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Address Of Dr. Boerne To The Lodge Of Frankfort.†
slain , to restore the tranquillity you have disturbed , to smoothen the scars which the shame of your ancestors bring down to posterity ? Oh return then to peace , and love each other . Thus spoke the good , in their devotion , and from the hardened breast of the wicked these words recoiled disdainfully . They heard them , but understood them not , and persecution was their reward . Yet in the world no seed is totalllostand not quite fruitless was their
y , task . AU those who felt the divinity in their hearts , and truth in their spirits , came forward and followed the call . They gave each other the band , and the bond of light was concluded . No witness signed it , no pledge secured it ; the sacred word went from mouth to mouth , and round the altar of right was drawn the mystic circle which forbade admittance .
How is the alliance called which links the good together , which weds the spirit to the heart , and secures the good-will to the deed ? In this sacred temple , it is according to custom , called Masonry . It is called otherwise in life ; but call it what you may , it sallies forth always as that which is the most noble and sublime . Yes , Brethren , Masonry is the holy spring where faded beauty refound her homage , darkened wisdom her light , and weakened power
her strength . Masonry is the refuge of threatened fidelity , the mediator of offended innocence , and recompenser of unrewarded love . The mingled rights of life she has to regulate , the prejudiced judgment of passion to punish , the actions of the heart to scrutinize . What the clumsy hand of ignorance has thrown together , she shall separate and revive with her genius ; what the fire of passion has embraced too hotly , she shall cool with her mildnessand what has been judged too severel
; y by the ignorant multitude , she shall cover with her shield . She throws down the barriers which the prejudice of mankind has erected between man and man ; she tears away the golden garment that covers a soulless body ; she arraigns heart against heart , spirit against spirit , strength against strength , and gives to the worthiest the prize ; she teaches us to value the tree for its fruit , but not for the soil in which it grows , not for
the hand which planted it ; she protects fortune against the arrows of malicious chance ; she seizes the rudder in the storms of life , and brings the leaky ship into the harbour . Brethren , in this spirit Masonry should act ; such should she be , yet such she was seldom , such is she not . Not to the Goddess does one sacrifice , but to the Priest . One grew weary of worshipping the work of art , one wished also to bow to the artist . Now one stepped boldly before
the Goddess and spoke : " Tell us from whence dost thou come ? Whither dost thou go ? Who has made thee , and for what art thou made ?" But Heaven disdains to give account to earth , and no answer was heard . Now the Mason drew out the plumb-rule of his researches , and groundless was the ocean . The impetuous heart began to beat against tbe barrier of revelation , and demanded an outlet ; but the barriers remained firm , and the gate opened not . He looked up to the stars , where truth dwells
, —he saw their light , but not its source . He cast his looks backward—past ages shall disclose to him the present—but the earnest Sphynx looked sternly upon him ; and behind the veil of Isis lurks death . Now the deceived Mason wanders in the universe , and can no longer find his home . In his heart a voice made itself audible ; and the voice spoke thus : " Infatuated man , thou hast forsaken thine home , and seekest for rest abroad . Thou hast become treacherous to truth , and lookest for VOL . VIII .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Address Of Dr. Boerne To The Lodge Of Frankfort.†
slain , to restore the tranquillity you have disturbed , to smoothen the scars which the shame of your ancestors bring down to posterity ? Oh return then to peace , and love each other . Thus spoke the good , in their devotion , and from the hardened breast of the wicked these words recoiled disdainfully . They heard them , but understood them not , and persecution was their reward . Yet in the world no seed is totalllostand not quite fruitless was their
y , task . AU those who felt the divinity in their hearts , and truth in their spirits , came forward and followed the call . They gave each other the band , and the bond of light was concluded . No witness signed it , no pledge secured it ; the sacred word went from mouth to mouth , and round the altar of right was drawn the mystic circle which forbade admittance .
How is the alliance called which links the good together , which weds the spirit to the heart , and secures the good-will to the deed ? In this sacred temple , it is according to custom , called Masonry . It is called otherwise in life ; but call it what you may , it sallies forth always as that which is the most noble and sublime . Yes , Brethren , Masonry is the holy spring where faded beauty refound her homage , darkened wisdom her light , and weakened power
her strength . Masonry is the refuge of threatened fidelity , the mediator of offended innocence , and recompenser of unrewarded love . The mingled rights of life she has to regulate , the prejudiced judgment of passion to punish , the actions of the heart to scrutinize . What the clumsy hand of ignorance has thrown together , she shall separate and revive with her genius ; what the fire of passion has embraced too hotly , she shall cool with her mildnessand what has been judged too severel
; y by the ignorant multitude , she shall cover with her shield . She throws down the barriers which the prejudice of mankind has erected between man and man ; she tears away the golden garment that covers a soulless body ; she arraigns heart against heart , spirit against spirit , strength against strength , and gives to the worthiest the prize ; she teaches us to value the tree for its fruit , but not for the soil in which it grows , not for
the hand which planted it ; she protects fortune against the arrows of malicious chance ; she seizes the rudder in the storms of life , and brings the leaky ship into the harbour . Brethren , in this spirit Masonry should act ; such should she be , yet such she was seldom , such is she not . Not to the Goddess does one sacrifice , but to the Priest . One grew weary of worshipping the work of art , one wished also to bow to the artist . Now one stepped boldly before
the Goddess and spoke : " Tell us from whence dost thou come ? Whither dost thou go ? Who has made thee , and for what art thou made ?" But Heaven disdains to give account to earth , and no answer was heard . Now the Mason drew out the plumb-rule of his researches , and groundless was the ocean . The impetuous heart began to beat against tbe barrier of revelation , and demanded an outlet ; but the barriers remained firm , and the gate opened not . He looked up to the stars , where truth dwells
, —he saw their light , but not its source . He cast his looks backward—past ages shall disclose to him the present—but the earnest Sphynx looked sternly upon him ; and behind the veil of Isis lurks death . Now the deceived Mason wanders in the universe , and can no longer find his home . In his heart a voice made itself audible ; and the voice spoke thus : " Infatuated man , thou hast forsaken thine home , and seekest for rest abroad . Thou hast become treacherous to truth , and lookest for VOL . VIII .