Article MASONIC CHIT-CHAT. ← Page 7 of 7
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Masonic Chit-Chat.
MASONIC ON DITS . IMPORTANT TO THE FRATERNITY . —His Royal Highness the Prince Albert , and his Royal Highness the Prince George of Cambridge , will be initiated into Freemasonry , on Saturday next , in the Ptoyal Alpha Lodge , Kensington Palace , at an especial meeting convened for the occasion . —SunMay 17 .
, AVe can state from authority , that the business of the Lodge to be held this day at Kensington will be confined to the recording the demise of the Grand Master . The Deputy-Master , a functionary only existing in those private Lodges over which the Grand Master rules as the Master , considering it necessary to pay this especial mark of respect to his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . AAfthout venturing to give any opinion on the probability of the initiation of the illustrious personages
alluded to a few days since , we are by no means inclined to discredit the report , which reached us from an influential source , and particularly as it is well known their connection with the order is an event devoutl y desired by the Craft . The initiation of their Royal Highnesses is , we hope , only deferred for a short time . —Sun , May 20 .
THE FINE ARTS . —AVe are pleased to notice another instance of artistical talent emanating from Taunton . The Royal Academy ' s Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition of Paintings contains the name of Mr . Frederick AVhite , ( a brother , we believe , of our respected townsman , Mr . Eales AVhite , ) among the list of successful artists whose productions have been received and displayed for exhibition . Considering - that upivards of one thousand have been rejected bthe Committeethe
y , reception of Mr . White ' s painting must be highly gratifying to him . The subject appears to be "The Tree stricken by Lightning at Orchard Portman . " AVe observe another successful effort from the easel of Mr . H . Townsend , also a native of this town . THE PEERAGE . —The necessary documents and petition have been submitted to Parliament , by Colonel Tynte , in support of his claim to
the dormant Earldom of Wharton , which title it is confidentl y expected will shortly be adjudged to him accordingly . —Salisbury and Wilts Herald . DURHAM MEMORIAL . —The Committee appointed to receive the plans for the Testimonial to be erected to the memory of the late Earl of Durham , met on Thursday the 27 th ult ., when a great number of plans were submitted to them from architects residing in London and
other places , and we are happy to state that they determined to recommend the adoption of a design by Messrs . J . & B . Green . It consists of a Grecian Temple of large dimensions , and seems admirably adapted for the situation selected for its erection .
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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Chit-Chat.
MASONIC ON DITS . IMPORTANT TO THE FRATERNITY . —His Royal Highness the Prince Albert , and his Royal Highness the Prince George of Cambridge , will be initiated into Freemasonry , on Saturday next , in the Ptoyal Alpha Lodge , Kensington Palace , at an especial meeting convened for the occasion . —SunMay 17 .
, AVe can state from authority , that the business of the Lodge to be held this day at Kensington will be confined to the recording the demise of the Grand Master . The Deputy-Master , a functionary only existing in those private Lodges over which the Grand Master rules as the Master , considering it necessary to pay this especial mark of respect to his late Royal Highness the Duke of Sussex . AAfthout venturing to give any opinion on the probability of the initiation of the illustrious personages
alluded to a few days since , we are by no means inclined to discredit the report , which reached us from an influential source , and particularly as it is well known their connection with the order is an event devoutl y desired by the Craft . The initiation of their Royal Highnesses is , we hope , only deferred for a short time . —Sun , May 20 .
THE FINE ARTS . —AVe are pleased to notice another instance of artistical talent emanating from Taunton . The Royal Academy ' s Catalogue of the Annual Exhibition of Paintings contains the name of Mr . Frederick AVhite , ( a brother , we believe , of our respected townsman , Mr . Eales AVhite , ) among the list of successful artists whose productions have been received and displayed for exhibition . Considering - that upivards of one thousand have been rejected bthe Committeethe
y , reception of Mr . White ' s painting must be highly gratifying to him . The subject appears to be "The Tree stricken by Lightning at Orchard Portman . " AVe observe another successful effort from the easel of Mr . H . Townsend , also a native of this town . THE PEERAGE . —The necessary documents and petition have been submitted to Parliament , by Colonel Tynte , in support of his claim to
the dormant Earldom of Wharton , which title it is confidentl y expected will shortly be adjudged to him accordingly . —Salisbury and Wilts Herald . DURHAM MEMORIAL . —The Committee appointed to receive the plans for the Testimonial to be erected to the memory of the late Earl of Durham , met on Thursday the 27 th ult ., when a great number of plans were submitted to them from architects residing in London and
other places , and we are happy to state that they determined to recommend the adoption of a design by Messrs . J . & B . Green . It consists of a Grecian Temple of large dimensions , and seems admirably adapted for the situation selected for its erection .
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