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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
the two Grand Wardens , and a President and twenty-four other members , the President and ten of the members being nominated by the Grand Master ; so that , out of a board of thirty members in all , there is a clear majority of Grand Officers . Decided as that majority is , we should
not deem it so much a matter of importance as to require a single comment . But the preponderance stops not there . For the Grand Officers of and from whom the majority of the Board of General Purposes is elected , vote for the remaining fourteen members , who are so
essentially the nominees of the former , that it is of the rarest occurrence to find any member of the Craft elected who is not on what is openly and most applicably denominated " The Grand Officer's List . " This is contrary to honestycontrary to the spirit of the Constitutions—contrary to
every notion of the purity of representation . And the remedy is self-apparent and easy . Let the fourteen Masters and Past Masters be elected by those who attend Grand Lodge simply as representatives of Lodges , and not as Grand Officers .
At the very last election for the Board , a paper was circulated , both at the Grand Officers' mess , and in the outer portal , thus headed :
" YOU ARE REQUESTED TO LEAVE THE FOLLOWING NAMES ON YOUR LIST FOR TIIE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . " Then followed the names of the fourteen Masters and Past Masters , which the Grand Officers had settled on
as the " faithful " for the session ; and all were elected . In these , and a few other particulars , the Book of Constitutions must be revised , if it be intended that Harmony , that cannot breathe in the atmosphere of injustice , shall be one of the hand-maidens of English Freemasonry—if it be deemed essential to the order that fallacy should not be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
the two Grand Wardens , and a President and twenty-four other members , the President and ten of the members being nominated by the Grand Master ; so that , out of a board of thirty members in all , there is a clear majority of Grand Officers . Decided as that majority is , we should
not deem it so much a matter of importance as to require a single comment . But the preponderance stops not there . For the Grand Officers of and from whom the majority of the Board of General Purposes is elected , vote for the remaining fourteen members , who are so
essentially the nominees of the former , that it is of the rarest occurrence to find any member of the Craft elected who is not on what is openly and most applicably denominated " The Grand Officer's List . " This is contrary to honestycontrary to the spirit of the Constitutions—contrary to
every notion of the purity of representation . And the remedy is self-apparent and easy . Let the fourteen Masters and Past Masters be elected by those who attend Grand Lodge simply as representatives of Lodges , and not as Grand Officers .
At the very last election for the Board , a paper was circulated , both at the Grand Officers' mess , and in the outer portal , thus headed :
" YOU ARE REQUESTED TO LEAVE THE FOLLOWING NAMES ON YOUR LIST FOR TIIE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES . " Then followed the names of the fourteen Masters and Past Masters , which the Grand Officers had settled on
as the " faithful " for the session ; and all were elected . In these , and a few other particulars , the Book of Constitutions must be revised , if it be intended that Harmony , that cannot breathe in the atmosphere of injustice , shall be one of the hand-maidens of English Freemasonry—if it be deemed essential to the order that fallacy should not be