Article THE ASYLUM. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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The Asylum.
™™„ T / 5 ™ fl l usia 8 ti « J hwrs which the warmest friends ami supporters of the Asylum coulcl have desired to hear . The following Address was spoken by Bro . OSBALBISTON , one of the stewards _ It was deservedl y and most rapturousl y applauded for the sentiment it conveyed , and particularl y for the admirable manner in which it was delivered .
THE ADDHESS . " Brethren , a moment let me claim your ear , Whilst in a new performance I appear . The subject now brought forward with your leave , I trust will your approved support receive ; The cause is goodthen let us not be slow
, In easing misery from its wei ght of woe ! In olden times , and when the rugged school Of" great Lycurgus held the sov ' reign rule , E ' en then the virtuous did with pride engao-c To pay the kindest deference to Age ; Ancl Sparta ' s princes at the Athenian play To Age ' s silvered locks would still ive
g way . But why cite hist ' ry ' s volumes to engage Your kindly feelings in behalf of Age ? Are we not Brethren ? To a Brother ' s name Masonry lends a lustrous , lasting fame ! We give with open hand a Brother ' s share , And watch the orphan with a Brother ' s care : Then whilst for Mason ' s children we provide
-Forget not parents may he sorely tried . As Brethen , then , and sons of parents dear For such as feel distress I now plead here And let it hence to all the world be told Freemasonry relieves both young and old ! ' Honour thy parents , ' was the BUILDER ' law ; Filial neglect is Nature ' s foulest flaw . Then let the old kindest care
your engage , And give your aid to trouble ' s last sad page , That in all time , by our example sway'd , Respect may ever to the old be paid ; And men shall see our hi gh-raised fame , and say That was for Masonry a glorious day , ' When all stepp'd forward to protect the old , To guard them safe from pain , from want , and cold J Then onwardhand in handfrom
, , year to year , Press on , ye perfect men , and persevere , Until no case of woe our Craft shall yield , That can by Mason ' s kindliness be healed . This is my plea—let this your hearts engage Whilst for the young you feel , feel too for ° A <* e : Comfort and care unto the old are due , ° Ancl let that care , that comfort , come from you . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Asylum.
™™„ T / 5 ™ fl l usia 8 ti « J hwrs which the warmest friends ami supporters of the Asylum coulcl have desired to hear . The following Address was spoken by Bro . OSBALBISTON , one of the stewards _ It was deservedl y and most rapturousl y applauded for the sentiment it conveyed , and particularl y for the admirable manner in which it was delivered .
THE ADDHESS . " Brethren , a moment let me claim your ear , Whilst in a new performance I appear . The subject now brought forward with your leave , I trust will your approved support receive ; The cause is goodthen let us not be slow
, In easing misery from its wei ght of woe ! In olden times , and when the rugged school Of" great Lycurgus held the sov ' reign rule , E ' en then the virtuous did with pride engao-c To pay the kindest deference to Age ; Ancl Sparta ' s princes at the Athenian play To Age ' s silvered locks would still ive
g way . But why cite hist ' ry ' s volumes to engage Your kindly feelings in behalf of Age ? Are we not Brethren ? To a Brother ' s name Masonry lends a lustrous , lasting fame ! We give with open hand a Brother ' s share , And watch the orphan with a Brother ' s care : Then whilst for Mason ' s children we provide
-Forget not parents may he sorely tried . As Brethen , then , and sons of parents dear For such as feel distress I now plead here And let it hence to all the world be told Freemasonry relieves both young and old ! ' Honour thy parents , ' was the BUILDER ' law ; Filial neglect is Nature ' s foulest flaw . Then let the old kindest care
your engage , And give your aid to trouble ' s last sad page , That in all time , by our example sway'd , Respect may ever to the old be paid ; And men shall see our hi gh-raised fame , and say That was for Masonry a glorious day , ' When all stepp'd forward to protect the old , To guard them safe from pain , from want , and cold J Then onwardhand in handfrom
, , year to year , Press on , ye perfect men , and persevere , Until no case of woe our Craft shall yield , That can by Mason ' s kindliness be healed . This is my plea—let this your hearts engage Whilst for the young you feel , feel too for ° A <* e : Comfort and care unto the old are due , ° Ancl let that care , that comfort , come from you . "