Article THE FREEMASON'S LEXICON. ← Page 6 of 9 →
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The Freemason's Lexicon.
ductcur . These officers were chosen for life , and they held thenchapters in Latin . Agrippa Von Netleshcim . —Henry Cornelius , a learned adventurer , was born at Cologne in 1487 , where he studied law and medicine , and at the same time the secret sciences ; he wandered through France , Spain , Italy , and England ; served as a soldier ; was an advocate ; miraculous doctor , imperial archiver and historianand layed many other parts
, p , until he ended his restless life at Grenoble , in 1535 . Agrippa had great influence as a restorer of ancient magic , as a mystical theologian , sceptic , and miraculous doctor , upon his own and succeeding ages . A society for exercising the secret arts , which he founded in Paris , spread through France , Italy , Germany , and England , aud was the first which was founded by a learned man , and was the pattern and mother of all the others in the following ages . The most remarkable among his
writings are the three books , De Oculta Philosophia , Colon . 1533 , to which an anonymous writer added a fourth . An edition of his works , published at Lyons , 1600 , in two volumes , is very rare , but imperfect . With all the strange and fantastic things that are in his writings , there are to be found many proofs of considerable genius . Albert , Bishop of Reijensburgh , called also Albertus Magnus . —He received the surname of Great from his contemporaries , because of his
great learning ; but at the same time , they considered him to be a magician , or conjuror . He lived in the darkness of the 13 th century ; and besides theological learning , he possessed a great knowledge of mathematics , physic , and natural history , whereby in those days a man was sure to obtain great distinction . He was born either at the end of the 12 th or beginning of the 13 th century . He ivas a Dominican monk , 1249 ; rector of the school at Cologne , 1254 ; Provincial of his Order ; and
Bishop of Regensburgh , 1200 , ; but after being bishop two years , he voluntarily returned to his cloister in Cologne , where he devoted his life to the study of the arts and sciences alone , and where he wrote many works until the time of his death , in 1280 ; these were prinled at the Hague in 1651 , in twenty-one folio volumes . In later ages we have writings with the name and title of Albertus Magnus , but of the contents of which it is very possible that the good old bishop never even dreamt .
Albert Wolfgang —Ruling Prince of Lyppe-Buckeburgh-Schaumburg , born 27 th April , 1699 , and died 21 th September , 1748 . He first wrought as a Freemason with Frederick the Great . Alcht / my , Alchymist , Adept , or Gold-malcers . —A skilful chemist is enabled , by -a certain scientific process , to analyze natural bodies , and to determine whether they are simple or compound ; and to show how those bodies may be most usefully and profitably employed in the
various arts and manufactures which civilization has made necessary for the comfort of life . An alchymist or adept , on the contrary , and that very frequently without either chemical skill or knowledge , pretends to be able , by mixing various metals together , or with other bodies , to transmute them into gold , or at the least , to be able to produce a certain tincture called the Philosopher ' s Stone , for prolonging human life to an indefinite extent . He strives to place himself upon an equality with
God , and like God , to be able to create new bodies . Wicked , impious , and superstitious as this idea is , it has nevertheless been frequently held ; and there are people to be found at the present time who believe in and practise it ; but it may truly be said of those unfortunate beings , that ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason's Lexicon.
ductcur . These officers were chosen for life , and they held thenchapters in Latin . Agrippa Von Netleshcim . —Henry Cornelius , a learned adventurer , was born at Cologne in 1487 , where he studied law and medicine , and at the same time the secret sciences ; he wandered through France , Spain , Italy , and England ; served as a soldier ; was an advocate ; miraculous doctor , imperial archiver and historianand layed many other parts
, p , until he ended his restless life at Grenoble , in 1535 . Agrippa had great influence as a restorer of ancient magic , as a mystical theologian , sceptic , and miraculous doctor , upon his own and succeeding ages . A society for exercising the secret arts , which he founded in Paris , spread through France , Italy , Germany , and England , aud was the first which was founded by a learned man , and was the pattern and mother of all the others in the following ages . The most remarkable among his
writings are the three books , De Oculta Philosophia , Colon . 1533 , to which an anonymous writer added a fourth . An edition of his works , published at Lyons , 1600 , in two volumes , is very rare , but imperfect . With all the strange and fantastic things that are in his writings , there are to be found many proofs of considerable genius . Albert , Bishop of Reijensburgh , called also Albertus Magnus . —He received the surname of Great from his contemporaries , because of his
great learning ; but at the same time , they considered him to be a magician , or conjuror . He lived in the darkness of the 13 th century ; and besides theological learning , he possessed a great knowledge of mathematics , physic , and natural history , whereby in those days a man was sure to obtain great distinction . He was born either at the end of the 12 th or beginning of the 13 th century . He ivas a Dominican monk , 1249 ; rector of the school at Cologne , 1254 ; Provincial of his Order ; and
Bishop of Regensburgh , 1200 , ; but after being bishop two years , he voluntarily returned to his cloister in Cologne , where he devoted his life to the study of the arts and sciences alone , and where he wrote many works until the time of his death , in 1280 ; these were prinled at the Hague in 1651 , in twenty-one folio volumes . In later ages we have writings with the name and title of Albertus Magnus , but of the contents of which it is very possible that the good old bishop never even dreamt .
Albert Wolfgang —Ruling Prince of Lyppe-Buckeburgh-Schaumburg , born 27 th April , 1699 , and died 21 th September , 1748 . He first wrought as a Freemason with Frederick the Great . Alcht / my , Alchymist , Adept , or Gold-malcers . —A skilful chemist is enabled , by -a certain scientific process , to analyze natural bodies , and to determine whether they are simple or compound ; and to show how those bodies may be most usefully and profitably employed in the
various arts and manufactures which civilization has made necessary for the comfort of life . An alchymist or adept , on the contrary , and that very frequently without either chemical skill or knowledge , pretends to be able , by mixing various metals together , or with other bodies , to transmute them into gold , or at the least , to be able to produce a certain tincture called the Philosopher ' s Stone , for prolonging human life to an indefinite extent . He strives to place himself upon an equality with
God , and like God , to be able to create new bodies . Wicked , impious , and superstitious as this idea is , it has nevertheless been frequently held ; and there are people to be found at the present time who believe in and practise it ; but it may truly be said of those unfortunate beings , that ,