Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 8 of 9 →
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The Charities.
and entered into the uncertain pursuits of life , found themselves in want of an adviser or a friend , they invariably came where they had first been disciplined m the principles and practice of virtue ; and , following tne injunctions of Mrs . Crook , were again put in the way of decsnt employment , or restored to protection —( cheers ) . The worthy Chairman then enlarged on the benefits of emulation and good example , by way of advice to the children ; and concluded a very impressive addressb his
, y asserting conviction that whilst the universality of charity among the Craft would ahvays be exhibited in every habitable portion of the globe , yet would it nowhere be so fruitful , either of means or m its results , as in the country whose sons were the most valiant , and whose daughters were the most virtuous —( cheers ) ; and among those which it was their peculiar province to support , he did not think there could be any charity nearer or dearer to them all than this : he woulcl therefore give , " Prosperity to the Royal Freemasons' School
tor female Children "—( repeated cheers ) . Bro . the Hon H . A . MORETON , Past Grand Warden , then claimed the attention of the company . I . e complimented the Chairman on the nigh and dignified manner in which he had introduced the toasts of the evening , and on the excellent address he had delivered in aid of the charity ; and added , that he thought he could propose a toast that under those circumstances , would be more acceptable to the Brethren than otherand that
any , was , " The health of the Chairman "—( cheered warml y and unanimously , with three times three ) . Bro . BENJAMIN BOND CABBELL acknowledged the toast , by sayinothat on the present , as on all other occasions , it was a high gratification to him to promote tne cause of charity , especially when he felt assured that the feeling was reciprocated by those he hacl the honour to address and that he was most thankful for the compliment which had inst been paid to himcheers J
—( ) . The subscriptions having been announced in the interim , the Chairman gave next , "The Provincial Grand Masters ; " for which thanks were returned by the R . W . Bro . LEWIS , Provincial Grand Master for Sumatra , the only Masonic officer of that rank present On proposing the health of "The Grand Officers of the year " the Chairman expressed his regret that the Grand Wardens and the Grand Deacons were absent—( cries of hear , hear ")
I he V . W . Bro . HARRISON , Grand Registrar , returned thanks . . , 7 " . > smi ™ S morn !"—Another piece of musical waggery , especially as it was followed by the toast of " The Ladies , " whose exit was the setting sun of our enjoyment . It was , however , immediately after their retirement , announced—we suppose as the best set-off—that the subscriptions of the evening amounted to 679 / . Us . Gd . , a declaration which was heartily cheered ; and if we have not given a list of the donors—whichfrom the
, , great length , must necessarily be omitted , — it was not for want of either enunciation or emphasis on the part of Bro . Gore , the Honorary Secretary to the Charity , whose exertions were unremitting throughout the evening . A very cheerful response was afterwards given by the company to the toast of "The Stewards of the day ; " and ungrateful indeed must have been the heart that did not appreciate the value of such excellent stewardship as was displayed . Having previously alluded to our own seat , we shall be pardoned b y the reader for adding , that Bro . the Rev . Charles Vink having joined banners with Bro . John Udall , we were
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The Charities.
and entered into the uncertain pursuits of life , found themselves in want of an adviser or a friend , they invariably came where they had first been disciplined m the principles and practice of virtue ; and , following tne injunctions of Mrs . Crook , were again put in the way of decsnt employment , or restored to protection —( cheers ) . The worthy Chairman then enlarged on the benefits of emulation and good example , by way of advice to the children ; and concluded a very impressive addressb his
, y asserting conviction that whilst the universality of charity among the Craft would ahvays be exhibited in every habitable portion of the globe , yet would it nowhere be so fruitful , either of means or m its results , as in the country whose sons were the most valiant , and whose daughters were the most virtuous —( cheers ) ; and among those which it was their peculiar province to support , he did not think there could be any charity nearer or dearer to them all than this : he woulcl therefore give , " Prosperity to the Royal Freemasons' School
tor female Children "—( repeated cheers ) . Bro . the Hon H . A . MORETON , Past Grand Warden , then claimed the attention of the company . I . e complimented the Chairman on the nigh and dignified manner in which he had introduced the toasts of the evening , and on the excellent address he had delivered in aid of the charity ; and added , that he thought he could propose a toast that under those circumstances , would be more acceptable to the Brethren than otherand that
any , was , " The health of the Chairman "—( cheered warml y and unanimously , with three times three ) . Bro . BENJAMIN BOND CABBELL acknowledged the toast , by sayinothat on the present , as on all other occasions , it was a high gratification to him to promote tne cause of charity , especially when he felt assured that the feeling was reciprocated by those he hacl the honour to address and that he was most thankful for the compliment which had inst been paid to himcheers J
—( ) . The subscriptions having been announced in the interim , the Chairman gave next , "The Provincial Grand Masters ; " for which thanks were returned by the R . W . Bro . LEWIS , Provincial Grand Master for Sumatra , the only Masonic officer of that rank present On proposing the health of "The Grand Officers of the year " the Chairman expressed his regret that the Grand Wardens and the Grand Deacons were absent—( cries of hear , hear ")
I he V . W . Bro . HARRISON , Grand Registrar , returned thanks . . , 7 " . > smi ™ S morn !"—Another piece of musical waggery , especially as it was followed by the toast of " The Ladies , " whose exit was the setting sun of our enjoyment . It was , however , immediately after their retirement , announced—we suppose as the best set-off—that the subscriptions of the evening amounted to 679 / . Us . Gd . , a declaration which was heartily cheered ; and if we have not given a list of the donors—whichfrom the
, , great length , must necessarily be omitted , — it was not for want of either enunciation or emphasis on the part of Bro . Gore , the Honorary Secretary to the Charity , whose exertions were unremitting throughout the evening . A very cheerful response was afterwards given by the company to the toast of "The Stewards of the day ; " and ungrateful indeed must have been the heart that did not appreciate the value of such excellent stewardship as was displayed . Having previously alluded to our own seat , we shall be pardoned b y the reader for adding , that Bro . the Rev . Charles Vink having joined banners with Bro . John Udall , we were