Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 18 →
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The Mayor having granted the use of the Town-ball to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , the Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , J . Ashley , arrived there about eleven o ' clock , accompanied by a number of Grand Officers , and proceeded to the ceremony of opening a Lodge , at which were present the Deputy Grand Master ; Bro . Key , as Deputy Grand Master ; the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Jones ; and several other Prov . Grand Officers ; with Bros . Harmer
ancl Crucefix , Past Grand Deacons . The Brethren of the Gravesend Lodge of Freedom , No . 01 , had assembled at their Lodge-house , the Puncheon Tavern , in West Street ; they proceeded from thence , in procession , to the market-place , with the full Marine band from Chatham , in military costume , playing several Masonic airs . Here the whole company were marshalled by the proper officers , and proceeded in order to the groundat the north-east corner of Harmer Street .
, On their arrival at the ground , which was crowded with spectators , they were ushered into the space which had been railed off for their accommodation . They formed a large circle round the spot for laying the foundation stone . The interesting ceremony of laying it was committed to the able hands of Joseph Ashley , Esq ., the D . P . G . M . of Kent . Upon the glass box was placed a brass plate , with the following
inscription engraved on it : — " The first stone of the Literary Institution and Assembly Rooms , Plarmer Street , in the borough of Gravesend , was laid , with Masonic honours , by Joseph Ashley , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., on the 26 th day of April , 1841 , being the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Alctoria , and the era of Masonry 5841 . " II . BERRY , Architect .
" T . MESSER , Fecit . " During this part of the interesting ceremony the band played the 100 th Psalm . The stone was then lowered to its resting place , "God save the Queen" was then sung by all present , accompanied by the military band ; the effect of which was grand and imposing in the extreme . This anthem being ended , the W . D . P . G . M . addressed the assembled multitude .
The ceremony being concluded , the procession returned , in the same order , along tbe Terrace , up Queen Street and King Street , to tbe Hall . The Provincial Grand Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Harmer addressed the D . P G . M ., expressing , on the part of the Grand Lodge , their high gratification at the impressive manner in which he had performed the important ceremonial entrusted to him ; and then presented him with the silver trowel , which the Building Committee requested him to accept in commemoration of the day , and of his own invaluable
services . Brother ASHLEY returned his thanks for the compliment , and assured Bro . Harmer and the Brethren that such token of their esteem woulcl remain in his family as a proud memorial of the day . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . The party afterwards proceeded to the Tivoli Tavern , to the DINNER . Upwards of one hundred and thirty availed themselves of the
opportunity which offered itself , in the enjoyment of every delicacy of the season . J . Harmer , Esq ., of Ingress Park , presided on the occasion , and was supported by J . Ashley , Esq ., and the Rev . Mr . Jones , P . G , Chaplain , E . Feetham , Dr . Crucefix , A . Park , F . Southgate , J . Edmeel ,
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The Mayor having granted the use of the Town-ball to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent , the Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , J . Ashley , arrived there about eleven o ' clock , accompanied by a number of Grand Officers , and proceeded to the ceremony of opening a Lodge , at which were present the Deputy Grand Master ; Bro . Key , as Deputy Grand Master ; the Prov . Grand Chaplain , Bro . Jones ; and several other Prov . Grand Officers ; with Bros . Harmer
ancl Crucefix , Past Grand Deacons . The Brethren of the Gravesend Lodge of Freedom , No . 01 , had assembled at their Lodge-house , the Puncheon Tavern , in West Street ; they proceeded from thence , in procession , to the market-place , with the full Marine band from Chatham , in military costume , playing several Masonic airs . Here the whole company were marshalled by the proper officers , and proceeded in order to the groundat the north-east corner of Harmer Street .
, On their arrival at the ground , which was crowded with spectators , they were ushered into the space which had been railed off for their accommodation . They formed a large circle round the spot for laying the foundation stone . The interesting ceremony of laying it was committed to the able hands of Joseph Ashley , Esq ., the D . P . G . M . of Kent . Upon the glass box was placed a brass plate , with the following
inscription engraved on it : — " The first stone of the Literary Institution and Assembly Rooms , Plarmer Street , in the borough of Gravesend , was laid , with Masonic honours , by Joseph Ashley , Esq ., D . P . G . M ., on the 26 th day of April , 1841 , being the fourth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Alctoria , and the era of Masonry 5841 . " II . BERRY , Architect .
" T . MESSER , Fecit . " During this part of the interesting ceremony the band played the 100 th Psalm . The stone was then lowered to its resting place , "God save the Queen" was then sung by all present , accompanied by the military band ; the effect of which was grand and imposing in the extreme . This anthem being ended , the W . D . P . G . M . addressed the assembled multitude .
The ceremony being concluded , the procession returned , in the same order , along tbe Terrace , up Queen Street and King Street , to tbe Hall . The Provincial Grand Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Harmer addressed the D . P G . M ., expressing , on the part of the Grand Lodge , their high gratification at the impressive manner in which he had performed the important ceremonial entrusted to him ; and then presented him with the silver trowel , which the Building Committee requested him to accept in commemoration of the day , and of his own invaluable
services . Brother ASHLEY returned his thanks for the compliment , and assured Bro . Harmer and the Brethren that such token of their esteem woulcl remain in his family as a proud memorial of the day . The Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed . The party afterwards proceeded to the Tivoli Tavern , to the DINNER . Upwards of one hundred and thirty availed themselves of the
opportunity which offered itself , in the enjoyment of every delicacy of the season . J . Harmer , Esq ., of Ingress Park , presided on the occasion , and was supported by J . Ashley , Esq ., and the Rev . Mr . Jones , P . G , Chaplain , E . Feetham , Dr . Crucefix , A . Park , F . Southgate , J . Edmeel ,