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& IT m m s s . To the custom of periodical visits to the SEA COAST , in situations usuall y exposed to the smrmost fervid rays , and destitute of the cool and delicious shadows of the sylvan " retreat , we frt-nijuntlv trace many cases of Cutaneous Malady . SOLAR HEAT produces upon the delicate SKIN a species o " f inflammation which , upon subsiding , leaves a permanent stain of inveterate tan , or sprinkles of freckle ; in other instances , a discolouration inclining to redness and swelling , afterwards easily excited to assume some one ofthe multitudinous forms of eruption . There exists no doubt that these evils are materially aggravated l . y SALINU VAPOUK , or by SKA-ISATIIINO , which latter , though salubrious -ls a tonic , cannot he otherwise than unfavourable lo the susceptibility of the Femal e Complexion to injury from stimulating and acrid causes . —The only efficient rREVENTivs against these unnleas-mt liabilities of the SKIN and COMPLEXl ON , is k nt & A \ lkKlht % & An Auxiliary of Vital Importance to the support of Feminine Beaut y I By its use , the effects of atmospheric influence upon the Skin arc entirely neutralized , and that constant healthy action of the minute vessels promoted—on which depend continued delicacy of texture and tint ; thus the great characteristics of early EKAUTV are protracted to a period which could not otherwise be considered as within the limits of possibility . The distressing and unsightly varieties of Cutaneous Eruptions are also promptly eradicated hy the KALYDOR . Spots , Pimples , Freckles , Discolouration , and Sallowness , yield to its SPECIFIC QUALITIES and are succeeded by a smoothness and transparency of the shin , giving rise to the most pleasurable sensations . , LADIES TRAVELLING , or temporarily subject to any deviation of equable temperature : will find in the KALYDOR a renovating and refreshing auxiliary , dispelling the cloud of languor from the - ' Complexion , and immediately affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity of the skin THE ARMS , NECK , AID HANDS , ' : also partake largely of the advantages derived from its use , exhibiting a delicacy of appearance here- : itofore scarcely attainable—even with the most sedulous care and attention . ; ROWLAND'S KALYDOR , infallible in removing all harshness and irritability , will also be .:: ; found highly useful to Gentlemen who suffer from those causes after SHAVING . In fact , whether as an appendage to the elegant Toilet , the Dressing-room , or the Travelling Equipment , ROWLAND ' S ' : ! KALYDOR will be found to realize the most sanguine expectation that can be formed of its refreshing , '"' . ' ¦ purifying , and restorative powers . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . per-bottle . iMMMUMPgi M ± MMm & m &* i . S £€ > S £ SS ££ S ^ SS ' i | Ensures a luxuriance of growth , and restores the hair when lost during protracted illness , or ;¦? I subsequent debility . Its nourishing qualities are also evident in preventing the hair from becoming i ; ' Grey ; thus demonstrating renovation of vitality in the roots as a prominent result of its use . It is A -the most elegant , agreeable , and efficacious application , hoth for realizing and sustaining , in the utmost -3 perfection , a Beautiful Head of Hair . H ; NOTIC 33 . —Each Bottle is ( with a TREATISE ON THE HAIR , Zlst edition ) inclosed in a A ¦ wrapper , on which are engraved the words " ROWLAND ' S MACASSAR OIL , " and the Name and il Address , in Red , on Lace-work , thus— A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , HATTON GARDEN . A Counter-Signed ALEX . ROWLAND , ii The LOWEST PRICE is 3 s . Gd . ; the next 7 s ., or Family Bottles ( containing 4 small ) at 10 s . 6 d ., or 3 Double that size , £ 1 Is . rt 3 , ( bMlhihi % l ^ fh I OR , PEML PEMf Wm ® Ea t The great esteem in which the Public have long held this delightful powder precludes the necessity v-7 here of entering into a minute detail of its merits , and the singular advantages it so eminently pos- £ sesses over most of the common powders sold for the Teeth . It is sufficient to observe , that ? . Rowland ' s Odonto is a pure preparation of the most efficient Vegetable matter , which not onl y has p the property of rendering the above beautiful organs ofthe mouth dazzlingly white , but strengthening ; . their organic structure , and fulfilling the delightful object of giving fragrancy to the breath . F ; i NOTICE . —The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , Hatton : ¦ . Garden , London , are engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the first and last iv I Articles ; and also printed in red , on the Wrapper in which each is enclosed . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , fi "duty included . g Many Shopkeepers sell Counterfeits of the above , composed of the most pernicious ingredients . % [ They call their trash the " GENUINE , " and sign A . RowlandSon , omitting the " & , " recommending % rthemjis _ being _ Ctoff _^/—Be sure to ask for " ROWLAND'S . " ° f
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
& IT m m s s . To the custom of periodical visits to the SEA COAST , in situations usuall y exposed to the smrmost fervid rays , and destitute of the cool and delicious shadows of the sylvan " retreat , we frt-nijuntlv trace many cases of Cutaneous Malady . SOLAR HEAT produces upon the delicate SKIN a species o " f inflammation which , upon subsiding , leaves a permanent stain of inveterate tan , or sprinkles of freckle ; in other instances , a discolouration inclining to redness and swelling , afterwards easily excited to assume some one ofthe multitudinous forms of eruption . There exists no doubt that these evils are materially aggravated l . y SALINU VAPOUK , or by SKA-ISATIIINO , which latter , though salubrious -ls a tonic , cannot he otherwise than unfavourable lo the susceptibility of the Femal e Complexion to injury from stimulating and acrid causes . —The only efficient rREVENTivs against these unnleas-mt liabilities of the SKIN and COMPLEXl ON , is k nt & A \ lkKlht % & An Auxiliary of Vital Importance to the support of Feminine Beaut y I By its use , the effects of atmospheric influence upon the Skin arc entirely neutralized , and that constant healthy action of the minute vessels promoted—on which depend continued delicacy of texture and tint ; thus the great characteristics of early EKAUTV are protracted to a period which could not otherwise be considered as within the limits of possibility . The distressing and unsightly varieties of Cutaneous Eruptions are also promptly eradicated hy the KALYDOR . Spots , Pimples , Freckles , Discolouration , and Sallowness , yield to its SPECIFIC QUALITIES and are succeeded by a smoothness and transparency of the shin , giving rise to the most pleasurable sensations . , LADIES TRAVELLING , or temporarily subject to any deviation of equable temperature : will find in the KALYDOR a renovating and refreshing auxiliary , dispelling the cloud of languor from the - ' Complexion , and immediately affording the pleasing sensation attending restored elasticity of the skin THE ARMS , NECK , AID HANDS , ' : also partake largely of the advantages derived from its use , exhibiting a delicacy of appearance here- : itofore scarcely attainable—even with the most sedulous care and attention . ; ROWLAND'S KALYDOR , infallible in removing all harshness and irritability , will also be .:: ; found highly useful to Gentlemen who suffer from those causes after SHAVING . In fact , whether as an appendage to the elegant Toilet , the Dressing-room , or the Travelling Equipment , ROWLAND ' S ' : ! KALYDOR will be found to realize the most sanguine expectation that can be formed of its refreshing , '"' . ' ¦ purifying , and restorative powers . —Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . 6 d . per-bottle . iMMMUMPgi M ± MMm & m &* i . S £€ > S £ SS ££ S ^ SS ' i | Ensures a luxuriance of growth , and restores the hair when lost during protracted illness , or ;¦? I subsequent debility . Its nourishing qualities are also evident in preventing the hair from becoming i ; ' Grey ; thus demonstrating renovation of vitality in the roots as a prominent result of its use . It is A -the most elegant , agreeable , and efficacious application , hoth for realizing and sustaining , in the utmost -3 perfection , a Beautiful Head of Hair . H ; NOTIC 33 . —Each Bottle is ( with a TREATISE ON THE HAIR , Zlst edition ) inclosed in a A ¦ wrapper , on which are engraved the words " ROWLAND ' S MACASSAR OIL , " and the Name and il Address , in Red , on Lace-work , thus— A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , HATTON GARDEN . A Counter-Signed ALEX . ROWLAND , ii The LOWEST PRICE is 3 s . Gd . ; the next 7 s ., or Family Bottles ( containing 4 small ) at 10 s . 6 d ., or 3 Double that size , £ 1 Is . rt 3 , ( bMlhihi % l ^ fh I OR , PEML PEMf Wm ® Ea t The great esteem in which the Public have long held this delightful powder precludes the necessity v-7 here of entering into a minute detail of its merits , and the singular advantages it so eminently pos- £ sesses over most of the common powders sold for the Teeth . It is sufficient to observe , that ? . Rowland ' s Odonto is a pure preparation of the most efficient Vegetable matter , which not onl y has p the property of rendering the above beautiful organs ofthe mouth dazzlingly white , but strengthening ; . their organic structure , and fulfilling the delightful object of giving fragrancy to the breath . F ; i NOTICE . —The Name and Address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & SON , 20 , Hatton : ¦ . Garden , London , are engraved on the Government Stamp , which is pasted on the first and last iv I Articles ; and also printed in red , on the Wrapper in which each is enclosed . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , fi "duty included . g Many Shopkeepers sell Counterfeits of the above , composed of the most pernicious ingredients . % [ They call their trash the " GENUINE , " and sign A . RowlandSon , omitting the " & , " recommending % rthemjis _ being _ Ctoff _^/—Be sure to ask for " ROWLAND'S . " ° f