Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 5 of 18 →
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will have their paramount attention , where all who wish well to science will be enabled to drink at its spring—as we become wiser we become better . The lecturers will be selected from among the most eminent of the scientific world , who will lead us " to look through nature up to nature ' s GOD ; " and all who assisted in the great work of this day will feel proud of the part they have taken in the proceedings . The worthy Chairman concluded an excellent address with requesting all to join him
in filling bumpers to the prosperity of the Gravesend and Milton Literary Institution , with three times three —( loud and repeated cheering ) . The Deputy Chairman , Mr . TICKNEH , as soon as silence was restored , rose and said , —The Committee of Management have deputed me to return thanks for the great kindness shown to them , and for the manner in which their exertions have been responded to , in the interest
taken in the great undertaking they had that clay commenced . The Chairman is their chief patron , and it is said , to know a man you should know him well . The Chairman ( his former master ) he was proud to call his friend , ancl he would bear testimony that a better or more honourable man never existed ; to this place and its vicinity he was a valued friend ; he has done much in employing his best energies , with a large capital , for the benefit of Gravesend —( cheers ) . In a town like this , its rise and progress having been effected with a rapidity unrivalled , it is wondrous that such an undertaking as a literary institution had been so long delayed . The Chairman
has touched most eloquently upon this theme , ancl lett me notmng to add ; every true friend to England is a true friend to knowledge . That knowledge is power , has long passed as an axiomit has raised England above all nations . Such institutions as this have done more to exalt her in splendour than al ! her victories —( cheers ) . The true way to arrive at prosperity is to live in peace . Differences in opinion will exist in this as well as in other places ; but though opposed to the views of some partieshe felt it a duty he owed those parties to
, say , that he felt convinced they were actuated by an honest desire to do good . The laying of the first stone by the D . P . G . M ., assisted by his Masonic Brethren , gave a zest to the event of this day . They were all under obligations for the honour done them . Freemasonry is a delightful and most exalted science . The worthy speaker concluded an animated speech , laudatory of the proceedings of the day , and was loudly
cheered throughout . D . P . G . M . ASHLEY , in a complimentary speech upon the talents , urbanity , and liberality of the Chairman , called for bumpers to the health of the Chairmain , J . Harmer , Esq ., and may he live many years to enjoy health and happiness . This toast was drunk with three times three , and one cheer more , with a fervent display of enthusiastic delight rarely witnessed . wellmerited
The CHAIRMAN , in returning thanks , paid some - compliments to the Deputy Chairman ( Mr . Tickner ) . For tbe honour done him by the D . P . G . M . in proposing his health , he felt most grateful . That was the first time he had the pleasure of that gentleman s company , but hoped it would not be the last . The next toast from the Chair was , " The Master and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodgo , and all the Brothers who had honoured them that day . " . W . M . KEY returned thanks in a few words , in which he took an
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will have their paramount attention , where all who wish well to science will be enabled to drink at its spring—as we become wiser we become better . The lecturers will be selected from among the most eminent of the scientific world , who will lead us " to look through nature up to nature ' s GOD ; " and all who assisted in the great work of this day will feel proud of the part they have taken in the proceedings . The worthy Chairman concluded an excellent address with requesting all to join him
in filling bumpers to the prosperity of the Gravesend and Milton Literary Institution , with three times three —( loud and repeated cheering ) . The Deputy Chairman , Mr . TICKNEH , as soon as silence was restored , rose and said , —The Committee of Management have deputed me to return thanks for the great kindness shown to them , and for the manner in which their exertions have been responded to , in the interest
taken in the great undertaking they had that clay commenced . The Chairman is their chief patron , and it is said , to know a man you should know him well . The Chairman ( his former master ) he was proud to call his friend , ancl he would bear testimony that a better or more honourable man never existed ; to this place and its vicinity he was a valued friend ; he has done much in employing his best energies , with a large capital , for the benefit of Gravesend —( cheers ) . In a town like this , its rise and progress having been effected with a rapidity unrivalled , it is wondrous that such an undertaking as a literary institution had been so long delayed . The Chairman
has touched most eloquently upon this theme , ancl lett me notmng to add ; every true friend to England is a true friend to knowledge . That knowledge is power , has long passed as an axiomit has raised England above all nations . Such institutions as this have done more to exalt her in splendour than al ! her victories —( cheers ) . The true way to arrive at prosperity is to live in peace . Differences in opinion will exist in this as well as in other places ; but though opposed to the views of some partieshe felt it a duty he owed those parties to
, say , that he felt convinced they were actuated by an honest desire to do good . The laying of the first stone by the D . P . G . M ., assisted by his Masonic Brethren , gave a zest to the event of this day . They were all under obligations for the honour done them . Freemasonry is a delightful and most exalted science . The worthy speaker concluded an animated speech , laudatory of the proceedings of the day , and was loudly
cheered throughout . D . P . G . M . ASHLEY , in a complimentary speech upon the talents , urbanity , and liberality of the Chairman , called for bumpers to the health of the Chairmain , J . Harmer , Esq ., and may he live many years to enjoy health and happiness . This toast was drunk with three times three , and one cheer more , with a fervent display of enthusiastic delight rarely witnessed . wellmerited
The CHAIRMAN , in returning thanks , paid some - compliments to the Deputy Chairman ( Mr . Tickner ) . For tbe honour done him by the D . P . G . M . in proposing his health , he felt most grateful . That was the first time he had the pleasure of that gentleman s company , but hoped it would not be the last . The next toast from the Chair was , " The Master and Officers of the Provincial Grand Lodgo , and all the Brothers who had honoured them that day . " . W . M . KEY returned thanks in a few words , in which he took an