Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 18 →
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C . Beckett , J Hills J . Mathews , 11 . Newbon , AV . II . Vallance , and C ^ tahi Ausdn " Cai ^ M' US 6 j Ke ^ Jeffri ^ * ner , Esqrs . ; After the cloth had been removed , and Benedictus having been beautifully sung by the professional gentlemen present , Messrs . Jones , Jolley , ^ Th m ' n - A * . \ awd Maste > -s Ball and Bassett , the Chairman feave Ihe Queen , with three times three —( great cheering ") . time tl ^ Prh , C 6 SS Roya 1 ' " next followed , with three
P , mT » Dnke of . , usse , > the Grand Master , and the rest of the Royal ™ rf' ^ T aS next tank with three times three- ( great cheering . ) ' The Navy and Army" was next given nJ r ClIA " . ?; ™ * ort speech of eulogy , proposed the "Mayor il Ifn ° - , V " T 111 Ch . ° bserVed that ' though , unfortunately , Ifferences might arise from local matters , it was hfvariably admitted $ stice ^ wisel
Sf £ l l * ore y , more impartiall y , or better administered than b y the gentlemen who usually presided on the bench at Gravesend- ( great cheering ) . Mr . Alderman EDMED returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN , in alluding to the honour which had been paid to the company by the ancient Fraternity of Free ancl Accepted Masons , n the laying the stone of their Institution by the D . P . G . iAI J Ashley Esq ., proposed the health of that gentleman , with iW t ;™ c , II '
wmcn was drunk With every possible demonstration of intense pleasure and high enthusiasm . "" -use pica The worshipful gentleman , in returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him , apologised for his inability to give utterance to ? he feelings his heart dictated . What he wanted inoratorytW would of Mmt ^ l ^ cfafSr W ^^ i ^ ^ tSf y kindLs ™ Xrto ^
could be suggested that could be more beneficial to the inhabitants of ? Xf " *? ' ? thegreat work they had that clay commence " nee The tn - t t 6 d tlUS P > * P P ^ ation had been nearl y doubled The projects m progress for steam navigation bring a greater influx of visitors , and as houses spring up they are immediatel y aigaged k rel ^ tTll ade ^ accommodation , which will tend to make Gravesend t te " S - ? IaCeSthercan be » 01 le like St for of buri
nes rt h i l men - ess . Ihe short distance from the metropolis and the low fares the easant voyage ancl delightful views , the noble river , with itsinnumera ble shipping borne upon its waters , show the mightiness of ths great K ' l ' i rl ? Sa UbrUy ° , the air 0 f Gravesend is proverb al-the invalid is restored to convalescence , and the robust , who delight in the eatit . es of nature , have here their full enjoyment . Could he be wronnie . i in saying that this was a first-rate Vatering-place ? rt 3 l
' , , ? i \ ,, ? | M ? A l [ ed U P a voi < l-the onl y one wantiii" to render t all that could be wished . You have no room of snffiSna ^ Sfc o accommodate the visitors for concerts or assemblies-tl e ™ wi 1 now be provided Another most necessary thing for the accommodation of the ladies , the committee have given their attention to Hbrary and reading-room to be fitted up for their exclusive use . The commW no unmindlul of the comforts and pleasures of the gentkmeT hiteml to have billiard and chess rooms . But the museum and IcTtnre room
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
C . Beckett , J Hills J . Mathews , 11 . Newbon , AV . II . Vallance , and C ^ tahi Ausdn " Cai ^ M' US 6 j Ke ^ Jeffri ^ * ner , Esqrs . ; After the cloth had been removed , and Benedictus having been beautifully sung by the professional gentlemen present , Messrs . Jones , Jolley , ^ Th m ' n - A * . \ awd Maste > -s Ball and Bassett , the Chairman feave Ihe Queen , with three times three —( great cheering ") . time tl ^ Prh , C 6 SS Roya 1 ' " next followed , with three
P , mT » Dnke of . , usse , > the Grand Master , and the rest of the Royal ™ rf' ^ T aS next tank with three times three- ( great cheering . ) ' The Navy and Army" was next given nJ r ClIA " . ?; ™ * ort speech of eulogy , proposed the "Mayor il Ifn ° - , V " T 111 Ch . ° bserVed that ' though , unfortunately , Ifferences might arise from local matters , it was hfvariably admitted $ stice ^ wisel
Sf £ l l * ore y , more impartiall y , or better administered than b y the gentlemen who usually presided on the bench at Gravesend- ( great cheering ) . Mr . Alderman EDMED returned thanks . The CHAIRMAN , in alluding to the honour which had been paid to the company by the ancient Fraternity of Free ancl Accepted Masons , n the laying the stone of their Institution by the D . P . G . iAI J Ashley Esq ., proposed the health of that gentleman , with iW t ;™ c , II '
wmcn was drunk With every possible demonstration of intense pleasure and high enthusiasm . "" -use pica The worshipful gentleman , in returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him , apologised for his inability to give utterance to ? he feelings his heart dictated . What he wanted inoratorytW would of Mmt ^ l ^ cfafSr W ^^ i ^ ^ tSf y kindLs ™ Xrto ^
could be suggested that could be more beneficial to the inhabitants of ? Xf " *? ' ? thegreat work they had that clay commence " nee The tn - t t 6 d tlUS P > * P P ^ ation had been nearl y doubled The projects m progress for steam navigation bring a greater influx of visitors , and as houses spring up they are immediatel y aigaged k rel ^ tTll ade ^ accommodation , which will tend to make Gravesend t te " S - ? IaCeSthercan be » 01 le like St for of buri
nes rt h i l men - ess . Ihe short distance from the metropolis and the low fares the easant voyage ancl delightful views , the noble river , with itsinnumera ble shipping borne upon its waters , show the mightiness of ths great K ' l ' i rl ? Sa UbrUy ° , the air 0 f Gravesend is proverb al-the invalid is restored to convalescence , and the robust , who delight in the eatit . es of nature , have here their full enjoyment . Could he be wronnie . i in saying that this was a first-rate Vatering-place ? rt 3 l
' , , ? i \ ,, ? | M ? A l [ ed U P a voi < l-the onl y one wantiii" to render t all that could be wished . You have no room of snffiSna ^ Sfc o accommodate the visitors for concerts or assemblies-tl e ™ wi 1 now be provided Another most necessary thing for the accommodation of the ladies , the committee have given their attention to Hbrary and reading-room to be fitted up for their exclusive use . The commW no unmindlul of the comforts and pleasures of the gentkmeT hiteml to have billiard and chess rooms . But the museum and IcTtnre room