Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 8 of 18 →
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Free and Accepted Masons agreed to assist him in this interestino ceremony . The activity of our gallant townsman , Capt . Harmer , the Mas er of the Lodge , is beyond all praise , and the admirable manner m winch the procession was arranged and conducted , must have been most gratifying to that gentleman . The Lodge was opened at the Koyal Hotel , and at that place joined the Mayor in procession , preceded by the Corporation band and regaliato the site of the
, proposed buildings . The immense concourse assembled ( comprising all the leading families in the town ) , showed how deep was the interest taken : and the beauty of the day , the loveliness of the scene , and the feelings of joy which were exhibited in the faces of the thousands who attended rendered this one of the most pleasing and gratifying sights that Yarmouth ever afforded .
SPALDING . —Several individuals , ladies ancl gentlemen , were permitted to inspect the preparations going on , prior to the commencement of the freemasons Lodge , called " The Hundred of Elloe Lodge , " No 690 which is held in a large room at the A-Vhite Hart Inn , in Spaldin" - ' Several new candidates were proposed , accepted , and initiated in the mysteries of the profession . The room , which was splendidly embellished with the various devices of the Craft , hacl an imposing appearance lendid chairfor the
a sp , Master of the Lodge , of massive construction , of the Doric order , latel y manufactured in Spaldin ^ attracted considerable notice ; it is white and gold , arms beautifulFv carved , m imitation of oak leaf , and gilt , with crimson back , paniiel cushion , and arms ; it was situated under the throne or canopy , which was tastefully fitted up with similar drapery , and elevated about two feet from the floor . —Lincoln Gazette , March 30 .
? iow ? °° If- —We find the plan of punctuality , suggested by an influentialCraftsman , works admirabl y ; and among our Resolutions printed and circulated , are the following : — r J' ^\ at P , ctna % and early hours are essential to the character of the Order , and domestic comfort of the Brethren . " " That the Lodge be not holden , if it be not formall y opened within ten minutes after the time specified in the notice
LAYING TIIE FOUNDATION STONE OP A FREEMASONS' HAM 4 T LINCOLN . —Owing to the increasing numbers of the Masonic body " in L an ™ h i ' £ p r esent P lace of meeting , which is a private room m the \ A lute Swan Yard , is become not sufficientl y commodious for the fraternity , and a party of the Members have subscribed a sufficient sum of money , m shares , to erect a Hall . A grant has been obtained of the site ot what was formerly the old prison , adjoining the Guildhall on which is to be erected suitable uniform with
a building , the Stone-bow tiie lower portion containing a room for the muniments of the corporation , and two shops , or offices , and the upper part a large and lofty room , adapted for Masonic purposes , which will also be used for other public matters . On Thursday , April iGth , the day fixed b y the committee of shareholders for laying the foundationstone
- , a numerous assemblage of the Brethren took place . B At nine o ' clock , between forty ancl fifty Members sat down to breakfast at the Lion Hotel , ancl afterwards adjourned to the dining-room where , being joined by numerous other Brethren , the Lodge was opened
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Free and Accepted Masons agreed to assist him in this interestino ceremony . The activity of our gallant townsman , Capt . Harmer , the Mas er of the Lodge , is beyond all praise , and the admirable manner m winch the procession was arranged and conducted , must have been most gratifying to that gentleman . The Lodge was opened at the Koyal Hotel , and at that place joined the Mayor in procession , preceded by the Corporation band and regaliato the site of the
, proposed buildings . The immense concourse assembled ( comprising all the leading families in the town ) , showed how deep was the interest taken : and the beauty of the day , the loveliness of the scene , and the feelings of joy which were exhibited in the faces of the thousands who attended rendered this one of the most pleasing and gratifying sights that Yarmouth ever afforded .
SPALDING . —Several individuals , ladies ancl gentlemen , were permitted to inspect the preparations going on , prior to the commencement of the freemasons Lodge , called " The Hundred of Elloe Lodge , " No 690 which is held in a large room at the A-Vhite Hart Inn , in Spaldin" - ' Several new candidates were proposed , accepted , and initiated in the mysteries of the profession . The room , which was splendidly embellished with the various devices of the Craft , hacl an imposing appearance lendid chairfor the
a sp , Master of the Lodge , of massive construction , of the Doric order , latel y manufactured in Spaldin ^ attracted considerable notice ; it is white and gold , arms beautifulFv carved , m imitation of oak leaf , and gilt , with crimson back , paniiel cushion , and arms ; it was situated under the throne or canopy , which was tastefully fitted up with similar drapery , and elevated about two feet from the floor . —Lincoln Gazette , March 30 .
? iow ? °° If- —We find the plan of punctuality , suggested by an influentialCraftsman , works admirabl y ; and among our Resolutions printed and circulated , are the following : — r J' ^\ at P , ctna % and early hours are essential to the character of the Order , and domestic comfort of the Brethren . " " That the Lodge be not holden , if it be not formall y opened within ten minutes after the time specified in the notice
LAYING TIIE FOUNDATION STONE OP A FREEMASONS' HAM 4 T LINCOLN . —Owing to the increasing numbers of the Masonic body " in L an ™ h i ' £ p r esent P lace of meeting , which is a private room m the \ A lute Swan Yard , is become not sufficientl y commodious for the fraternity , and a party of the Members have subscribed a sufficient sum of money , m shares , to erect a Hall . A grant has been obtained of the site ot what was formerly the old prison , adjoining the Guildhall on which is to be erected suitable uniform with
a building , the Stone-bow tiie lower portion containing a room for the muniments of the corporation , and two shops , or offices , and the upper part a large and lofty room , adapted for Masonic purposes , which will also be used for other public matters . On Thursday , April iGth , the day fixed b y the committee of shareholders for laying the foundationstone
- , a numerous assemblage of the Brethren took place . B At nine o ' clock , between forty ancl fifty Members sat down to breakfast at the Lion Hotel , ancl afterwards adjourned to the dining-room where , being joined by numerous other Brethren , the Lodge was opened