Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 17 →
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which upivards of forty Brethren partook of a splendid banquet , which was provided by Brother Hale , of the Quebec Hotel , which did him great credit . Several Brethren from the following Lodges ( Harmony , Phcenix , Sussex , and Gloucester ) joined the banquet .
NEWPORT , ISLE OF AVIGHT . —AVe understand that the Albany Lodge , No . 176 , has been removed to the Star Inn , Newport , a proceeding which was rendered necessary from the want of accommodation , the number of members having increased to nearly double ivithin the last year . Some of the Officers of the Grand Stewards' Lodge visited it during the summer , and expressed their satisfaction at its working and internal arrangements .
HANTS . —All the Lodges in Hants were summoned to meet with as little delay as possible , to arrange a general mourning ( official ) for the loss of the illustrious and hi ghly-gifted affectionate Grand Alaster . LYNN , May 4 . —His late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , who , in different visits to his valued friend the late Earl of Leicester , usually passed through Lynn , was in the habit of changing horses at the Duke ' s Head InnTuesday Alarket-place ivhich occasions his late Royal
, , upon Highness ' s kindness and condescension were invariably experienced by the whole establishment . Mr . Johnson , the respected landlord of the hotel , in conjunction with Air . Afedlock , post-master to her Alajesty , who on these occasions furnished the necessary relay , exhibited a gratifying mark of respect to the memory of his late Royal Highness on Thursday , the day upon which the funeral took place , in the display of the Royal Standard of Englandfestooned with deep black crape , ivhich had a
, most appropriate and imposing effect , and reflected no less credit upon the good taste of the worthy host , than of marked respect to the memory of his late illustrious guest , who had so invariably honoured " The Old House , " as his late Royal Highness was wont to call it , with his presence and patronage .
LEWES . —As a token of respect to departed excellence and moral ivorth , the " South Saxon Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons " hoisted on the eastern tower of Lewes Castle , at which their Lodge is holden , the mourning flag half-staff high , with the emblems of mortality prominently pourtrayed thereon .
GATESHEAD . —The day was observed in this town with becoming solemnity . Early in the morning , the bells of the several churches commenced tolling , and continued throughout the day with little interruption until nine o ' clock , and several of the shops were partially closed . The Literary and Philosophical Society , of which his Royal Highness was an honorary member , was , as a mark of respect to his memory , entirely closed on the occasion .
The day was similarly observed at Durham , where the Cathedral-bell was tolled at intervals . Also at North and South Shields , Sunderland , and other toivns in this district . GLOUCESTER —The corporation of this city attended divine service at the Cathedral , with their maces and other insignia enclosed in black crape . On Thursday the day of the funeral , most of the shops in the leading streets of this city were partially closed ; many private houses also had the blinds drawn , and the bells of some of the churches were tolled , and in the evening rung a muffled peal .
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which upivards of forty Brethren partook of a splendid banquet , which was provided by Brother Hale , of the Quebec Hotel , which did him great credit . Several Brethren from the following Lodges ( Harmony , Phcenix , Sussex , and Gloucester ) joined the banquet .
NEWPORT , ISLE OF AVIGHT . —AVe understand that the Albany Lodge , No . 176 , has been removed to the Star Inn , Newport , a proceeding which was rendered necessary from the want of accommodation , the number of members having increased to nearly double ivithin the last year . Some of the Officers of the Grand Stewards' Lodge visited it during the summer , and expressed their satisfaction at its working and internal arrangements .
HANTS . —All the Lodges in Hants were summoned to meet with as little delay as possible , to arrange a general mourning ( official ) for the loss of the illustrious and hi ghly-gifted affectionate Grand Alaster . LYNN , May 4 . —His late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex , who , in different visits to his valued friend the late Earl of Leicester , usually passed through Lynn , was in the habit of changing horses at the Duke ' s Head InnTuesday Alarket-place ivhich occasions his late Royal
, , upon Highness ' s kindness and condescension were invariably experienced by the whole establishment . Mr . Johnson , the respected landlord of the hotel , in conjunction with Air . Afedlock , post-master to her Alajesty , who on these occasions furnished the necessary relay , exhibited a gratifying mark of respect to the memory of his late Royal Highness on Thursday , the day upon which the funeral took place , in the display of the Royal Standard of Englandfestooned with deep black crape , ivhich had a
, most appropriate and imposing effect , and reflected no less credit upon the good taste of the worthy host , than of marked respect to the memory of his late illustrious guest , who had so invariably honoured " The Old House , " as his late Royal Highness was wont to call it , with his presence and patronage .
LEWES . —As a token of respect to departed excellence and moral ivorth , the " South Saxon Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons " hoisted on the eastern tower of Lewes Castle , at which their Lodge is holden , the mourning flag half-staff high , with the emblems of mortality prominently pourtrayed thereon .
GATESHEAD . —The day was observed in this town with becoming solemnity . Early in the morning , the bells of the several churches commenced tolling , and continued throughout the day with little interruption until nine o ' clock , and several of the shops were partially closed . The Literary and Philosophical Society , of which his Royal Highness was an honorary member , was , as a mark of respect to his memory , entirely closed on the occasion .
The day was similarly observed at Durham , where the Cathedral-bell was tolled at intervals . Also at North and South Shields , Sunderland , and other toivns in this district . GLOUCESTER —The corporation of this city attended divine service at the Cathedral , with their maces and other insignia enclosed in black crape . On Thursday the day of the funeral , most of the shops in the leading streets of this city were partially closed ; many private houses also had the blinds drawn , and the bells of some of the churches were tolled , and in the evening rung a muffled peal .