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EDINBURGH . —The advices from this quarter are unusually meagre , and present , but little interest . The report of meetings at Gatehouse and Gartnavel will be found interesting . GLASGOW , GARTNAVEL , June I . —New Royal Lunatic Asylum . — Grand Procession and Ceremonial on Laying the Foundation Stone . — About eleven o ' clock the different Masonic Lodges , arrayed in the distinguishing emblems of their several orderswith banners and
, devices , headed by bands of music , repaired to their allotted districts , and , under the efficient management of the city-marshal , were speedily disposed in order of procession . Besides a fine body of police , dressed in their new uniforms , a party of Enniskillen dragoons , and 66 th foot , also two pieces of artillery , assisted to form the procession , and added considerably to the imposing effect of the whole . In the Grand Lodge we observed Sir James Campbell , supported
right and left by Sheriff Alison and Sir Neil Douglas , commander of the forces for Scotland . The ceremony was conducted with all the customary formalities . Tbe Grand Chaplain ' s prayer was very impressive , and the addresses of Sir James Campbell , Henry Dunlop , Esq ., aiid others were deservedly applauded- At the conclusion of the ceremony three cheers were given , and amidst the music of tbe various bands , the procession returned to town . In the evening , a respectable party of
gentlemen sat down to dinner in the Trades' Hall , Sir James Campbell , Lord Provost , in the chair , Henry Dunlop , Esq ., Croupier . The Chairman was supported , right and left , by Sir Neil Douglas , Sir Alan Macnab , Colonel Fleming , and other military officers , Principal Macfarlan , R . Findlay , Esq ., Dr . Hutchison , & c . At the Croupier ' s table were Dr . M'Leod , William Laurie , Esq ., Secretary of the Grand Lodge , AVilliam Dunn , Esq ., Bailie Bogle , Convener Dick , & c . & c . Principal Macfarlan and Dr . M'Leod officiated as Chaplains . This institution is , we believe , the first that has been consecrated on the non-restraint system , and most cordially do we wish it success .
THE RUTHERFORD MONUMENT . —On the 28 th April , 1 S 42 , the foundation of this long talked of monument was laid by the Rev . Mr . Jeffrey , of Girthon , assisted by tbe Brethren of St . Stephen ' s Lodge , Gatehouse , and numerous deputations of Craftsmen from other quarters . As all felt the warmest interest on the occasion , Thursday was quite a gala day on the banks of the Fleet . It is at all times difficult to estimate accurately the numbers of a crowd , not placed in military order ; but it
was supposed that the assembled witnesses of the interesting ceremony could not be much under five thousand . At two o ' clock the procession moved from Gatehouse , preceded by the magistrates and council , and in their wake the Trades , with their respective banners , in well-regulated marching array . In rear of the leaders followed a compact body of Freemasons , dressed as Craftsmen , and many of them covered with the insignia of office . Drums , fifes , and bagpipes , were not wanting ; and last , though by no means least , Lady Ann Murray ' s excellent instrumental band . The effect of so many instruments tuned to harmony , was spirit-stirring in the last degree ; and as
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EDINBURGH . —The advices from this quarter are unusually meagre , and present , but little interest . The report of meetings at Gatehouse and Gartnavel will be found interesting . GLASGOW , GARTNAVEL , June I . —New Royal Lunatic Asylum . — Grand Procession and Ceremonial on Laying the Foundation Stone . — About eleven o ' clock the different Masonic Lodges , arrayed in the distinguishing emblems of their several orderswith banners and
, devices , headed by bands of music , repaired to their allotted districts , and , under the efficient management of the city-marshal , were speedily disposed in order of procession . Besides a fine body of police , dressed in their new uniforms , a party of Enniskillen dragoons , and 66 th foot , also two pieces of artillery , assisted to form the procession , and added considerably to the imposing effect of the whole . In the Grand Lodge we observed Sir James Campbell , supported
right and left by Sheriff Alison and Sir Neil Douglas , commander of the forces for Scotland . The ceremony was conducted with all the customary formalities . Tbe Grand Chaplain ' s prayer was very impressive , and the addresses of Sir James Campbell , Henry Dunlop , Esq ., aiid others were deservedly applauded- At the conclusion of the ceremony three cheers were given , and amidst the music of tbe various bands , the procession returned to town . In the evening , a respectable party of
gentlemen sat down to dinner in the Trades' Hall , Sir James Campbell , Lord Provost , in the chair , Henry Dunlop , Esq ., Croupier . The Chairman was supported , right and left , by Sir Neil Douglas , Sir Alan Macnab , Colonel Fleming , and other military officers , Principal Macfarlan , R . Findlay , Esq ., Dr . Hutchison , & c . At the Croupier ' s table were Dr . M'Leod , William Laurie , Esq ., Secretary of the Grand Lodge , AVilliam Dunn , Esq ., Bailie Bogle , Convener Dick , & c . & c . Principal Macfarlan and Dr . M'Leod officiated as Chaplains . This institution is , we believe , the first that has been consecrated on the non-restraint system , and most cordially do we wish it success .
THE RUTHERFORD MONUMENT . —On the 28 th April , 1 S 42 , the foundation of this long talked of monument was laid by the Rev . Mr . Jeffrey , of Girthon , assisted by tbe Brethren of St . Stephen ' s Lodge , Gatehouse , and numerous deputations of Craftsmen from other quarters . As all felt the warmest interest on the occasion , Thursday was quite a gala day on the banks of the Fleet . It is at all times difficult to estimate accurately the numbers of a crowd , not placed in military order ; but it
was supposed that the assembled witnesses of the interesting ceremony could not be much under five thousand . At two o ' clock the procession moved from Gatehouse , preceded by the magistrates and council , and in their wake the Trades , with their respective banners , in well-regulated marching array . In rear of the leaders followed a compact body of Freemasons , dressed as Craftsmen , and many of them covered with the insignia of office . Drums , fifes , and bagpipes , were not wanting ; and last , though by no means least , Lady Ann Murray ' s excellent instrumental band . The effect of so many instruments tuned to harmony , was spirit-stirring in the last degree ; and as