Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Reporter.
New Town . This , we believe , is the only summer Lodge of Instruction open , and its proximity to the delightful gardens of Kensington induces many Brethren of the London Lodges to visit it . During the comparatively short space of three months this Lodge has contributed from its funds two guineas to each of the schools , nor have they forgotten the " Aged Masons '" cause , having at their last meeting voted the same amount to that charity also . The able manner in which the
work is conducted by Brs . Barron , Jenkins , Wayte , Jackson , Bateman , Smith , & c , & c , would do honour to any Lodge ; to all who desire instruction we advise a visit . A new Chapter of Promulgation of the working of the Royal Arch Degree , has been opened at the Union Tavern , Jermyn Street , St . James ' s . It meets every Thursday ( the third Thursday in the month excepted ) . The plan is in accordance with the arrangements of the
Friday nights' Master Mason Lodge of Emulation , held at Freemasons ' Tavern . The new Chapter of Promulgation was founded on the 6 th of May , 184 L , and , as we believe , under the sanction of Chapter . No . 7 , by the following Companions : —viz . Tombleson , J . Harris , J . Savage , Wright , Crawley , Watson , Honey , Houlding , Weekes , Morris , Hammett , and Bailey ; who deserve the thanks of tbe Masonic public for their laudable endeavour to make known a genuine system of working this superior degree . Several reports from Lodges , not duly authenticated , are purposely withheld .
Masonic Chit Chat.
THE REV . DR . OLIVER , D . P . G . M . FOR LINCOLN . —On Wednesday evening , April 15 , before the Topographical Society of Lincoln , the Rev . Geo . Oliver , D . D ., F . A . S ., read a very interesting paper on the supposed British kingdom , occupying the district south of Lincoln , the name of which he conjectured to have been Cymbeline , or more properly Cymbellin . Very numerous traces of the aborig inal inhabitants were pointed out , and various drawings introduced . Lecturer of
PREFERMENT . —Our Rev . Brother , H . R- Slade , L . L . B ., Hampton , has been presented to a living in the county of Salop , by his Grace the Duke of Cleveland . AVe congratulate the worthy rector ancl his parishioners on the preferment . THE LATE EARL OP DURHAM . —A very spirited Engraving from the portrait of this lamented nobleman , in his Masonic costume , is now readfor deliveryMrWagstaffe has succeeded in his task with
pecuy . . liar success . The original , by Bro . Dalziel , is as striking a likeness as it is an excellent painting ; it was recently left at the house of Dr . Crucefix for several days , where numbers of the Craft had an opportunity of gratifying their curiosity and of expressing their approbation . TIDINGS FOR MASONRY . — " Mr . Harrison has retired from the legal profession . "—Times . Without offence , we hope , having retired from his professionthe worthBrother will be more Masonic and less
pro-, y fessional in his future practice . BRO . DR . BROWN . —This late celebrated Brother was the philosopher of that name who founded the Brunonian System of Medicine in Edinburgh , and was also the founder of the Freemason ' s Lodge , Roman Eagle , in that city . His daughter-in-law , Caroline , wife of Ford Brown , Esq ., R . N , lately died of a decline ;—some elegant . lines have
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
New Town . This , we believe , is the only summer Lodge of Instruction open , and its proximity to the delightful gardens of Kensington induces many Brethren of the London Lodges to visit it . During the comparatively short space of three months this Lodge has contributed from its funds two guineas to each of the schools , nor have they forgotten the " Aged Masons '" cause , having at their last meeting voted the same amount to that charity also . The able manner in which the
work is conducted by Brs . Barron , Jenkins , Wayte , Jackson , Bateman , Smith , & c , & c , would do honour to any Lodge ; to all who desire instruction we advise a visit . A new Chapter of Promulgation of the working of the Royal Arch Degree , has been opened at the Union Tavern , Jermyn Street , St . James ' s . It meets every Thursday ( the third Thursday in the month excepted ) . The plan is in accordance with the arrangements of the
Friday nights' Master Mason Lodge of Emulation , held at Freemasons ' Tavern . The new Chapter of Promulgation was founded on the 6 th of May , 184 L , and , as we believe , under the sanction of Chapter . No . 7 , by the following Companions : —viz . Tombleson , J . Harris , J . Savage , Wright , Crawley , Watson , Honey , Houlding , Weekes , Morris , Hammett , and Bailey ; who deserve the thanks of tbe Masonic public for their laudable endeavour to make known a genuine system of working this superior degree . Several reports from Lodges , not duly authenticated , are purposely withheld .
Masonic Chit Chat.
THE REV . DR . OLIVER , D . P . G . M . FOR LINCOLN . —On Wednesday evening , April 15 , before the Topographical Society of Lincoln , the Rev . Geo . Oliver , D . D ., F . A . S ., read a very interesting paper on the supposed British kingdom , occupying the district south of Lincoln , the name of which he conjectured to have been Cymbeline , or more properly Cymbellin . Very numerous traces of the aborig inal inhabitants were pointed out , and various drawings introduced . Lecturer of
PREFERMENT . —Our Rev . Brother , H . R- Slade , L . L . B ., Hampton , has been presented to a living in the county of Salop , by his Grace the Duke of Cleveland . AVe congratulate the worthy rector ancl his parishioners on the preferment . THE LATE EARL OP DURHAM . —A very spirited Engraving from the portrait of this lamented nobleman , in his Masonic costume , is now readfor deliveryMrWagstaffe has succeeded in his task with
pecuy . . liar success . The original , by Bro . Dalziel , is as striking a likeness as it is an excellent painting ; it was recently left at the house of Dr . Crucefix for several days , where numbers of the Craft had an opportunity of gratifying their curiosity and of expressing their approbation . TIDINGS FOR MASONRY . — " Mr . Harrison has retired from the legal profession . "—Times . Without offence , we hope , having retired from his professionthe worthBrother will be more Masonic and less
pro-, y fessional in his future practice . BRO . DR . BROWN . —This late celebrated Brother was the philosopher of that name who founded the Brunonian System of Medicine in Edinburgh , and was also the founder of the Freemason ' s Lodge , Roman Eagle , in that city . His daughter-in-law , Caroline , wife of Ford Brown , Esq ., R . N , lately died of a decline ;—some elegant . lines have