Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 7 of 9 →
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The Charities.
not merely among Masons , nor merely by a single nation ; but for his great charity was he distinguished , all over the globe , as the universal frend of mankind —( cheers ) . Responded to heartily , with three times three . Glee , " Oh I by rivers . " " The Pro-Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , with three times three ; Song , " Whilst I listen to thy voice : " and " The Deputy Grand Master , the Marquis of . Salisbury , " with three times three , followed in
. These toasts having been disposed of , the children were introduced in procession , led by tbe Stewards of the day and the Members of the House Committee , and followed by the Matron and her assistants . The larger number were then arranged along the dais , fronting the company in the body of the Hall , while some of tbe oldest girls occupied the organ gallery and the front seats of the galleries devoted to the ladguests the occasionof whom there were a goodly number of
y- on , Nature ' s best specimens , and Charity ' s purest ornaments . Of the cleanly , neat , and truly respectable appearance of the children it is unnecessary to speak . In this , as in most other respects-in their education especially—the Masonic Girls' School is an accepted model ; but we certainly have seen the school , as a whole , in a more healthy appearance . And we are confirmed in an opinion for some time entertained , and often personally expressed , that the sleeping and other accommodations the Matronassist
of the house are not equal to the occupation of , - ants , servants , and sixty-five children , with a due regard to the health of all . We question if any dormitories of similar establishments in the metropolis are so crowded . After the children had sung , in simple and affecting style , the customary hymn , the Chairman addressed the company on behalf of the Charity . " It was , he said , by far the most important business of the day , to bespeak their considerate and benevolent feelings in support of
the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children —( cheers ) . Many appeals of a similar nature had been made to them by those who were better able to advocate the strong claims of that Institution upon Masonic sympathy , although none with greater sincerity or zeal than by the humble individual who then addressed them —( cheers ) . He had , liowever , the gratification of knowing that he did not address the cold of heart , or the reluctant to do good ; for with many by whom he was in behalf of that
surrounded had he long and earnestly laboured Charity ; and if he addressed those who were not yet enlisted in its aid , let them remember that the children before them were the daughters of Freemasons , and let them extend the same feelings of charity towards those helpless creatures , that they would have to be extended to their own children , if it might ever chanceto be their misfortune to be unprotected —( cheers ) . Such a scene as the present must amply repay
the exertions of those who had , from time to time , conducted the affairs of the Charity ; whilst the appearance and demeanour of the children then , and their excellent conduct in the school , and , lie was proud to say , of all those who had therein been brought up to virtue and usefulness , was the strongest testimony that could be offered of the constant care and attention , and of the high qualifications for the onerous duties of her office , evinced by their excellent Matron —( loud cheers ) . To her the children were under everlasting obligations ; and it was a pleasing fact to record , that when any who had left the school
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The Charities.
not merely among Masons , nor merely by a single nation ; but for his great charity was he distinguished , all over the globe , as the universal frend of mankind —( cheers ) . Responded to heartily , with three times three . Glee , " Oh I by rivers . " " The Pro-Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , with three times three ; Song , " Whilst I listen to thy voice : " and " The Deputy Grand Master , the Marquis of . Salisbury , " with three times three , followed in
. These toasts having been disposed of , the children were introduced in procession , led by tbe Stewards of the day and the Members of the House Committee , and followed by the Matron and her assistants . The larger number were then arranged along the dais , fronting the company in the body of the Hall , while some of tbe oldest girls occupied the organ gallery and the front seats of the galleries devoted to the ladguests the occasionof whom there were a goodly number of
y- on , Nature ' s best specimens , and Charity ' s purest ornaments . Of the cleanly , neat , and truly respectable appearance of the children it is unnecessary to speak . In this , as in most other respects-in their education especially—the Masonic Girls' School is an accepted model ; but we certainly have seen the school , as a whole , in a more healthy appearance . And we are confirmed in an opinion for some time entertained , and often personally expressed , that the sleeping and other accommodations the Matronassist
of the house are not equal to the occupation of , - ants , servants , and sixty-five children , with a due regard to the health of all . We question if any dormitories of similar establishments in the metropolis are so crowded . After the children had sung , in simple and affecting style , the customary hymn , the Chairman addressed the company on behalf of the Charity . " It was , he said , by far the most important business of the day , to bespeak their considerate and benevolent feelings in support of
the Royal Freemasons' School for Female Children —( cheers ) . Many appeals of a similar nature had been made to them by those who were better able to advocate the strong claims of that Institution upon Masonic sympathy , although none with greater sincerity or zeal than by the humble individual who then addressed them —( cheers ) . He had , liowever , the gratification of knowing that he did not address the cold of heart , or the reluctant to do good ; for with many by whom he was in behalf of that
surrounded had he long and earnestly laboured Charity ; and if he addressed those who were not yet enlisted in its aid , let them remember that the children before them were the daughters of Freemasons , and let them extend the same feelings of charity towards those helpless creatures , that they would have to be extended to their own children , if it might ever chanceto be their misfortune to be unprotected —( cheers ) . Such a scene as the present must amply repay
the exertions of those who had , from time to time , conducted the affairs of the Charity ; whilst the appearance and demeanour of the children then , and their excellent conduct in the school , and , lie was proud to say , of all those who had therein been brought up to virtue and usefulness , was the strongest testimony that could be offered of the constant care and attention , and of the high qualifications for the onerous duties of her office , evinced by their excellent Matron —( loud cheers ) . To her the children were under everlasting obligations ; and it was a pleasing fact to record , that when any who had left the school