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Great Reduction In Insurance On Farming ...
GREAT REDUCTION IN INSURANCE ON FARMING STOCK . HPI-IE FARMERS' AND GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE INSTITUA TION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , 346 A , Strand , London . CAPITAL , 500 , !> Oi , 'Z ., in 5 !> , 0 ( K ) ' Shares of 10 / . each . —DEPOSIT \ l . per Share . With upwards of 1 , 500 Shareholders enrolled .
K 3 Z-JO .- ! SA 31 T SSSISC . S'OS . S . Plis Grace the Duke of Rutland , a Trustee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The Right Hon . the Earl of Coventry . The Right Hon . Earl Oucie , Vice-President ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England The Right Hon . the Earl of . Stair . Jo . The Right Hon . the Earl of Stamford and Warrington , Cheshire . The Right Hon . Lord Stanley . M . P ., Lancashire .
The Right Hon . the Earl of Stradbroke - j Kent , Lord Rayleigh j Essex , Quintin Dick , Esq ., M . P . \ Surrey , Wm . PI . Sumner , Esq . i and Sir Thomas Gooch , Bart . J Suffolk . And fifty-six other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . FARMING STOCK insured without the Average Clause at 1 * . 9 d . per cent ., no duty .
COMMON INSURANCE . Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous , 1 * . 6 d . per cent . Hazardous , 2 s . 6 d . per cent . Doubly hazardous subject to special agreement . Fire Insurances may be effected for a longer term than one year , at Reduced Rates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of Lives are upon an equally moderate scale of charge . Prospectuses may be had of , and Proposals for Insurances , & c , be forwarded , to the Agents in their respective Districts , or to the Office in London . W . SHAW , Managing Director .
Masonry Is Charity And Good-Will To All ...
MASONRY IS CHARITY AND GOOD-WILL TO ALL MANKIND . " Man , man ! prince , peer , or peasant ! in wbat canst tliou resemble thy God , unless in the exercise of charity ? " " Si non ignara mali miseris succurrere disce . "
TO H . R . H . PRINCE AUGUSTUSTREDERICK , DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., K . T ., G . C . B . The M . W . Grand Master of England ; and to the various other Officers of Masonic Lodges in London and the Provinces . A GENTLEMAN ( twenty-six years of age , of liberal education , and known literary talentand possessing first-rate testimonials of character and ability ) grandson of
, , a physician formerly attached to the court royal of Louis XVI ., and son of a P . G . D . of one of the most celebrated Lodges in England , being at the present time in want of an ENGAGEMENT ( literary or otherwise ) , appeals to the charity and benevolence ofthe MASONIC BODY to assist him in his views , and thus rescue himself and family from the horrors of impending starvation . Apply ( by letter only , bearing name and address ) to A . G . Flatch , care of Mr . Barber , 30 , Cross Street , Platton Garden .
Freemasonry. ]Y[Asonic Clothing, Furnitu...
FREEMASONRY . ] Y [ ASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICIIOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW and other Masonic Works . '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Great Reduction In Insurance On Farming ...
GREAT REDUCTION IN INSURANCE ON FARMING STOCK . HPI-IE FARMERS' AND GENERAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE INSTITUA TION . Empowered by Act of Parliament . Offices , 346 A , Strand , London . CAPITAL , 500 , !> Oi , 'Z ., in 5 !> , 0 ( K ) ' Shares of 10 / . each . —DEPOSIT \ l . per Share . With upwards of 1 , 500 Shareholders enrolled .
K 3 Z-JO .- ! SA 31 T SSSISC . S'OS . S . Plis Grace the Duke of Rutland , a Trustee of the Royal Agricultural Society of England . The Right Hon . the Earl of Coventry . The Right Hon . Earl Oucie , Vice-President ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of England The Right Hon . the Earl of . Stair . Jo . The Right Hon . the Earl of Stamford and Warrington , Cheshire . The Right Hon . Lord Stanley . M . P ., Lancashire .
The Right Hon . the Earl of Stradbroke - j Kent , Lord Rayleigh j Essex , Quintin Dick , Esq ., M . P . \ Surrey , Wm . PI . Sumner , Esq . i and Sir Thomas Gooch , Bart . J Suffolk . And fifty-six other Members of Parliament and Gentlemen . FARMING STOCK insured without the Average Clause at 1 * . 9 d . per cent ., no duty .
COMMON INSURANCE . Private Houses and Shops , not hazardous , 1 * . 6 d . per cent . Hazardous , 2 s . 6 d . per cent . Doubly hazardous subject to special agreement . Fire Insurances may be effected for a longer term than one year , at Reduced Rates , by payment in advance . The Premiums for Insurance of Lives are upon an equally moderate scale of charge . Prospectuses may be had of , and Proposals for Insurances , & c , be forwarded , to the Agents in their respective Districts , or to the Office in London . W . SHAW , Managing Director .
Masonry Is Charity And Good-Will To All ...
MASONRY IS CHARITY AND GOOD-WILL TO ALL MANKIND . " Man , man ! prince , peer , or peasant ! in wbat canst tliou resemble thy God , unless in the exercise of charity ? " " Si non ignara mali miseris succurrere disce . "
TO H . R . H . PRINCE AUGUSTUSTREDERICK , DUKE OF SUSSEX , K . G ., K . T ., G . C . B . The M . W . Grand Master of England ; and to the various other Officers of Masonic Lodges in London and the Provinces . A GENTLEMAN ( twenty-six years of age , of liberal education , and known literary talentand possessing first-rate testimonials of character and ability ) grandson of
, , a physician formerly attached to the court royal of Louis XVI ., and son of a P . G . D . of one of the most celebrated Lodges in England , being at the present time in want of an ENGAGEMENT ( literary or otherwise ) , appeals to the charity and benevolence ofthe MASONIC BODY to assist him in his views , and thus rescue himself and family from the horrors of impending starvation . Apply ( by letter only , bearing name and address ) to A . G . Flatch , care of Mr . Barber , 30 , Cross Street , Platton Garden .
Freemasonry. ]Y[Asonic Clothing, Furnitu...
FREEMASONRY . ] Y [ ASONIC CLOTHING , FURNITURE , and PARAPHERNALIA requisite for Craft , Royal Arch , and Knight Templars , supplied on Reasonable Terms by Bro . J . NICIIOLLS , 14 , Well Street , Jewin Street , Cripplegate . N . B . —Orders punctually attended to for the FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW and other Masonic Works . '