Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Agricultural Society Of England. A...
ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND . At a Meeting of the Council , held oil the Gth day of April , 18-12 , it was , on the motion of the Duke of Richmond , seconded by Colonel Challoner , resolved unanimously —• " That the Society ' s house and property in Hanover Square should be insured in the Farmers' Fire and Life Insurant-,: Institution , s ' . fi . Strand , London . " The Royal Farms in Windsor Fade are Insured in tne Farmers' Tire and Iiife Insurance Office .
rFHE FARMERS' & GENERAL FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE - " - INSTITUTION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , Strand , London . CAPITAL , £ 500 , 000 , With , upwards of 1960 Shareholders enrolled . HOKTOBAEY BXK ISC TOES .
His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND , a Trustee ot the Royal Agricultural Society of England . Tlie EARL OF STRADBROKE , a Governor ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARL DUCIE , Vice-President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARI , Of STAIR . The EAttL OV STAMFORD AND WARRINGTON .... Cheshire . LORD RAY'LEIGH , a Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . LORD FEVERSHAM Yorkshire . LORD STANLEY , M . P Lancashire . VISCOUNT CAMPDEN Rutlandshire . —And Seventy-five other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . CODNTY DIRECTORS AJCREABY APPOINTED .
B . P . SHEARER—Swanmore FIELDER KING—Bunion tl . WUOD—tiiamdean , Hants L . LYWOOD—Newton Stacey W . SPEARING—Chilholton G . 0 . WESTLAKE—Andover T . S . GODWIN—Broushton G . WESTUIH-Y—Andover J . REEVES—King ' s Soinhorne J . ATKINS—llartou Pevcrell JAMES YOUNG
. J . H . SPAUKES—Cotstam T . C WOODWARD—Andover T . TvvYNAM— Bishup ' s Stoke T . EARLE—Itchin Stoke JOHN HAYWARD—Devizes It . SAUN DERS—Gt . Wishford W . NEATE-Overton W . TANNER—Calne C . ALEXANDER—Littleton H ; F . . 1 . KELSEY' —Salisbury JONATH . GRANT—Coulstone
JOHN CLIFT—Woodborotigl - J . SIDFOHD—Bishopstone L . P . MATON—Collingboiune D . MAURICE—Marlborough T . SEVERNE—Newent JOHN CABLE—Newent G . GATES—Stcyniug J . BOWLES-Midhurst II . WELLS—Midhursl II . INGRAM—Sevning T . STEPHENS—Il . niustor
JAMES BRICE—Bridgewater W . LARGE—Lainbourne J . K . REEVES-Ilendrcd C . EDWARDS—Ramsbury J . HAYWARD—lnkpen J . IIORWOOD— liracktey J . 1 I 1 NGESTON—Frostenden G . BRAG 1 NT 0 N—Turlington W . PORTER—Huniton JOHN GOBBET— Iken-tall ft . LUCAS—TrottDii THOS . DEAN—Wallingford W . HANKIN—Bcntworth J . Tl LLYER—Haniionswortli
E . WELLS—Wallingford W . TALLENT— Rushmore Hall S . ROBINSON—Ilcnstiad R . HAIVARD— Br .-infii . Id S . GOODWYN—Huntingfield JOHN M \ NN—Huntingli . ld E . COTHNGAM—Cove Hlthc L , O . C 0 TriNGHAM—Reydon R . BARRETT—Saxmundham R . ALLEN—Wissctt WILLIAM WHITE—Walpole Linsdale
JOHN OSBORNEJONAS WERB—Babiaham R . LOWMAN—C . rcwkeme F . BARNARD—Wantage J . HOLLAND—St . Neots R . MARRIOTT , —Swalfham W . F . HOBBS—Coggcshall W . HUTLEY-Wittiani D . C . ALSTON—Manningtree C . NUNN—Little Bromley R . SEWELL—Little Oakley JBARKER—Ramsey
. R . GATES—Bramlev S . SHARPE—Stoke ' , Surrey W . CORK 1 NGE—Shorebain . W . H . TILLEY—Reigate J . CAWLEY—Winwick G . EMERY— IJanwell R . LARGE—Tokenhnm J . TROWBRIDGE— Upcerne T . BUCK LAWTON—Newark S . L . FRY—Axb ridge J . W . CARTWRIGHT—Bagnall
J . AYLING—Liss , Hants W . CARTER—ThuriiMton R . M 1 LWARD—Hexgrave . Nts E . BOWDAGE—Crewkerne WM . DENN 1 S 0 N—Piddleton 0 . E . HANNAM—Margate G . ATKINSON-Salisbury J . MATHEWS—Neivcnt J . STALLARD—Redmavley S . II . HITCH , M . D . —Cluster THOS . QUARRELL—Newent HEN . OVERTON—Croydon J . VI' . JEYES— Uppingham
1 . BARRETT—Wintenon WM . CoOPER—Kessingland EW 1 X _} AN 11 _ L— A > -Uw _ . tt _ i _ R . ALLFORD—Cliedder T . BROWN—Burderop JOHN DRAPER—Crcwl-crne W . P . SQUIRE—Silsoc C . BATTEN—Hungerford E . FITCH—Old Hall , Stieplc Bumsteail , Essex . / . CHAMBERS—Court Clifford
W . TONKIN—Ya ' . iling Keut T . BOORMAN—East Peckham T . . 1 . WILD—East Peckham J . KIRBY' —South Morton T . CQCKERAM— Upcerne W . CU FF— Crewkerne [ Dorset R . F . WARDE—Bearstead . Kent R . SOLLY '—Muiidenhall . Essex C . RAY LEY '—Wrcmham J . MATTHEWS—Hungerford T . LEONARD—Newbury iui
C . H . L __ m _ . 10 M .-Y _ . ; Hall , Wheathampsted J . LANGFORD—Hungerford WM . LARGE—Ogbourno JOHN LARGE—Ogbourne R . V 1 NN—East Meon , Hauts W . SHACKELL—Sulhamstead R . PHILLIPS—Shiffnnl F . TAYLOR—Guiting Power W . H . JACOBS-lsle of Wight C . NEWMAN— Haves
W . ANDERSON—Oakley , Bed H . SMITH—Bardfield , Essex JAMES RUSSELL—Barnsley W . SPACK . MAN—Broroliam T . LAVINGTON—Poulsholt J . WIC 11 ER—Petersfield J . M . SING—Bridgnorth C , SHARP—Whitechurch . Hts W . BRYAN—Lower Slaughter-JOSLIN BULWER—Uattisdeu J . FULLER—Bcachainwtll ROBT . EVERETT—Westacre T . WATERS—Winchester 8 . T . TAYLOR—Dilhnm , Nor .
T . I 1 . SHEPPARD—Clifton W . S . HITCH . IAN—Chipping Kor on R . EEMAN—Donnington J . M . PAINE— flirnlrain R . B . ROUSE—Torrmgtoii J . J EPSON—Nowthornc R . SPICER-Chard J . CLUE—North Chapel G . mS-lOP-Maito * W . CLU'ITON—Edwinstowc HFRAMPTON—Newington
. , Oxon . J . ( -REENAVVAV—Radlcy J . FOWLER—Winterboum C . PENToN—Barton stacey T . E . BEASLEY '— Marston E . VINES—She-field J . GILES—Ledbury J . J . TlDCoMBE—Crewkerne W . STREET—Glewstone T . BARNETT—Ross R . KNIGHT—Winchester
H . KNIGHT-Wnchester J . H , COURTNEY—Crawley T . PERN—Crawley T . COROERY—Twyford J . WADE—Barton Stacey J . COHDERY— Chilcomb 2 . BAlLEY-CoWngbourn T . BAKRY—Middle Claydon T . MARTIN— Hadlow H . SIMMONS—Hadlow J . KING-Blechlingly Naunton
J . HANKSJ . S . 11 ULT— Kingston , Soin . T . CHARD—Haj don W . DRAKE—Kingsclere J . EASTMENT—VYiiicauton LOWNDES—Manvell . E . MASON—Maidenhead J . CLARK—Maidenhead A . STEVENS , FarnUam F . BAYNES—Hockerill W . WALKER , ComptoiiAbdale R . A . RANGER—Hunton
__ *___ . 4 l _ WI-> IG- STOCK insured without the Average Clause at Is . Oil . per cent . —3 _ To Duty . COanVtOTI HSTSUR . R . 'NCE- —Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous , Is . Gd . per sent . —Hazardous 2 s . Ctl . I'M ccnL- ^ Douhle hazardous , subject to special Agreement . Fue Insurances may he etVected for a longer term than One Y ' a-tr , . it Reduced Kates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of IiIVBS are upon an equally moderate scale of charges . Annual Premiums on Lift Insurance / or £ 100 .
AGE . 20 | 30 1 40 | 50 1 BO I 70 ~~~~ - £ 1 U 11 l " V 4 1 I Mil 10 j 4 4 5 | 6 11 2 | 10 16 8 Endowments of all kinds for future or existing Children . —The usual Commission to Solciitors . ... Prospectuses and Marks for Buildings may be had of , and Proposals for Insurances , & c , be forirai ded lo , their Agents in then respective districts , or to theOliicc in London . ,. „ ,,,. ., ... AGENTS are appointed in the Principal Towns in the Kingdom , W . SHAW , Managing Director .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Agricultural Society Of England. A...
ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF ENGLAND . At a Meeting of the Council , held oil the Gth day of April , 18-12 , it was , on the motion of the Duke of Richmond , seconded by Colonel Challoner , resolved unanimously —• " That the Society ' s house and property in Hanover Square should be insured in the Farmers' Fire and Life Insurant-,: Institution , s ' . fi . Strand , London . " The Royal Farms in Windsor Fade are Insured in tne Farmers' Tire and Iiife Insurance Office .
rFHE FARMERS' & GENERAL FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE - " - INSTITUTION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , Strand , London . CAPITAL , £ 500 , 000 , With , upwards of 1960 Shareholders enrolled . HOKTOBAEY BXK ISC TOES .
His Grace the DUKE OF RUTLAND , a Trustee ot the Royal Agricultural Society of England . Tlie EARL OF STRADBROKE , a Governor ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARL DUCIE , Vice-President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The EARI , Of STAIR . The EAttL OV STAMFORD AND WARRINGTON .... Cheshire . LORD RAY'LEIGH , a Governor of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . LORD FEVERSHAM Yorkshire . LORD STANLEY , M . P Lancashire . VISCOUNT CAMPDEN Rutlandshire . —And Seventy-five other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . CODNTY DIRECTORS AJCREABY APPOINTED .
B . P . SHEARER—Swanmore FIELDER KING—Bunion tl . WUOD—tiiamdean , Hants L . LYWOOD—Newton Stacey W . SPEARING—Chilholton G . 0 . WESTLAKE—Andover T . S . GODWIN—Broushton G . WESTUIH-Y—Andover J . REEVES—King ' s Soinhorne J . ATKINS—llartou Pevcrell JAMES YOUNG
. J . H . SPAUKES—Cotstam T . C WOODWARD—Andover T . TvvYNAM— Bishup ' s Stoke T . EARLE—Itchin Stoke JOHN HAYWARD—Devizes It . SAUN DERS—Gt . Wishford W . NEATE-Overton W . TANNER—Calne C . ALEXANDER—Littleton H ; F . . 1 . KELSEY' —Salisbury JONATH . GRANT—Coulstone
JOHN CLIFT—Woodborotigl - J . SIDFOHD—Bishopstone L . P . MATON—Collingboiune D . MAURICE—Marlborough T . SEVERNE—Newent JOHN CABLE—Newent G . GATES—Stcyniug J . BOWLES-Midhurst II . WELLS—Midhursl II . INGRAM—Sevning T . STEPHENS—Il . niustor
JAMES BRICE—Bridgewater W . LARGE—Lainbourne J . K . REEVES-Ilendrcd C . EDWARDS—Ramsbury J . HAYWARD—lnkpen J . IIORWOOD— liracktey J . 1 I 1 NGESTON—Frostenden G . BRAG 1 NT 0 N—Turlington W . PORTER—Huniton JOHN GOBBET— Iken-tall ft . LUCAS—TrottDii THOS . DEAN—Wallingford W . HANKIN—Bcntworth J . Tl LLYER—Haniionswortli
E . WELLS—Wallingford W . TALLENT— Rushmore Hall S . ROBINSON—Ilcnstiad R . HAIVARD— Br .-infii . Id S . GOODWYN—Huntingfield JOHN M \ NN—Huntingli . ld E . COTHNGAM—Cove Hlthc L , O . C 0 TriNGHAM—Reydon R . BARRETT—Saxmundham R . ALLEN—Wissctt WILLIAM WHITE—Walpole Linsdale
JOHN OSBORNEJONAS WERB—Babiaham R . LOWMAN—C . rcwkeme F . BARNARD—Wantage J . HOLLAND—St . Neots R . MARRIOTT , —Swalfham W . F . HOBBS—Coggcshall W . HUTLEY-Wittiani D . C . ALSTON—Manningtree C . NUNN—Little Bromley R . SEWELL—Little Oakley JBARKER—Ramsey
. R . GATES—Bramlev S . SHARPE—Stoke ' , Surrey W . CORK 1 NGE—Shorebain . W . H . TILLEY—Reigate J . CAWLEY—Winwick G . EMERY— IJanwell R . LARGE—Tokenhnm J . TROWBRIDGE— Upcerne T . BUCK LAWTON—Newark S . L . FRY—Axb ridge J . W . CARTWRIGHT—Bagnall
J . AYLING—Liss , Hants W . CARTER—ThuriiMton R . M 1 LWARD—Hexgrave . Nts E . BOWDAGE—Crewkerne WM . DENN 1 S 0 N—Piddleton 0 . E . HANNAM—Margate G . ATKINSON-Salisbury J . MATHEWS—Neivcnt J . STALLARD—Redmavley S . II . HITCH , M . D . —Cluster THOS . QUARRELL—Newent HEN . OVERTON—Croydon J . VI' . JEYES— Uppingham
1 . BARRETT—Wintenon WM . CoOPER—Kessingland EW 1 X _} AN 11 _ L— A > -Uw _ . tt _ i _ R . ALLFORD—Cliedder T . BROWN—Burderop JOHN DRAPER—Crcwl-crne W . P . SQUIRE—Silsoc C . BATTEN—Hungerford E . FITCH—Old Hall , Stieplc Bumsteail , Essex . / . CHAMBERS—Court Clifford
W . TONKIN—Ya ' . iling Keut T . BOORMAN—East Peckham T . . 1 . WILD—East Peckham J . KIRBY' —South Morton T . CQCKERAM— Upcerne W . CU FF— Crewkerne [ Dorset R . F . WARDE—Bearstead . Kent R . SOLLY '—Muiidenhall . Essex C . RAY LEY '—Wrcmham J . MATTHEWS—Hungerford T . LEONARD—Newbury iui
C . H . L __ m _ . 10 M .-Y _ . ; Hall , Wheathampsted J . LANGFORD—Hungerford WM . LARGE—Ogbourno JOHN LARGE—Ogbourne R . V 1 NN—East Meon , Hauts W . SHACKELL—Sulhamstead R . PHILLIPS—Shiffnnl F . TAYLOR—Guiting Power W . H . JACOBS-lsle of Wight C . NEWMAN— Haves
W . ANDERSON—Oakley , Bed H . SMITH—Bardfield , Essex JAMES RUSSELL—Barnsley W . SPACK . MAN—Broroliam T . LAVINGTON—Poulsholt J . WIC 11 ER—Petersfield J . M . SING—Bridgnorth C , SHARP—Whitechurch . Hts W . BRYAN—Lower Slaughter-JOSLIN BULWER—Uattisdeu J . FULLER—Bcachainwtll ROBT . EVERETT—Westacre T . WATERS—Winchester 8 . T . TAYLOR—Dilhnm , Nor .
T . I 1 . SHEPPARD—Clifton W . S . HITCH . IAN—Chipping Kor on R . EEMAN—Donnington J . M . PAINE— flirnlrain R . B . ROUSE—Torrmgtoii J . J EPSON—Nowthornc R . SPICER-Chard J . CLUE—North Chapel G . mS-lOP-Maito * W . CLU'ITON—Edwinstowc HFRAMPTON—Newington
. , Oxon . J . ( -REENAVVAV—Radlcy J . FOWLER—Winterboum C . PENToN—Barton stacey T . E . BEASLEY '— Marston E . VINES—She-field J . GILES—Ledbury J . J . TlDCoMBE—Crewkerne W . STREET—Glewstone T . BARNETT—Ross R . KNIGHT—Winchester
H . KNIGHT-Wnchester J . H , COURTNEY—Crawley T . PERN—Crawley T . COROERY—Twyford J . WADE—Barton Stacey J . COHDERY— Chilcomb 2 . BAlLEY-CoWngbourn T . BAKRY—Middle Claydon T . MARTIN— Hadlow H . SIMMONS—Hadlow J . KING-Blechlingly Naunton
J . HANKSJ . S . 11 ULT— Kingston , Soin . T . CHARD—Haj don W . DRAKE—Kingsclere J . EASTMENT—VYiiicauton LOWNDES—Manvell . E . MASON—Maidenhead J . CLARK—Maidenhead A . STEVENS , FarnUam F . BAYNES—Hockerill W . WALKER , ComptoiiAbdale R . A . RANGER—Hunton
__ *___ . 4 l _ WI-> IG- STOCK insured without the Average Clause at Is . Oil . per cent . —3 _ To Duty . COanVtOTI HSTSUR . R . 'NCE- —Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous , Is . Gd . per sent . —Hazardous 2 s . Ctl . I'M ccnL- ^ Douhle hazardous , subject to special Agreement . Fue Insurances may he etVected for a longer term than One Y ' a-tr , . it Reduced Kates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of IiIVBS are upon an equally moderate scale of charges . Annual Premiums on Lift Insurance / or £ 100 .
AGE . 20 | 30 1 40 | 50 1 BO I 70 ~~~~ - £ 1 U 11 l " V 4 1 I Mil 10 j 4 4 5 | 6 11 2 | 10 16 8 Endowments of all kinds for future or existing Children . —The usual Commission to Solciitors . ... Prospectuses and Marks for Buildings may be had of , and Proposals for Insurances , & c , be forirai ded lo , their Agents in then respective districts , or to theOliicc in London . ,. „ ,,,. ., ... AGENTS are appointed in the Principal Towns in the Kingdom , W . SHAW , Managing Director .