ss . 5 d .
New Charters granted . —Amsterdam and Holland , GEORGE AA ' ILLIAM , 94 th Regiment ; CALEDONIAN , Namur ; GLENLYON , Jamaica . Royal Arch Masonry is thriving here , especially in No . 1 , which has lately presented an elegant testimonial to Comp . Henry , and has purchased Dr . Oliver ' s works , as well as other books ; also some rare old books of the late Bro . Deuchar , with many old French books . 5 th May . —The ancient Lodge of St . Mary ' s chapel , whose extant archives reach back beyond the year lo'OO , received the arranged annual re-union of the Edinburgh Lodges , the R . AV . M . Bro . AVard presiding . From the anticipated numbers , the meeting was held in the great room
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO CORRESPONDENTS . A . v Ol _ n BUT A Peon BROTHER—There is some tallc in Grand Lodge about a Benevolent Fund 1 but we fear our poor old Brother will have to wait long for the practical proof of itexistence . A AVAO , or A WIG ( the words are doubtful , ) inquires , " Where is the Vocltct Freemasons ' School ? " Echo answers , " Where , indeed . " AN UNCANWIE wishes us to state the advantages of the Freemasons' Assurance . Wc refer him to those who profit hy it . Dit . GAVI . V—Many thanks .
EDINBURGH . —Picture of the Grand Election of thc Order of the Temple . —Fra . Stewart AVatson , who has so distinguished himself by the painting of the Masonic Inauguration of the Bard of Scotland , has been engaged in preparing a pictorial representation of the last election of the Grand Conclave , the point of time chosen being the moment oE the installation of tbe Grand Master , Lord Glenlyon . The Grand Chapter was , we believe , most numerously attended ; the picture will consequently require a considerable extent of canvass . The characters
represented will be veritable portraits , and a great many excellent likenesses have already been taken . Such historic illustrations will live when mere written records shall have mouldered and been forgotten ; and we think the Order chivalric , as a body , have shown an example to the Order Masonic ( which professes peculiarly to cherish the fine arts , ) by thus enlisting the aid of genius in illustrating their acts or assemblies . The picture of Burns was a conception of the artist .
Grand Chapter . —March 23 rd . —A banquet was held this day at whicli the Earl of Strathmore presided , supported by the Hon . Captain Jocelyn and Captain Donaldson Boswell , which passed off very pleasantly .. The Grand Chapter is making a collection of rare manuscripts . The following are the Grand Officers : —Earl of Strathmore , Z . ; J . AA " . Melville , H . ; Hon . Captain Jocelyn , J . ; Lord Glenlyon , P . Z . ; Dr . Arnott , Depute Z . ; Morris Leon , E . ; A . Douglas , N . ; IT . GavinTreasurer ; T . BoogRecorder ; T . E .
MacintyreChan-, , , cellor ; C . F . Shand , S . Somervil'e , M . D ., and Dr . M'Ritchie , Sojourners ; A , Murray , Sword-Bearer ; J . Bell and J . Dick , Standard - Bearers ; J . M'Pherson , Architect ; J . Law , Jeweller ; W . Donaldson , Clothier ; J . M'Lean and AV . Brice , Janitors . Standing Committee , J . Hendrey , J . Gellatly , W . Donaldson , T . Bogg , A . Murray ; H . Gavin , Convener . Finance . —Received 207 / . 11 * . id ., expended 152 / . 2 s . lid ., balance in hand , 55 / . Ss . 5 d .
New Charters granted . —Amsterdam and Holland , GEORGE AA ' ILLIAM , 94 th Regiment ; CALEDONIAN , Namur ; GLENLYON , Jamaica . Royal Arch Masonry is thriving here , especially in No . 1 , which has lately presented an elegant testimonial to Comp . Henry , and has purchased Dr . Oliver ' s works , as well as other books ; also some rare old books of the late Bro . Deuchar , with many old French books . 5 th May . —The ancient Lodge of St . Mary ' s chapel , whose extant archives reach back beyond the year lo'OO , received the arranged annual re-union of the Edinburgh Lodges , the R . AV . M . Bro . AVard presiding . From the anticipated numbers , the meeting was held in the great room