Article THE ASYLUM. ← Page 5 of 9 →
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The Asylum.
After which , Miss Turner favoured the company by singing , with peculiar effect , the following lines on CHARITY , the words and air by BRO . LEE STEVENS . " Where pleasures beam , where joys abound , Where happy hearts alone are found , Where even love may deign to be
, There still is room for Charity I The brightest eyes may brighter smile—The warmest hearts may warmer glow—That from enjoyments turn awhile . To dry the tears of want and woe ! Ancl where unhappy discord reigns ,
Where passion frowns with starting veins . Where even hatred we may see . There still is room for Charity I For , yielding to her pure delight , Contending hearts more genial grow , And foes that were , as friends unite , To dry the tears of want and woe I "
Miss Turner was rapturously encored . The CHAIRMAN said , the next toast which he had to offer to their notice was one which he knew they would drink with great cordiality , an honour to which the individual with whose name it was associated was well deserving , he meant Dr . Crucefix , the excellent Treasurer of the institution —( loud cheers ) . He did not think that gentleman could even have spent a birth-day with more happiness than this . For he
must tell them , that the day selected for the celebration of their sixth anniversary , happened also to be the birth-day of their much respected treasurer —( renewed cheers ) , and he found himself surrounded by friends who had assisted him in prosecuting the interests of a charity in which he took the warmest interest —( cheers ) . Few , perhaps , had witnessed the exertions and talents of that gentleman to the same extent which he ( the Chairman ) had—talents aided bthe most unwearied diligence and
y assiduity on the part of the Committee with whom he was associated—( hear and cheers ) . He was not surprised that the charity had flourished under such auspices , for no charitable institution ever brought more zeal and energy to its assistance than this had —( hear ) . In conclusion , he begged to propose the health of the Treasurer , Brother Dr . Crucefix , and the Members of the Committee , with three times three—( enthusiastic cheering ) .
Bro . Dr . CRUCEFIX rose to return thanks , but before he did so , begged permission toreadaportion of the sixth Annual Reportof their institution , which he thought they would agree with him in feeling would be more gratify ing than anything he could say , as it showed the steady improvement of the funds of the charity —( cheers ) . Tbey had , at present , invested in the public funds 2 , 100 / . ; in Exchequer Bills , 620 / . ; in the Savings' Banks , 105 / . ; in the hands of their Treasurer , 120 / . ; and unthen went to
collected , 150 / . ; Total , 3 , 100 / . —( cheers ) . The Report on say , that the warmest sympathy continued to be manifested in favour of the institution , by Brethren both in London and the provinces , and that the numbers of its friends increased as opposition ceased . He
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The Asylum.
After which , Miss Turner favoured the company by singing , with peculiar effect , the following lines on CHARITY , the words and air by BRO . LEE STEVENS . " Where pleasures beam , where joys abound , Where happy hearts alone are found , Where even love may deign to be
, There still is room for Charity I The brightest eyes may brighter smile—The warmest hearts may warmer glow—That from enjoyments turn awhile . To dry the tears of want and woe ! Ancl where unhappy discord reigns ,
Where passion frowns with starting veins . Where even hatred we may see . There still is room for Charity I For , yielding to her pure delight , Contending hearts more genial grow , And foes that were , as friends unite , To dry the tears of want and woe I "
Miss Turner was rapturously encored . The CHAIRMAN said , the next toast which he had to offer to their notice was one which he knew they would drink with great cordiality , an honour to which the individual with whose name it was associated was well deserving , he meant Dr . Crucefix , the excellent Treasurer of the institution —( loud cheers ) . He did not think that gentleman could even have spent a birth-day with more happiness than this . For he
must tell them , that the day selected for the celebration of their sixth anniversary , happened also to be the birth-day of their much respected treasurer —( renewed cheers ) , and he found himself surrounded by friends who had assisted him in prosecuting the interests of a charity in which he took the warmest interest —( cheers ) . Few , perhaps , had witnessed the exertions and talents of that gentleman to the same extent which he ( the Chairman ) had—talents aided bthe most unwearied diligence and
y assiduity on the part of the Committee with whom he was associated—( hear and cheers ) . He was not surprised that the charity had flourished under such auspices , for no charitable institution ever brought more zeal and energy to its assistance than this had —( hear ) . In conclusion , he begged to propose the health of the Treasurer , Brother Dr . Crucefix , and the Members of the Committee , with three times three—( enthusiastic cheering ) .
Bro . Dr . CRUCEFIX rose to return thanks , but before he did so , begged permission toreadaportion of the sixth Annual Reportof their institution , which he thought they would agree with him in feeling would be more gratify ing than anything he could say , as it showed the steady improvement of the funds of the charity —( cheers ) . Tbey had , at present , invested in the public funds 2 , 100 / . ; in Exchequer Bills , 620 / . ; in the Savings' Banks , 105 / . ; in the hands of their Treasurer , 120 / . ; and unthen went to
collected , 150 / . ; Total , 3 , 100 / . —( cheers ) . The Report on say , that the warmest sympathy continued to be manifested in favour of the institution , by Brethren both in London and the provinces , and that the numbers of its friends increased as opposition ceased . He