Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 5 of 13 →
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On Freemasonry.
words ; three tokens ; and three ways to advance . We have also three Primitive Lodges ; three temples ; three principals ; as many sojourners ; three working tools ; a triple triangle , and a delta sign , three greater and three lesser lights belonging to the Royal Arch . Indeed , the entire degree is founded on this significant emblem of the
Deity . Then the three ineffable triads ; the sign Golgotha ; the equilateral triangles ; and the triangular sconces of the encampment ; with the three points ; three columns ; and three times three symbols of the Sacred Name in the Rose Croix , were also of the same character . In a word , wherever we cast our eyes , we discover the same reference
to the triangle , that universal emblem of an Omnipotent Deity , characterized by infinite Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty ; and standing revealed to the Free and Accepted Mason in all his majesty and might . In every age , and among all people , whether their religion were true or falsethis remarkable attachment to the
, number Three has been found to prevail . The early patriarchs included a triad of offices in their own person ; for each was the king , priest , and prophet of his family and tribe ; an arrangement which has been perpetuated in the
system of Freemasonry , and embodied in one of its highest and most sublime degrees . Three men communed with Abraham under the oak at Mamre . In the Conciliator , a Jewish commentary on the books of the Old Testament , by the Rabbi Manassehben Israel , for which I am indebted to Brother Tumei-, of Grantham , the number three is made
good use of on several occasions . The Rabbi says : " The three patriarchs are likened to the heavenly bodies—Abraham to the Sun as rising in the east—Isaac to the Moon , as receiving his light from him—and Jacob to the Zodiac , from his sons constituting so many stars . Therefore , in Bamidmar-Rabathese appellations are iven to them .
, g Descending from the heavens to the firmament , the seven planets come after the orbs . These correspond to the seven pre-eminent men until Jacob , i . e ., Adam , Seth , Noah , Shem , Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob ; or , according to others , commencing with Jacob , it will be , Levi , KohathAmramMosesAaronDavidand Solomon ; or
, , , , , , Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , Moses , Aaron , David , and Solomon . In either way this number is mystical ; for as the sun has three planets above his orb , Mars , Jupiter , and Saturn ; and three below it , the Moon , Venus , and Mercury ; so Moses is compared to the sun from being in the
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On Freemasonry.
words ; three tokens ; and three ways to advance . We have also three Primitive Lodges ; three temples ; three principals ; as many sojourners ; three working tools ; a triple triangle , and a delta sign , three greater and three lesser lights belonging to the Royal Arch . Indeed , the entire degree is founded on this significant emblem of the
Deity . Then the three ineffable triads ; the sign Golgotha ; the equilateral triangles ; and the triangular sconces of the encampment ; with the three points ; three columns ; and three times three symbols of the Sacred Name in the Rose Croix , were also of the same character . In a word , wherever we cast our eyes , we discover the same reference
to the triangle , that universal emblem of an Omnipotent Deity , characterized by infinite Wisdom , Strength , and Beauty ; and standing revealed to the Free and Accepted Mason in all his majesty and might . In every age , and among all people , whether their religion were true or falsethis remarkable attachment to the
, number Three has been found to prevail . The early patriarchs included a triad of offices in their own person ; for each was the king , priest , and prophet of his family and tribe ; an arrangement which has been perpetuated in the
system of Freemasonry , and embodied in one of its highest and most sublime degrees . Three men communed with Abraham under the oak at Mamre . In the Conciliator , a Jewish commentary on the books of the Old Testament , by the Rabbi Manassehben Israel , for which I am indebted to Brother Tumei-, of Grantham , the number three is made
good use of on several occasions . The Rabbi says : " The three patriarchs are likened to the heavenly bodies—Abraham to the Sun as rising in the east—Isaac to the Moon , as receiving his light from him—and Jacob to the Zodiac , from his sons constituting so many stars . Therefore , in Bamidmar-Rabathese appellations are iven to them .
, g Descending from the heavens to the firmament , the seven planets come after the orbs . These correspond to the seven pre-eminent men until Jacob , i . e ., Adam , Seth , Noah , Shem , Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob ; or , according to others , commencing with Jacob , it will be , Levi , KohathAmramMosesAaronDavidand Solomon ; or
, , , , , , Abraham , Isaac , Jacob , Moses , Aaron , David , and Solomon . In either way this number is mystical ; for as the sun has three planets above his orb , Mars , Jupiter , and Saturn ; and three below it , the Moon , Venus , and Mercury ; so Moses is compared to the sun from being in the