Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Free-Masonry. "Jvtasonic Clothing, Furni...
FREE-MASONRY . "jVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for - * -- *• Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NIOUOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic AVorks .
Freemasonry.. The Emulation Lodge Of Imp...
FREEMASONRY . . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T ) EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great •* - * " Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening .
Freemasonry. Royal Arch. /Companion Avm....
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL ARCH . / COMPANION AVM . POVEY begs to announce to the Companions of the HOLY ^ ROYAL ARCH , that he furnishes the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE READINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at the Exaltation of Companionsancl Installation of Principals ; and begs respectfully to impress on the minds
, of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as early as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations ofthe Supreme Grand Chapter . Neatly bound in morocco , 10 s . ; and otherwise , os . and 4 * . 120 , Fetter Lane , London-
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. 1 P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . 1 P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any ol the u ' above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of AVATCIIES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold AVatch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold AVatches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , Sec . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Air Guns And Air Canes, Recently Improye...
AIR GUNS AND AIR CANES , RECENTLY IMPROYED AND DIVE . STED OF COMPLICATION , BY BROTHER REILLY , JUN . TCOR SHOOTING with BALL , SHOT , and HARPOON in numerous sports . They - * - are now the most portable and silentldestructive ever made use ofThey
y weapons . discharge upwards of twenty times with the force of gunpowder , without re-condensin" - the air ; they require no cleaning after use , and very little care . Purchasers may inspect and have trial on the premises of our great variety of new patterns , rifled and ' smooth , large calibres , & c . & c . ; or have them made to their orders of any size and power ! Letters need only state what sports they are required for , to ensure receiving suitable calibre . Tlie largest Stock in London of GUNSPISTOLS and RIFLES . —The shooting
, needs only to be tried to prove the ori ginality of Reilly ' s system of boring . A large Stock of Second-hand Guns , by Lancaster , Forsyth , Manton , Purdey , Moore , & c . & c ., good as new , at less than half-price . Fowling Pieces and Rifles re-bored , and the Shooting made perfect , one guinea a barrel . ; ' No cure no pav . " REILLY , GUN MAKER , 3 ) 6 , High Holborn , near Chancery-lane .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Free-Masonry. "Jvtasonic Clothing, Furni...
FREE-MASONRY . "jVTASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for - * -- *• Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NIOUOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW , and other Masonic AVorks .
Freemasonry.. The Emulation Lodge Of Imp...
FREEMASONRY . . THE EMULATION LODGE OF IMPROVEMENT , T ) EMOVED from the Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , to the Freemasons' Tavern , Great •* - * " Queen Street , will be opened every Friday evening , at Seven o ' clock precisely , and a Ceremony , with a portion of the Lectures , worked during the evening .
Freemasonry. Royal Arch. /Companion Avm....
FREEMASONRY . ROYAL ARCH . / COMPANION AVM . POVEY begs to announce to the Companions of the HOLY ^ ROYAL ARCH , that he furnishes the SELECTION OF SCRIPTURE READINGS , as directed by the GRAND CHAPTER to be read at the Exaltation of Companionsancl Installation of Principals ; and begs respectfully to impress on the minds
, of Principals of Chapters and others , the necessity that exists for their possessing themselves as early as possible with them , as the readiest mode of complying with the regulations ofthe Supreme Grand Chapter . Neatly bound in morocco , 10 s . ; and otherwise , os . and 4 * . 120 , Fetter Lane , London-
Watches, Plate, And Jewellery. 1 P. Ackl...
WATCHES , PLATE , AND JEWELLERY . 1 P . ACKLAM respectfully solicits those Brethren and Friends in want of any ol the u ' above Articles , to inspect his STOCK , which consists of AVATCIIES of every Description , particularly the Small Fashionable Gold AVatch , with Gold or Silver Dials , Six and Seven Guineas each , Horizontal Gold AVatches , four holes jewelled , from Nine to Twelve Guineas each , all warranted in performance ; Silver Plate in every diversity of Articles , both Chased and Plain , New and Second-hand ; every Item of Fashionable Jewellery at moderate Prices ; best Sheffield Plated Articles , Sec . 138 , Strand , opposite Catherine Street .
Air Guns And Air Canes, Recently Improye...
AIR GUNS AND AIR CANES , RECENTLY IMPROYED AND DIVE . STED OF COMPLICATION , BY BROTHER REILLY , JUN . TCOR SHOOTING with BALL , SHOT , and HARPOON in numerous sports . They - * - are now the most portable and silentldestructive ever made use ofThey
y weapons . discharge upwards of twenty times with the force of gunpowder , without re-condensin" - the air ; they require no cleaning after use , and very little care . Purchasers may inspect and have trial on the premises of our great variety of new patterns , rifled and ' smooth , large calibres , & c . & c . ; or have them made to their orders of any size and power ! Letters need only state what sports they are required for , to ensure receiving suitable calibre . Tlie largest Stock in London of GUNSPISTOLS and RIFLES . —The shooting
, needs only to be tried to prove the ori ginality of Reilly ' s system of boring . A large Stock of Second-hand Guns , by Lancaster , Forsyth , Manton , Purdey , Moore , & c . & c ., good as new , at less than half-price . Fowling Pieces and Rifles re-bored , and the Shooting made perfect , one guinea a barrel . ; ' No cure no pav . " REILLY , GUN MAKER , 3 ) 6 , High Holborn , near Chancery-lane .