Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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The Charities.
Mr . HARRISON would not consent to any delay ; the abominable use that had been made of the name of the Queen Dowager , rendered an immediate denial of her Majesty ' s permission imperative , ancl he should therefore read the whole of the correspondence . He had no personal knowledge of Mr . Goodwin ; but on reading Mr . Howe ' s circular , he , as Grand Registrar , sent to that gentleman , inquiring whether her Majesty the Queen Dowager hadas Patroness of the charityiven the
permis-, , g sion stated in the circular ; it was , perhaps , not necessary to state he had received an unqualified denial ; indeed , how it was possible for any person , unless desirous of hitting his head against a wall , to have acted as Mr . Rowe hacl done , he coulcl not conceive ; the use made of her name might have induced her Majesty to withdraw her name altogether from the charity , in consequence of having been made to appear as exercising an improper influence over its concerns . —The various correspondence
of Mr . Goodwin and . Mr . Rowe were then read . Mr . HARRISON ( in continuation ) . —The canvass was irregular , the publication of the circular hi ghly improper . What would have been said if H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex had attempted to have thus influenced an election ?—the most abominable observations woulcl have been made ; the subsequent correspondence was an aggravation of the offence . He had once the high honour of sitting at the table of her Majesty when queen consort , and he was certain she would never countenance such an
act ; the circle of her Majesty ' s friends was now more confined , her life more secluded , and therefore she was even less likely to allow her name to be thus used ; to the beneficence of a liberal heart , she added the retiring modesty of her sex , and was peculiarly sensitive as to the use of her name-in the charities she patronised . He would search into those of the committee who put the names of these twins on the list . He considered the author of the circular to be ignorant of all the forms that regulated the proceedings of societyancl called the meeting to
, upon rescue the Queen Dowager from the position in which she was placed , and to rescue also Mr . Goodwin from the stigma of having given the slightest cause for the circulation of the offensive paper . Mr . Harrison then moved certain resolutions , reflecting very strongly upon Mr . Rowe , which on being seconded , Mr . ROWE entered full y into explanations of his conduct . The first and second proxies were sent to him , in consequence of a respectful
application , stating the nature of the case , and the destitution of the family . The propriety of the case had been sanctioned by two General Courts ; ancl it was , therefore , both unfair and unreasonable in the Grand Registrar to use the arguments he had . Had he visited the domicile of the children ? It was not Masonic to attribute to him ( Mr . Rowe ) a bad motive ; and as to tbe ignorance with which he was twitted , he might regret the want of such learning as the Grand Registrar possessed , but he preferred his own ignorance to the manner in which such learning was used .
Mr . CREW inquired of Mr . Rowe , whether he conceived that Mr . Goodwin encouraged the publicity of the Queen Dowager ' s name being used in favour of the twins . Mr . Rows did conceive himself entitled to act as he might think proper , because he had received the proxies after a very explicit conversation with Mr . Goodwin . Mr . MOOR . —There was evidently a want of judgment in the circular ; but the resolutions , in his opinion , were much-too strong .
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The Charities.
Mr . HARRISON would not consent to any delay ; the abominable use that had been made of the name of the Queen Dowager , rendered an immediate denial of her Majesty ' s permission imperative , ancl he should therefore read the whole of the correspondence . He had no personal knowledge of Mr . Goodwin ; but on reading Mr . Howe ' s circular , he , as Grand Registrar , sent to that gentleman , inquiring whether her Majesty the Queen Dowager hadas Patroness of the charityiven the
permis-, , g sion stated in the circular ; it was , perhaps , not necessary to state he had received an unqualified denial ; indeed , how it was possible for any person , unless desirous of hitting his head against a wall , to have acted as Mr . Rowe hacl done , he coulcl not conceive ; the use made of her name might have induced her Majesty to withdraw her name altogether from the charity , in consequence of having been made to appear as exercising an improper influence over its concerns . —The various correspondence
of Mr . Goodwin and . Mr . Rowe were then read . Mr . HARRISON ( in continuation ) . —The canvass was irregular , the publication of the circular hi ghly improper . What would have been said if H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex had attempted to have thus influenced an election ?—the most abominable observations woulcl have been made ; the subsequent correspondence was an aggravation of the offence . He had once the high honour of sitting at the table of her Majesty when queen consort , and he was certain she would never countenance such an
act ; the circle of her Majesty ' s friends was now more confined , her life more secluded , and therefore she was even less likely to allow her name to be thus used ; to the beneficence of a liberal heart , she added the retiring modesty of her sex , and was peculiarly sensitive as to the use of her name-in the charities she patronised . He would search into those of the committee who put the names of these twins on the list . He considered the author of the circular to be ignorant of all the forms that regulated the proceedings of societyancl called the meeting to
, upon rescue the Queen Dowager from the position in which she was placed , and to rescue also Mr . Goodwin from the stigma of having given the slightest cause for the circulation of the offensive paper . Mr . Harrison then moved certain resolutions , reflecting very strongly upon Mr . Rowe , which on being seconded , Mr . ROWE entered full y into explanations of his conduct . The first and second proxies were sent to him , in consequence of a respectful
application , stating the nature of the case , and the destitution of the family . The propriety of the case had been sanctioned by two General Courts ; ancl it was , therefore , both unfair and unreasonable in the Grand Registrar to use the arguments he had . Had he visited the domicile of the children ? It was not Masonic to attribute to him ( Mr . Rowe ) a bad motive ; and as to tbe ignorance with which he was twitted , he might regret the want of such learning as the Grand Registrar possessed , but he preferred his own ignorance to the manner in which such learning was used .
Mr . CREW inquired of Mr . Rowe , whether he conceived that Mr . Goodwin encouraged the publicity of the Queen Dowager ' s name being used in favour of the twins . Mr . Rows did conceive himself entitled to act as he might think proper , because he had received the proxies after a very explicit conversation with Mr . Goodwin . Mr . MOOR . —There was evidently a want of judgment in the circular ; but the resolutions , in his opinion , were much-too strong .