Article THE ASYLUM. ← Page 9 of 9
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The Asylum.
his own part he liked difficulties—he thought there was seldom any good without them —( hear , and laughter ) . They stimulated people to greater exertions , and in overcoming difficulties they became stronger and more useful labourers in the cause of humanity —( cheers ) . In the present case difficulty had been a gootl thing —( hear ) . He knew they hacl found it so ; for if it had done nothing else , it had done this one great tilingit had called forth the talents and abilities of their worthy Treasurer ,
Dr . Crucefix —( loud cheers 1 . The rev . gentleman repeated his thanks for the honour done to himself and others , ancl sat down amid loud and general cheering . The CHAIRMAN next gave , " the Press , " with an appropriate introduction , which was duly honoured by the company . Bro . E . R . MOHAN returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure and satisfaction he experienced in being associated in such a cause of charity as that which they had this evening met to celebrate—( . hear , and cheers ) . However small might be the share ivhich he ( as one of the Press ) had
taken , or however insignificant the part he had acted in fighting under the banners of the worthy founders of this charity , he felt a pride which resembled that of the Roman soldier , who entering the streets of Rome in the procession of a returning conqueror , held up his single leaf of laurel and exclaimed , " I too am a conqueror !"—( loud cheers ) . The CHAIRMAN HOW gave , " the Stewards of the day , " with three times three , and paid them a high and well-deserved compliment for the banquet which they had laid before them .
The toast was responded to with much enthusiasm , and drunk with all the honours . Bro . WESTERN returned thanks on behalf of the Stewards in a short , neat , and appropriate address . The festivities of the evening were protracted until near midnight , and a more harmonious body of gentlemen never sat down , even in tbe cause of charity . From first to last all was peace ami happiness—the generous impulse of charity lent a genial aid to the Stewards , whose liberality never shone more brightly ; and the concert in the ladies ' room was as usual most delightful .
THE FOLLOWING IS THE LIST OP THE STEWARDS : Bro . John Yates . . P . M . Old Dundee L ., No . 18 President . " John Vink . . . M . E . Z . Mount Zion ) Chapter , No . 169 . . \ Vice-Prc > . ideiits . " Rev . C . V ' m \ i , M . A . Union Waterloo Chap . No . 13 J " John Lane . . P . M . Loelge of Concord , No . 49 Treasurer . " Charles Tancred . Chapter of Fidelity , No . 3 . Hon . Secretary .
Br . D . W . Osbaltliston , G . S . No . 72 Br . William Vink , P . M . . . 82 " T . Briittoii , P . G . T . Stafford 427 " Henry Rowe , W . M . . . 93 " Thomas Western ... 20 " T . M . Bacon 108 " J . Heath Goldswortiiy , P . M . 3 " Robert Barclay .... 113 " George Barrett .... 7 " William Evans , P . M . . . 118 " Thomas Quartermaine . . 8 " Andrew Gardner . P . M . . 1 G 5 " HBrowseWM 18 " Charles John OsbornW . M . 1 G 9
. , .. ... , " Edmund Fraser , W . M . . 22 " John Davis , S W . . . . 215 " William James Smith , S . W . 49 " Thomas Greathead , W . M . 318 " Philip Sncyer .... 53 " Z . Watkins , P . M . ... 329 " William Lyal , P . M . . . 57 " W . H . dtcm , P . M . . . . GGl " Edward Busher .... 79 " Charles . 'JiliiU .... G 79 VOL . VIII . K E
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Asylum.
his own part he liked difficulties—he thought there was seldom any good without them —( hear , and laughter ) . They stimulated people to greater exertions , and in overcoming difficulties they became stronger and more useful labourers in the cause of humanity —( cheers ) . In the present case difficulty had been a gootl thing —( hear ) . He knew they hacl found it so ; for if it had done nothing else , it had done this one great tilingit had called forth the talents and abilities of their worthy Treasurer ,
Dr . Crucefix —( loud cheers 1 . The rev . gentleman repeated his thanks for the honour done to himself and others , ancl sat down amid loud and general cheering . The CHAIRMAN next gave , " the Press , " with an appropriate introduction , which was duly honoured by the company . Bro . E . R . MOHAN returned thanks , and expressed the pleasure and satisfaction he experienced in being associated in such a cause of charity as that which they had this evening met to celebrate—( . hear , and cheers ) . However small might be the share ivhich he ( as one of the Press ) had
taken , or however insignificant the part he had acted in fighting under the banners of the worthy founders of this charity , he felt a pride which resembled that of the Roman soldier , who entering the streets of Rome in the procession of a returning conqueror , held up his single leaf of laurel and exclaimed , " I too am a conqueror !"—( loud cheers ) . The CHAIRMAN HOW gave , " the Stewards of the day , " with three times three , and paid them a high and well-deserved compliment for the banquet which they had laid before them .
The toast was responded to with much enthusiasm , and drunk with all the honours . Bro . WESTERN returned thanks on behalf of the Stewards in a short , neat , and appropriate address . The festivities of the evening were protracted until near midnight , and a more harmonious body of gentlemen never sat down , even in tbe cause of charity . From first to last all was peace ami happiness—the generous impulse of charity lent a genial aid to the Stewards , whose liberality never shone more brightly ; and the concert in the ladies ' room was as usual most delightful .
THE FOLLOWING IS THE LIST OP THE STEWARDS : Bro . John Yates . . P . M . Old Dundee L ., No . 18 President . " John Vink . . . M . E . Z . Mount Zion ) Chapter , No . 169 . . \ Vice-Prc > . ideiits . " Rev . C . V ' m \ i , M . A . Union Waterloo Chap . No . 13 J " John Lane . . P . M . Loelge of Concord , No . 49 Treasurer . " Charles Tancred . Chapter of Fidelity , No . 3 . Hon . Secretary .
Br . D . W . Osbaltliston , G . S . No . 72 Br . William Vink , P . M . . . 82 " T . Briittoii , P . G . T . Stafford 427 " Henry Rowe , W . M . . . 93 " Thomas Western ... 20 " T . M . Bacon 108 " J . Heath Goldswortiiy , P . M . 3 " Robert Barclay .... 113 " George Barrett .... 7 " William Evans , P . M . . . 118 " Thomas Quartermaine . . 8 " Andrew Gardner . P . M . . 1 G 5 " HBrowseWM 18 " Charles John OsbornW . M . 1 G 9
. , .. ... , " Edmund Fraser , W . M . . 22 " John Davis , S W . . . . 215 " William James Smith , S . W . 49 " Thomas Greathead , W . M . 318 " Philip Sncyer .... 53 " Z . Watkins , P . M . ... 329 " William Lyal , P . M . . . 57 " W . H . dtcm , P . M . . . . GGl " Edward Busher .... 79 " Charles . 'JiliiU .... G 79 VOL . VIII . K E