Article THE ASYLUM. ← Page 6 of 9 →
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The Asylum.
would speak out with a loud voice , if he hacl the power to do so , * but SnT r i ? 'J 0 t mCrcly 0 ne year older as t 0 aSe , bi t had TZ ft w 1 y 7 i ] T essio i - For six years h hMlheen his f , taf k / o . co' ^/ orwarcl to acknowled ge the receipts to this insti-IrpZri ! IB Z , he fdt pl' ° ud a , Kl ha PPy ' ° no that required greater eloquence than he poSsessed- ( cheers ) . Great , however were hu , joy and gladness to stand before them , and say , that there was now t 0 isdlrit
fhobn ™ ° Tr l ° ? I « y » » c ' that , instead of being like as the honoured Chairman had once stated , to be merel y a small cloud in noWil lai ; S .. a" '" an ' s hand , it was becoming great and poiverful- ( cheers ); it was no longer a mere speck on Sie horizon . S ZJf £ hali ' m f r ha ( 1 reminded them , that no man ever undertook anyth ng for the good of mankind , without finding great difficulties and prejudices to encounter . But let him anleS in the
, as one panoply of Ins own confidence , meet his Creator on his own ground , wi h a determination to wrest a blessing , and he would not be an unsucces f il n Jtlf r , . ^ fi L tWnl Carman-young , generous , ancTntl us ^ astic-had pleaded with equal force and equal success , and , last year the surpassing excellence of the presidential pleader ' gave aduitfonal amlbvZpffT ' . by *? ™^« gy by which he grlced the chair , and by the effects by which his generous examnle was < . PP ,, n , l » , l i „ . nJ
meeting . The Chairman of this day had pleaded like a man-God ffiSbless him for his efforts .--his words were now on their ears , biddino them do their duty . All their Chairm en pleaded successfully- ( renewed tThJ ™ ' ^^ Tl \ thanked them for what Z y m the cause pf their Aged Brother . It had been pointed out as the mos distinguished virtue of a classic hero , that when he escaped from his native city as it fell a to the flamesthatwith his
prey , , youL son ta his hand , his wife at his side , upon his shoulders he bore hissed father self ^ T v " ° ! d mSn WaS n 0 lon S er able to snpPor himself Remember , this was the act of a heathen-let Masons emulate it In all ages respect towards the aged hacl been counted as a 4 tue and no good man ever forgot his household gods . Such resist JS * , "
upon commands both human and divine —( cheers ) . In whatever he might himself have done for the charity , he had been fortified by the ? ge „ eros . ty- ( cheers ) ; and , as no home could be honourable wldle a ' e in which there was of itself something respectable , rema nedTn ^ oected he knew nothing would prevent their continuing to this ins ution the support which they had alread y so generousl y given- ( hear hear ) He had nothing now to add to what he had alread ? Iaid , except Wl had
aContohtTM f T ^ dly fa , len from * e Chairman allusion to nis natal day —( great cheers ) . Now , if they wished to send eZtT ^ Wi S ^ fifty f * « ° ^ S * ( which he had j us enteied upon ) let them send him home « with great abundance , " that will ? ifTf r " fme £ &? COm f t 0 him as *« almond- and bring with it he feeling of gratification , which , as dispenser of their bounties he could not fail to experience- ( hear , hear ) . Dr . Crucefix sat down amid the loud and general cheers of the comjiany . Bro . HENRY UDALL now rose and said , that after hearing the highly satisfactory report of the Secretary , ! he felt great pleasure in rishfg to
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Asylum.
would speak out with a loud voice , if he hacl the power to do so , * but SnT r i ? 'J 0 t mCrcly 0 ne year older as t 0 aSe , bi t had TZ ft w 1 y 7 i ] T essio i - For six years h hMlheen his f , taf k / o . co' ^/ orwarcl to acknowled ge the receipts to this insti-IrpZri ! IB Z , he fdt pl' ° ud a , Kl ha PPy ' ° no that required greater eloquence than he poSsessed- ( cheers ) . Great , however were hu , joy and gladness to stand before them , and say , that there was now t 0 isdlrit
fhobn ™ ° Tr l ° ? I « y » » c ' that , instead of being like as the honoured Chairman had once stated , to be merel y a small cloud in noWil lai ; S .. a" '" an ' s hand , it was becoming great and poiverful- ( cheers ); it was no longer a mere speck on Sie horizon . S ZJf £ hali ' m f r ha ( 1 reminded them , that no man ever undertook anyth ng for the good of mankind , without finding great difficulties and prejudices to encounter . But let him anleS in the
, as one panoply of Ins own confidence , meet his Creator on his own ground , wi h a determination to wrest a blessing , and he would not be an unsucces f il n Jtlf r , . ^ fi L tWnl Carman-young , generous , ancTntl us ^ astic-had pleaded with equal force and equal success , and , last year the surpassing excellence of the presidential pleader ' gave aduitfonal amlbvZpffT ' . by *? ™^« gy by which he grlced the chair , and by the effects by which his generous examnle was < . PP ,, n , l » , l i „ . nJ
meeting . The Chairman of this day had pleaded like a man-God ffiSbless him for his efforts .--his words were now on their ears , biddino them do their duty . All their Chairm en pleaded successfully- ( renewed tThJ ™ ' ^^ Tl \ thanked them for what Z y m the cause pf their Aged Brother . It had been pointed out as the mos distinguished virtue of a classic hero , that when he escaped from his native city as it fell a to the flamesthatwith his
prey , , youL son ta his hand , his wife at his side , upon his shoulders he bore hissed father self ^ T v " ° ! d mSn WaS n 0 lon S er able to snpPor himself Remember , this was the act of a heathen-let Masons emulate it In all ages respect towards the aged hacl been counted as a 4 tue and no good man ever forgot his household gods . Such resist JS * , "
upon commands both human and divine —( cheers ) . In whatever he might himself have done for the charity , he had been fortified by the ? ge „ eros . ty- ( cheers ) ; and , as no home could be honourable wldle a ' e in which there was of itself something respectable , rema nedTn ^ oected he knew nothing would prevent their continuing to this ins ution the support which they had alread y so generousl y given- ( hear hear ) He had nothing now to add to what he had alread ? Iaid , except Wl had
aContohtTM f T ^ dly fa , len from * e Chairman allusion to nis natal day —( great cheers ) . Now , if they wished to send eZtT ^ Wi S ^ fifty f * « ° ^ S * ( which he had j us enteied upon ) let them send him home « with great abundance , " that will ? ifTf r " fme £ &? COm f t 0 him as *« almond- and bring with it he feeling of gratification , which , as dispenser of their bounties he could not fail to experience- ( hear , hear ) . Dr . Crucefix sat down amid the loud and general cheers of the comjiany . Bro . HENRY UDALL now rose and said , that after hearing the highly satisfactory report of the Secretary , ! he felt great pleasure in rishfg to